What is the best food for cats? - Types and recommendations

What is the best food for cats? - Types and recommendations
What is the best food for cats? - Types and recommendations
What is the best cat food?
What is the best cat food?

When we adopt a cat we care about buying accessories, finding a good veterinarian and, of course, offering the best food. At this point it is common for doubts to arise, since we will find different types of food. How to choose between the feed, the cans, the BARF diet, the dehydrated food or the homemade one?

We talked to the experts at https://www.zaunk.com/ about the nutritional needs of these felines to help you know what is the best diet for cats, which you can have at home conveniently and cheaply.

Nutritional needs of cats

Cats are carnivorous animals This means that their diet must be based on protein of animal origin, either from the meat or fish. Therefore, these ingredients are the ones that should be in the greatest quantity in your ration. Otherwise, their nutritional needs may not be met, even leading to he alth problems. Other ingredients, such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, vegetables or eggs can also be included, always as companions to the main ingredient.

You should also know that, due to the characteristics of their digestive system, cats prefer to eat small amounts several times a day, before than a couple of heavy meals. On the other hand, have a tendency to drink very little water This is because their ancestors lived in desert places and fed on prey containing approximately 70% of water, with which they hardly needed to drink. If a domestic cat consumes little water and we also do not provide it in its diet, it is likely that it will end up suffering from problems in the urinary system. Hence the importance of moisture in diets for cats.

Types of cat food

For sale you can find different types of food for cats of all ages and conditions. We review them and review their ability to meet the basic nutritional needs of cats:

  • Pienso: it is one of the most popular, cheap and simple foods, but it has the important problem that it contains only one 8-10% humidity, hence its exclusive consumption can cause he alth disorders. In addition, it is a highly processed product and it does not always have the quality it should, nor is the origin of its raw materials clear.
  • Moist food: in this case, humidity is guaranteed, but you have to look for a quality composition, because not all cans They are equal. You should also bear in mind that they are processed products and that they spoil and dry out if they remain in the feeder for too long.
  • Dehydrated food: This is a good choice for cats because it provides them with all the hydration they need. In addition, if we choose a quality one, it will be made with cooked and dehydrated natural ingredients. To prepare it at home, we only have to add hot water, mix, wait a few minutes and serve.
  • Homemade meal: a home cooked meal with ingredients chosen by ourselves is a good option, which will also provide adequate hydration. But it is not worth giving just any food to cats. In the first place, because some of the habitual human consumption can be toxic for them. But, also, because if we do not prepare a balanced menu from the hand of an expert in feline nutrition, we run the risk of causing our feline a nutritional deficit.
  • BARF Diet: this type of diet has become fashionable in recent times and is based on offering the cat the ingredients in raw, just as you would find them in nature. As in the case of homemade food, it requires the support of a nutrition professional to avoid deficiencies. We must bear in mind that raw food can contain bacteria and parasites that are harmful to our cat and that they are domestic animals that, just like us, have adapted to cooking food.

What is the best cat food?

Now that you know the different options, what are the best cat foods? The recommendation is to decide on the food that is most natural, exactly as we would choose for ourselves. Of the types of food that we have reviewed, we would stick with dehydrated or homemade food, the latter if we have the advice of a feline nutritionist and time to prepare the prescriptions.

If you don't have the advice of a feline nutritionist and you want to make sure that you cover all your cat's nutritional needs, the simplest thing is to opt directly for the best natural food for cats:dehydrated food It is a simple, safe and fast way to offer your cat a good diet based on fresh and natural ingredients, therefore easy to digest and very usable, it has several recipes to alternate between and has all the moisture that this species needs to maintain your he alth. It's also the best food for baby or older cats.

Companies like Naku have worked on this solution and offer high quality food. This cat food company offers a fully balanced diet based on products that you can offer your cat daily. They are in charge of designing the perfect menu so that your pet receives all the nutrients and they cook it in such a way that there is no processed ingredient that is harmful to them.

Now you know what the best diet for cats is: a diet based on good quality food that offers your feline all the nutrients it needs to develop properly. Take a look at Naku's website to see all the products they have and start taking care of your feline in the best way.
