Bones for puppies

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Bones for puppies
Bones for puppies
Puppy Dog Bones
Puppy Dog Bones

Offering bones to a puppy is very important whether it is to play, to relieve stress, entertain him or even clean his teeth. There are many advantages of this old toy but yes, we must have some considerations so that it does not become a dangerous element.

In this article on our site we want to help you by offering a list of advantages and disadvantages as well as the different types of bone that can be good for our puppy, who obviously must have already changed his milk teeth.

If you still have doubts and you are not sure whether or not to offer your dog a bone, get informed to make the right decision. Read on to find out puppy dog bones.

Advantages and disadvantages

As advantages we should know that we can give our puppy bones, as long as they are not cooked, must be given raw Cooked bones have the inconvenience of softening and can splinter in our puppy's mouth. It is a practice that has been carried out for a long time by countless owners and animal lovers. Below we will detail all the advantages of giving our puppy a bone:

  • They like it, its taste is appetizing for our puppy
  • Soothe and keep dogs' gums he althy
  • Helps keep teeth strong
  • Release your dog from the possible stress it suffers
  • Entertains him like a toy, he can spend hours nibbling
  • Removes tartar and prevents its appearance
  • It receives calcium and phosphorus, essential for its growth

Remember that the bones you give to your puppy cannot be offered already cooked because that makes them brittle and can harm our pet. In addition, we recommend that you give him those bones that are larger than his head, you will prevent him from swallowing them.

If you have doubts or are not sure about giving your pet a bone, you should assess the inconveniences that exist, because you must keep them in mind in any case:

  • If you use bones of poor quality, poorly refrigerated or of dubious origin, you can cause bacteriological diseases
  • They are not digested, for this reason if you offer him a small bone and he swallows it, it could be difficult for him to expel from the body
  • Small, brittle bones can cause an injury to the mouth, esophagus, stomach, or intestine such as a perforation or blockage

As the owner you must determine whether or not to give your pet bones, always thinking about their well-being and the advice we have given you. Next we are going to offer you a list of different types of bone, natural and not that you can give to your pet.

Bones for puppies - Advantages and disadvantages
Bones for puppies - Advantages and disadvantages

Raw Bones

We found two types of raw bones that we can offer our little puppy, both have different advantages and functions:

  • Edible bones: We are talking about "hollow" or weightless bones, usually poultry, such as chicken or turkey necks. These are flexible bones that can be chopped in a grinder to provide calcium, phosphorus and minerals to our pet.
  • Recreational bones: In this case they are large bones, beef for example, which will be used for your pet to chew and entertain for long hours. They stimulate you mentally and, although they do not provide you with calcium, they are impossible to finish in your stomach. If it is fleshy we will also encourage dental cleaning.

If you offer your puppy a raw bone you should Always closely monitor his behavior. This way you can act quickly in any situation that could pose a danger to your pet.

It is important that you try to maintain general hygiene, that is, do not feed the bone on the dirty floor, put it on top of a towel.

Finally, we advise you to always supervise the bones you give him, always thinking that it might or might not pose a risk of choking or if it could splinter (pork bones have a tendency to splinter).

Puppy Dog Bones - Raw Bones
Puppy Dog Bones - Raw Bones

Cowhide bones

Cowhide bones for your pup are available in various sizes. It is a totally natural product that softens if it is ingested, that is, it does not pose any problem as it could happen with natural bones.

We can find this type of bone in different formats, either like the one we can see in the image and even in the shape of a donut, ask at your usual store to make sure that it is a cowhide one.

Puppy Dog Bones - Cowhide Bones
Puppy Dog Bones - Cowhide Bones

Pork skin bones

We will also find in the market bones made from pig skin which we do not recommend as they are very indigestible. Diarrhea or vomiting may appear if our dog ingests them.

Puppy Dog Bones - Pigskin Bones
Puppy Dog Bones - Pigskin Bones

Bones Calcium

calcium bones are great for your pup. These are natural bones filled with calcium in paste that considerably improve their development. They are indicated for puppies and even large adult or elderly dogs.

We can find them in the shape of a cane as you can see in the image or as knuckles, it will depend on the store where you buy it. They can last much longer than the previous types of bone, however, it will be essential to wash it from time to time to avoid the transmission of any bacteria that could be in the soil.

Bones for Puppies - Calcium Bones
Bones for Puppies - Calcium Bones

Toy Bones

Finally we will find in the market toy bones for your puppy. These are completely harmless, impossible to tear and swallow and are also a good option for those looking for a toy that will last forever.

In the market you will find them in all colors, sizes, with or without light, with or without noise, etc. They are a good alternative for those who consider that the food their dog receives is adequate. Remember that you must clean it regularly to avoid the appearance of bacteria and dirt.

Puppy Dog Bones - Toy Bones
Puppy Dog Bones - Toy Bones


You can make a bone for your dog from cowhide. Create it yourself at home following these 5 easy steps.
