Can dogs eat pomegranate?
Can dogs eat pomegranate?

The pomegranate is the fleshy fruit of the pomegranate, a tree of the Punicaceae family native to South Asia, Persia and Afghanistan. It is a low-calorie fruit with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that people usually include in their diet, especially as part of purifying and slimming diets. Some of its properties are also beneficial for dogs, however, raw fruit can have some undesirable consequences on your pet.

If you're wondering if dogs can eat pomegranate, feel free to join us in the next article on our site, where we explain everything you need to know about this fruit.

Is it good for dogs to eat pomegranate?

The pomegranate is not a toxic fruit for dogs In fact, it is not part of the list of toxic plants for dogs published by the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Proof of this is the existence of various commercial snacks and feeds for dogs that include this fruit in their list of ingredients.

As this is not a fruit that is toxic to dogs, you are most likely thinking that it is a fruit suitable for dogs. However, it is not so. The administration of natural pomegranate can produce some unwanted effects in dogs that we will explain later. Therefore, it is preferable to discard the pomegranate from the dog's diet and opt for other suitable fruits such as apple, pear, blackberry, raspberry or melon.

However, although raw fruit is not recommended for dogs, pomegranate peel extract is a nutraceutical product that can be used as a supplement in the diet of dogs, always under veterinary prescription.

Pomegranate properties and benefits

The pomegranate is a low-calorie fruit, notable for its high potassium content and for providing small amounts of vitamin C and group B vitamins. However, its main benefits do not derive so much from its nutritional contribution, but of the presence of other compounds such as polyphenols (tannins) and alkaloids. These compounds are characterized by possessing properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidants
  • Astringents
  • Antibacterial
  • Anthelmintics
  • Anticancerous

However, we must point out that these compounds are mainly found in the shell and in the laminae and membranous septa, rather than in the grains (or arils) of the pomegranate. In fact, the polyphenol content of the pomegranate peel is 10 times higher than that of its pulp.

The effect of these compounds present in the peel of the pomegranate has been evaluated in various studies. Specifically, pomegranate bark extract has been shown to have benefits such as:

  • Reduce the load of gastrointestinal helminths: applied in adult dogs. The anthelmintic properties found in pomegranate bark extract may have a residual effect of up to 30 days post-treatment when administered orally [1]
  • Reduce bacterial plaques: in dogs affected by external otitis and diarrhoea, pomegranate extract showed a good antibacterial effect, especially against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and Salmonella [2] Similarly, the incorporation of pomegranate extract in biscuits for dogs showed a reduction in bacterial plaque and dental tartar characteristic of periodontal disease in dogs [3] Do not hesitate to take a look at Periodontal disease in dogs: causes, treatment and consequences, here.
  • Increase antioxidant enzymes: Pomegranate bark extract supplementation in dogs showed an increase in antioxidant enzymes, such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase or glutathione transferase [4].
  • Anticancer effect: dietary supplementation with pomegranate bark extract had a positive impact on fermentation at the large intestine level in dogs. Specifically, it increased the production of short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, which improves the he alth of the colorectal epithelium and helps prevent colorectal cancer [4]

Why isn't pomegranate good for dogs?

As we have already explained in the previous section, the pomegranate is a fruit that provides various he alth benefits and is also not toxic to dogs. However, it is not a suitable fruit for our pets.

This is because the grains or arils of the pomegranate are difficult for dogs to digest, and can cause:

  • Stomach ache
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain

Therefore, it is preferable to keep this fruit away from our dogs and, whenever we want to take advantage of its benefits, do so through food supplements that incorporate pomegranate extract, since these will not produce any negative effects on our pet.

Are pomegranate seeds poisonous to dogs?

As we have already mentioned, pomegranates (including their seeds) are not toxic to dogs. In fact, they are not on the list of toxic plants for dogs published by the ASPCA. However, although its seeds are not poisonous, they are difficult for dogs to digest, so it is preferable not to include them in their diet.

Can dogs eat pomegranate? - Why is pomegranate not good for dogs?
Can dogs eat pomegranate? - Why is pomegranate not good for dogs?

What to do if my dog eats pomegranate?

Throughout the article we have explained the reasons why this fruit is not suitable for dogs. However, if your dog has eaten pomegranate, you should not be alarmed Consumption of this fruit may cause mild signs, such as vomiting or abdominal pain, but these are usually self-limiting symptoms that are resolved in a short period of time.

However, whenever your dog has consumed pomegranate and shows more serious or prolonged signs, don't hesitate to go to your veterinariantrustworthy to perform an adequate examination and establish the opportune treatment.

To avoid any unwanted effects associated with pomegranate consumption, remember to keep this and other fruits not suitable for your dog out of reach. This will be the easiest way to prevent your dog from accidentally eating this fruit.
