My rat is losing its hair - Causes and treatment

My rat is losing its hair - Causes and treatment
My rat is losing its hair - Causes and treatment
My rat is losing its hair - Causes and treatment
My rat is losing its hair - Causes and treatment

Rats are highly intelligent and sociable small mammals. Many people currently enjoy the company of rats as pets and they are very sweet and affectionate animals.

Although our rat has been in good he alth, hair loss can sometimes occur, something that can occur for various reasons. We will give you the keys to identify if it is a normal process or if you should rather go to the vet.

If you continue reading this article, our site will point out the most common causes of this problem and its treatment. Find out why your rat loses its hair.

Lack of hygiene

Lack of hygiene is a common reason for the rat to lose hair All small animals tend to sneak into places of difficult access, which for this reason are difficult to keep clean. There they get dirty or carry fungi on their fur, breeding colonies in the rodent's dermis, the effects of which can cause the rat's hair to fall out.

For this reason it is convenient to brush the hair of our rat for one minute daily. When you do so, you will be able to notice in time any alteration in the skin and hair of your rat and find an ideal solution. Consult your veterinarian about the possible presence of parasites in his hair.

Food deficit

The lack of vitamins or trace elements essential for your species of rat is another reason that can cause your rodent's hair to fall out. This does not necessarily mean that your rat is not eating enough. What it indicates is that your diet is not balanced.

A visit to the vet is appropriate for this reason. It is convenient to combine the feed for rodents with vegetables and fresh seasonal fruits. The vet will recommend the he althiest ones for your rodent.


Stress is a factor that can cause your rat's hair to fall out. The cage too close to the television or other sound source can disturb your mood, or prevent you from resting well. Your rat's den needs to be in a quiet place. You will have to observe it to identify the causes that cause stress and the fact is that they are actually very sensitive animals.

Another large, unfriendly pet can also cause your rodent to panic. Children are also a cause of stress. Being shaken, squeezed, grabbed by the tail and hearing booming voices inches from their delicate ears are terrifying experiences for a newly arrived home rat.

The solution is to prevent your rat from having a terrible time because of another pet or a naughty child. Find a quiet place to encourage the rodent to relax.


Rats are social beings who like to live in a community. For this reason it is convenient that they live as a couple (two castrated males, two females or castrated male and female). If rats feel lonely they can fall into depression and this can affect their fur.

Sometimes the coexistence between humans that provide company can cover this need for company; but absences for work, studies, or weekends can be very sad for rats as they feel abandoned. Therefore, living as a couple is the best and he althiest option.


Sometimes rats get sick from multiple causes

  • infections
  • insect bites
  • cold
  • humidity

The various diseases that a rat can suffer from throughout its life can cause alopecia and excessive hair loss. If you play with your pet for a while every day, you will immediately notice if it is not fine and you will be able to take the appropriate measures to remedy the problem.

Rats are strong pets, but not indestructible, and they need minimal care and attention that we must provide them. Affection is great medicine.


  • Make sure you cover all the needs you need.
  • Use quality food.
  • Go to the vet to rule out diseases.
  • You must have at least two rats together.
  • Avoid stress, noise and aggressiveness.
  • Play with her and stimulate her mind
