Dog Sports

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Dog Sports
Dog Sports
Dog sports
Dog sports

Although it may seem that dog sports are activities dedicated exclusively to dogs, the truth is that they require great involvement on the part of Of the owner. And it is that not only must the animal be trained to carry out the selected activity, but in many of them the owner must participate.

In this article on our site you will discover the most popular sports for dogs and practiced. Some of them are intended for competition through stipulated regulations, while others can be practiced freely in designated spaces or that have the necessary conditions. Do you want to meet them? Read on and discover the dog sports below to find out which one is best for you and your furry companion.

Herding: herding dogs

Herding is an exciting sport in which the handler must direct the dog so that it, in turn, moves the cattle in a certain direction. In this sense, it is perhaps the most complex of dog sports in terms of the training that dogs need.

In general, sheep, ducks or cattle are used to carry out the exercises, always without harming any of the animals. Likewise, the most suitable dog breeds for practicing this canine sport are those classified in group 1 according to the FCI, since it belongs to the dogs of shepherd and cattle dogs.

Dog Sports - Herding: Herding Dogs
Dog Sports - Herding: Herding Dogs


One of the oldest and most popular canine sports, the schutzhund requires a great deal of concentration, effort and collaboration between the dog and the handler. the. Initially, it was born with the purpose of testing German shepherd dogs and checking whether or not they were fit to work. Currently, it can be practiced by all dog breeds, the Belgian Shepherd being the most common, and it is used both to train working dogs and to enjoy dog sports and compete.

The schutzhund is made up of three parts: obedience, tracking and protection In this way, we see how this canine sport is intended, mainly, for training protection dogs. To do this, in addition to training the dog to track, it is necessary to train the dog to attack only when strictly necessary. In this sense, we only recommend the practice of this sport for dogs in those experienced owners, since incorrect training could lead to an aggressive dog. Likewise, if you intend to use the schutzhund for a practice that has nothing to do with sports or work, such as police work, we do not recommend it on our site either.

Although schutzhund is a sport, many people consider schutzhund dogs to be dangerous because they are trained to attack. However, practitioners of this canine sport take the opposite view and say that schutzhund dogs are safe and stable. As we mentioned, if the sport is practiced properly, the purpose is to protect, not to attack.

Dog sports - Schutzhund
Dog sports - Schutzhund


Created in 1978 as a distraction for intermissions at the prestigious "Cruft's" dog show in London, agility soon became a new sport for dogs. Currently, agility is the most popular canine sport in recent years. It's like a canine variant of horse trials, and in fact, its creator was a fan of horse trials.

This sport consists of preparing a track with a series of obstaclesthat the dog must overcome under the orders of the handler the. The order of these tests is random, and the owner does not know it until minutes before the start of the exercise. If you want to know more about agility circuits, don't miss our article.

This dog sport is open to all breeds of dogs, regardless of group or size. Of course, it must be shown that the dog does not suffer from any disease or physical discomfort that prevents it from performing the tests without harming itself. On the other hand, it is recommended that the participating dog be over one year old and have internalized basic training.

If you are thinking of getting into this sport for dogs, don't hesitate and consult our article in which we explain how to get started in agility.

Dog Sports - Agility
Dog Sports - Agility

Canine freestyle: dance with your dog

Canine freestyle or dog dancing is one of the most recent and spectacular canine sports. Fascinating and captivating, it consists of presenting a musical choreography between dog and owner. It is one of the most difficult dog sports, as it takes the creativity and skills of the handlers to the extreme.

Although one of the main objectives of canine freestyle is to perform creative, original and artistic dance steps, some organizations such as the Canine Freestyle Federation require the presence of a series of mandatory movements. Since each organization has its list of obligatory movements, we advise you to consult the rules of the competition in detail. Still, here are the most common Moves in all of them:

  • Heeling: the dog walks close to the owner, regardless of position.
  • Front work: Exercises performed in front of the owner (sitting, lying down, walking on two legs, etc.).
  • Pace changes: the dog speeds up or slows down.
  • Walking backwards and sideways.
  • Half-turns and turns.
Canine sports - Canine Freestyle: dance with your dog
Canine sports - Canine Freestyle: dance with your dog


In this canine sport owner and dog run together, joined by a leash attached to the owner's waist, by means of a specific belt, and to the harness of the animal. To carry out the activity it is essential that the dog wears a shooting harness, and not one for walking.

Although there are currently canicross circuits and championships, this canine sport can be practiced freely, in any forest, trail or road, without the need to compete. In this way, not only is it possible to have a good time with the dog, but the bond between owner and pet is also reinforced. If you want to know more about this sport for dogs, don't miss our article in which we tell you everything about canicross.

Dog Sports - Canicross
Dog Sports - Canicross

Other dog sports

Although the dog sports mentioned above are the most popular, they are not the only ones you can practice with your dog. Next, we show you the list with the rest of sports for dogs:

  • Drafting
  • Flyball
  • Mushing
  • Messenger service
  • Skijöring
  • Competition Obedience
  • Trickdogging
  • Dog frisbee
  • Mondioring

Have we missed any dog sports? Do you practice other activities other than those mentioned? Leave us your comment and we will gladly add your suggestion.