+5 TRICKS for my DOG to eat I THINK

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+5 TRICKS for my DOG to eat I THINK
+5 TRICKS for my DOG to eat I THINK
Tricks for my dog to eat I think
Tricks for my dog to eat I think

Although there are different options to feed our dog, the truth is that dry food, croquettes or pellets is probably the most widespread because of how easy and cheap it is. But not all dogs accept this type of food well, especially if they are used to another diet.

In this article on our site we are going to give tricks for our dog to eat feed whether it is a he althy dog or a is sick or is a puppy or senior with special needs.

Feeding the dogs

First of all, to point out that there are different options to feed our dog well. In addition to the well-known feed, wet products are marketed, the popular cans, although many caregivers reserve them only for special moments or convalescence. More recently, alternatives have emerged such as dehydrated food, to which you only have to add water, or diets such as BARF, which involves designing a specific menu for the dog. Likewise, resorting to a homemade diet is a valid option, as long as we have the advice of a canine nutrition professional to guarantee its balance. Otherwise, nutritional deficiencies could arise, as we explain in this other article on What do dogs eat? In other words, homemade food is not the same as giving our leftovers to the dog.

In this article we will focus on the feed. Whether we choose this diet from the beginning or if we want to adapt a dog that until then followed another type of diet to it, these are the tricks for a dog to eat dry food.

Tricks for my dog to eat dry food - Dog feeding
Tricks for my dog to eat dry food - Dog feeding

How to feed the dog?

If we opt for the feed, the first thing is to look for a quality one. Choose the range adapted to the circumstances of your dog, for example, for puppies, for senior dogs, for adults, etc. Take some time to read ingredient labels. The first, since we are dealing with a carnivore-omnivore, must be meat, better dehydrated to ensure that its percentage is maintained after the feed manufacturing process, since fresh meat will lose water, lowering the final percentage.

Once you have selected a feed, respect the portion recommended by the manufacturer for your dog's weight. If you lose weight, increase it in the range indicated on the package. On the contrary, if he gains weight, reduce it until you find the ideal amount for him, since other factors, such as his physical activity, also influence his needs. Keep in mind that if we overdo it, it is likely that the dog will not eat everything and it will seem to us that he is eating poorly, when in reality we are overfeeding him. Respect the quantities.

The puppies will eat several times a day, so the ration will have to be divided into the necessary feedings. Adult dogs can also eat multiple times or just once. Although there is the possibility of leaving the feed on demand, rationing it, that is, offering it the feeder and removing it in a few minutes one or more times a day can avoid conflicts over resources and we can use it as an educational tool, for example, asking it to sit down before eating. It also helps us to control when he will be more or less hungry, which allows us to give obedience classes with edible prizes when we know that he is not with a full belly. Of course, the feed has little moisture, so water, without a doubt, always on demand, clean and fresh, is essential.

Dogs are creatures of habit, so it benefits them that we always feed them at the same or similar times. Keep a schedule is the first of the tricks to get him to eat his pellets. But for some dogs it will not be enough. Here are more ideas to get you eating right.

What should I mix my dog's food with?

The first thing we usually think of when the dog is reluctant to eat the food is mix it And the truth is that it recommends that the adaptation to the new food be done gradually Sudden changes in the diet are very common to produce digestive disorders, especially soft or liquid stools. Thus, to avoid problems we can imagine dividing the feeder into four parts and start with three of the old food and one of the new. In a couple of days it will be two of the new one, in another pair three, until we completely change the menu. If what we give is homemade food you still have to make this gradual adaptation, but it is better not to mix the two types of food, since they are not digested in the same way. same way.

This trick to get your dog to eat dry food will work if we are constant That is, there will be dogs that refuse to eat the dry food and they will maintain only with the part that touches them of their previous meal. Do not fall into the error of, out of pity, give him more of this. No he althy dog is going to starve. Stick to the guidelines set and you will eventually get used to it. Of course, if the dog is sick, he cannot go without food. In that case, the vet will tell you how to feed him based on his pathology.

How to soften my dog's food?

The feed can also be mixed with liquids to soften it. It is another of the tricks for a dog to eat feed, as some dogs accept it better when it is softer. A typical case is that of puppies during weaning. At first they are likely to be able to eat the feed better if its consistency is soft. Dogs with mouth problems or some other pathology may also find it easier to eat softened feed.

So, yes, water can be added to dog food Serve cold or lukewarm, not hot. Another option is to soak it with broth, such as chicken or fish, but it should not contain s alt or any ingredient other than the piece of meat and, optionally, rice or cooked potato. We will use only the liquid, which we can even freeze. A few minutes before meal time we will add enough to cover the feed, more or less depending on the texture we are looking for. The balls will absorb the liquid and, later, we can give them to the dog by crushing them or just like that.

If we have raised puppies with artificial milk we can soften the feed with it or do it only with water. Before resorting to the broth, it is advisable to consult the veterinarian if the dog has any he alth problems and must follow a special diet. If our idea is that the dog eats hard feed, we will only have to leave it more and more tripping.

Tricks for my dog to eat dry food - How to soften my dog's dry food?
Tricks for my dog to eat dry food - How to soften my dog's dry food?

How to grind dog food?

Lastly, although it is less frequent, another trick to get the dog to eat dry food is give it crushed It is an option that is usually left to convalescent dogs, since it allows offer it with a syringe We should soften the feed with warm water or broth, if the veterinarian advises us. Later, instead of offering it directly or crushing it with a fork, we will pass it through the grinder or blender, so that we are left with a paste. We can add more liquid to achieve the desired texture. Being a paste, you can ingest it by licking it or we can help you by introducing small amounts into the mouth with a syringe from the side, in the hole behind the fang. It is a cheaper resource than cans for dogs that need a specific feed for their he alth, but their condition makes it difficult for them to eat it.

My dog eats less than before - why and what to do?

As you can see, there are different tricks to get your dog to eat dry food, which usually work in a few days if the whole family complies with the rules and no one gives him other foods that could reduce his appetite. Once the dog is eating the food normally and we provide it with the dose recommended by the manufacturer and nothing else, noticing that it leaves food in the feeder is a sign that the veterinarian should assessLoss of appetite is behind multiple pathologies.

But take a good look at the fact that he is actually eating less. For example, if the puppy has already grown, the quantities will have to be adjusted to its adult weight. If the dog eats our food, it will eat less food or, when for whatever reason they exercise less, it will also need less food. In that case he does not eat less, but what he needs and leaves the surplus. He may also need fewer grams per day if you switch to a higher quality feed. That's why you should always look at the administration guidelines given by the manufacturer and respect them. Check his body condition to see if he is losing or gaining weight and weigh him from time to time. If you have followed all the recommendations and he is still not eating as usual, go to the vet.

For more information, we encourage you to read this other article on Why isn't my dog eating?