How are RABBITS BORN? - Video, Photos and Explanation

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How are RABBITS BORN? - Video, Photos and Explanation
How are RABBITS BORN? - Video, Photos and Explanation
How are rabbits born?
How are rabbits born?

Rabbits are one of the most common pets in our homes, after cats and dogs. Many of you will have had a bunny at home at some time. But do you know how rabbits are born?

On the other hand, why do you say “raise like rabbits” to refer to procreate a lot? Today on our site we want to tell you all the details about how bunnies are born, how many and at what age they can start an independent life.

At what age do rabbits breed?

Rabbits are very precocious animals as far as reproduction is concerned, as they can have offspring at very young ages. Specifically, a rabbit is fertile from 4-5 months of age, somewhat more in females, with them being 5-6 months old months.

This average is general, since the age of sexual maturation varies considerably from one breed to another. However, although at that age they are already capable of reproducing, it is recommended wait until 8-9 months if you want to make crosses, because at that time the organism of rabbits is already fully developed, and complications in pregnancy and childbirth can be avoided.

Here we also explain how do rabbits reproduce?

How are rabbits born? - At what age do rabbits reproduce?
How are rabbits born? - At what age do rabbits reproduce?

How many babies can a rabbit have?

In each pregnancy, the same doe can have very different litters, as these can be made up of between 1 and 5 kits. However, incredibly large litters have been recorded, from up to 15 kits.

Also, it should be noted that in some breeds, especially the medium ones, the average is often higher, with between 5 and 8 kitsper calving. What usually happens is that the larger the litter, the higher the mortality rate among the offspring, many of them dying practically at birth.

To avoid unwanted pregnancies in rabbits, we recommend you read this other article on Sterilization in rabbits.

How are rabbits born? How many babies can a rabbit have?
How are rabbits born? How many babies can a rabbit have?

I give birth to a rabbit

After a 30-32 day gestation, it is time for labor and delivery. At this time, the mother will go to the nest she has, the burrow or a secluded place, to have her young protected from her.

The doe prepares a nest with whatever materials are available, in many cases using her own hair as a mantle When labor begins, the doe retreats to the nest, where she remains during the birth and begins to nurse her young practically as soon as they go out into the outside world.

How long does a rabbit give birth?

The labor of a rabbit is extraordinarily fast, since it is estimated that the average time it takes to give birth is barely half an hour This labor It usually occurs without complications, at night or at dawn, when the animal can be calmer and the darkness protects it from dangers and predators.

You may also be interested in this other article on Caring for newborn rabbits.

How are rabbits born? - birth of a rabbit
How are rabbits born? - birth of a rabbit

When to separate the baby rabbits?

If for whatever reason, we need to separate the young from their mother, this separation must be done only when appropriate. So that the kits can be separated from their mother without causing a serious problem for the young, the separation must be done when the kits have been weaned Thus, now they do not need the contribution of breast milk, something essential for the proper development of their body.

In general, the age of 28 days from birth, or from 25 days if it is very urgent. It is also common that in very large litters, weaning must be done later, since the supply of breast milk is lower per rabbit, and development may be later than usual.

How are rabbits born? - When to separate the baby rabbits?
How are rabbits born? - When to separate the baby rabbits?

How are rabbits born? Explanation for children

When mummy and daddy rabbit decide to have bunnies, mummy will have to carry them on her tummy until the bunnies are ready to go. When they are born, they are very small and delicate, so they cannot be picked up or played with until they have grown, or we may inadvertently hurt them.

The mother rabbit has between 1 and 5 little rabbits, which she takes great care of and gives them milk that she generates. This milk is very important for your babies, so they cannot be separated from their mother until they stop drinking it.

If your rabbit has had bunnies, you have to help her, feeding her, also drinking clean water, pampering her and protecting her, leaving her in a quiet and warm place. So when the bunnies grow up, you can all play together!
