Common EUROPEAN cat - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)

Common EUROPEAN cat - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)
Common EUROPEAN cat - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)
European Common Cat
European Common Cat

The common European cat is also known as the "Roman cat" since it was at that time that they spread throughout Europe. His Latin name is Felis Catus. It is believed that this breed comes from the African wildcat and the jungle cat, although its origins are very uncertain. Other sources claim that it comes from Sweden. Of course, it was not until 1981 that the breed was officially accepted by the FIFE.

European cats are usually bicolor, with a short-haired tabby coat, although they can also carry genes for longhair, tortoiseshell or mottled. Discover in this breed file on our site characteristics, character and care of the common European cat. Take note!

Physical Characteristics of the Common European Cat

European cats are usually medium-sized, although males are usually somewhat larger and more muscular than females. In any case, it is a strong and robust breed The common European cat has a rounded and wide face, as well as a tail that is thick at the base and tapered at the tip. The coat is smooth and shiny.

You can have eyes of different colors including blue, yellow or green. You can also display different types of fur:

  • Tabby: the most common and well-known. These are dark streaks on a brownish coat.
  • One Color: Although the most common are black and white, it can also be developed with gray tones. In the monocolor we also include some facial masks.
  • Marble-Marble is a rare variety of tabby. We can identify a European marbled cat if it has a thick and dark line that follows the entire spine, as well as other thick and well-defined stripes on the sides. Marbled cats can also display small orange shapes.
  • Bicolor: Usually black and white are mixed, although it can also occur in orange and white tones. There is a great variety in European bicolor cats.
  • Tricolor: usually occurs in females and usually mixes orange, white and black.

Finally add that the length of its coat can vary, although in general we are dealing with a common European shorthair cat.

Common European Cat Character

Although each cat has its own particular character, the common European cat is usually somewhat independent However, when you find yourself at home it will be a very affectionate and sweet animal that will seek your attention. He is a very intelligent and clean cat with strong hunting abilities.

It easily adapts to all types of homes and is a very resistant cat. In privacy we will enjoy a very sweet animal but with character that will make us enjoy the benefits of having a domestic European cat. However, this breed can be somewhat shy around strangers at first.

Care of the common European cat

This animal does not require excessive care to keep fit and beautiful, since it is a particularly clean specimen. You should brush him once a week using short-haired cat brushes. Likewise, if you have a European long-haired cat, don't hesitate to visit brushes for long-haired cats.

Providing him with a good diet is the best way to take care of him, since it will directly affect the shine of his coat and his physical he alth enviable. You should inform yourself about the amounts you need according to your weight and age to avoid being overweight in cats.

Physical and mental stimulation will also be a good tool that will allow you to enjoy a he althy and well-developed cat. Play intelligence games and encourage him to chase you around the house to exercise him regularly.

Finally, just to point out that it needs the care that any other cat since it adapts wonderfully to any situation, climate or home. Get a bed, toys and good food and you will enjoy a long-lived cat for a long time.

He alth of the common European cat

This is a cat that can reach 15 years of age, although if you need good care this figure can increase a lot plus. Discovering beneficial foods for cats can help you prepare he althy homemade recipes.

The most common diseases of this breed are usually:

  • Allergy
  • Bronchopneumonia
  • Waterfalls
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Flu
  • Otitis
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Furballs

Something to keep in mind regarding the he alth of European cats is that they are very fertile since they develop their sexuality much earlier than other cat breeds: at 19 months. To avoid an unwanted litter, we recommend that you neuter your feline and avoid possible behavior problems such as territoriality, aggressiveness or running away from home.

Learn about hairballs in cats as well as the use of m alt to treat them properly and prevent our cat from suffering gastrointestinal problems related to this problem.

Photos of Common European Cat
