The herreño wolf dog, also known as herreño wolf or herreño shepherd dog, is a dog native to the Canary Island of El Hierro. Traditionally, it was a dog used for herding sheep and goats, but the decline of traditional livestock meant that it was on the verge of extinction. Luckily, there are currently associations responsible for the recovery of this dog breed, or rather, of this "ethnic group".
Origin of the El Hierro wolf dog
The herreño wolf dog is originally from the Canary archipelago, specifically, from the Island of El Hierro This island is the one with the largest number of wolves from El Hierro, however, some specimens can also be found in Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma, even in some parts of the Iberian Peninsula.
The origin of the Herreño wolf dog is not exactly known, since in the Castilian conquest of the Canary Islands, which took place in the 15th century, the existence of some wolfdogs called canchas by the aborigines, which could be the ancestors of the herreño wolf. However, it is unknown if they were present in the Canary Islands prior to the Castilian conquest.
Originally, the Herreño wolf was used as a herding dog for sheep and goatsHowever, the decline of traditional livestock activity meant that the El Hierro wolfdog was on the verge of extinction. Currently, it is considered that there are only a few dozen animals that meet the breed standard, although, luckily, there are associations working on the recovery and maintenance of this breed.
In reality, the El Hierro wolfdog is not a breed in itself, but the Royal Canine Society of Spain (RSCE) considers it a “ ethnic group”. From a colloquial point of view, both terms are often used as synonyms. However, in a strict sense, there are essential differences between ethnic groups and dog breeds.
For an ethnic group to become a breed, specific selection work by breeders is necessary, so that consensual and around a common racial standard, in order to achieve both genotypic and phenotypic homogeneity and stability of individuals. In other words, we could say that the ethnic groups are the step prior to the official recognition of a canine breed. However, in the case of the elder wolf, the necessary selection process to constitute a breed as such has not yet been developed.
Characteristics of the El Hierro wolf dog
The El Hierro wolfdog is a medium-sized breed. The average weight is 22 kg in males and 18 kg in females, with a height at the withers of 54 and 52 cm for males and females, respectively.
It is a dog robust, strongly built, with a primitive and wolfish appearanceIt resembles the wolf in its constitution, its movement, its coat and its colors. Next, we detail the most outstanding morphological characteristics of the Herreño wolf:
- The head: it is triangular and the snout is elongated and narrow.
- The nose, or nose: it is usually black, although in lighter or coppery specimens the nose can be liver-colored (Brown)
- The eyes: they are small and brown. Both the eyelids and the edge of the lips have a black pigmentation.
- The ears: they are upright and set high, they are triangular in shape and oriented laterally-frontally.
- The neck: it is wide and proportionally short in relation to the rest of the body. The rib cage is well shaped and the abdomen is tucked in, giving it a slender stance.
- The tail: It is wide from the base and has a dark spot on the tip.
- The extremities: they are well plumb and have fine to medium bone.
Colors of the El Hierro wolf dog
The fur of the El Hierro wolfdog is short and there is a difference between the summer and winter coat, the latter being more long and thick. The coat color usually gray (more or less dark depending on the specimen), although shades of hair can also be seen more reddish, or even white or light cream-colored individuals Most have a light-colored mask around the mouth, and a light-colored mask around the eyes.
Character of the El Hierro wolf dog
El Herreño wolves have traditionally been used for their excellent aptitude as shepherding dogs for small livestock (sheep and goats), as they are of very resistant dogs. However, they are also excellent companion dogs, since they are especially faithful animals with their handlers and, in general, with all the members of their family.
We must point out that El Herreño wolves are restless dogs, with a great temperament and somewhat suspicious of strangers, although their intelligence makes them easy to train dogs.
Care for the El Hierro wolf dog
In addition to the basic care (feeding, walks, grooming, etc.) that must be provided to any dog regardless of its breed, special attention must be paid to the following care for the El Hierro wolf:
- Brushing: in seasonal changes, especially in the arrival of autumn and spring, it is important to brush daily, because It is the moment in which the change from summer hair to winter hair occurs, and vice versa. Here is another post with some Recommendations for brushing my dog's hair that can help you.
- Physical exercise: the El Hierro wolfdog is a particularly active and restless animal, so it requires a regular exercise routine to maintain physically and mentally he althy. They are dogs that require long daily walks, especially when it comes to pets that live in flats. We leave you this article about the 10 common mistakes when walking with your dog that may interest you.
Education of the herreño wolf dog
As we have already mentioned, the El Hierro wolfdog has a tendency to be suspicious of unknown people. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out socialization work with people outside the family since they are puppies, in order to prevent them from becoming suspicious when they reach adulthood. the strangers. In the same way, it is convenient to carry out this work of socialization with children, especially when it comes to companion dogs.
On the other hand, we must point out that the Herreño wolf is a temperamental dog and that it can become dominant with other dogs, especially those males. For this reason, it is also important to start your training from an early age in order to avoid undesirable behaviors in later stages.
He alth of the El Hierro wolf dog
In general, the El Herreño wolf is considered a he althy and resistant dog, with a hope of vida that oscillates between 12 and 14 years old However, like dogs of any breed, the elder wolf is not disease-free. To prevent them, it is important to:
- Follow an adequate vaccination and deworming schedule, to guarantee their protection against infectious and parasitic diseases. You can consult the Schedule of vaccinations for dogs, here.
- Carry out regular veterinary check-ups (at least once a year) to detect any he alth problems early.
- Guarantee the basic care (balanced diet, clean and fresh water freely available, regular physical exercise, daily brushing, etc.) to maintain good physical and mental he alth.
Where to adopt a wolfdog from El Hierro?
As we commented at the beginning of the article, there are currently few copies of wolves from El Hierro and most of them are found in the Canary Islands. Therefore, if you are thinking of including a wolfdog from El Hierro in the family, we recommend that you look in animal protection associations that are located in the Canary archipelago You can also choose to consult the associations that are dedicated to the recovery of this breed, so that they can inform you if they have any wolf from El Hierro waiting for shelter.
However, remember that the most important thing when it comes to including a new member in the family is not that they meet any racial standard, but that you can welcome them into your home and adapt to their needs and lifestyle.