Bastard snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) - Characteristics, poison and diet (with PHOTOS)

Bastard snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) - Characteristics, poison and diet (with PHOTOS)
Bastard snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) - Characteristics, poison and diet (with PHOTOS)
Bastard Snake
Bastard Snake

The animal world is so diverse that it is common for many of the species to cause us some respect in case they are potentially deadly if they attack us. A group about which we often feel fear is that of snakes, peculiar animals that are part of the reptiles.

Within the different types of snakes we find poisonous and non-poisonous species, so it is common for us to constantly ask ourselves if a certain species is. This is the case of the bastard snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) and in this file on our site we will talk about it in depth. Read on to discover the characteristics of the bastard snake, whether it is poisonous or not and many more curiosities.

Characteristics of the bastard snake

The bastard snake, also known as the Montpellier snake, is quite large, reaching measuring between 2 and 2.4 metersapproximately, trait that has made it the largest in its range. Females are normally smaller than males. As for the weight, it is around 1, 5 kg

Getting into the physical characteristics of the bastard snake, it has a somewhat elongated head and a relatively pointed snout In the line of each eye and nostril forms a kind of depression. Has a characteristic intimidating lookThe scales on the head and above the eyes are large and protruding, while those on the rest of the body tend to be smaller and more pointed. In relation to the tail, it is elongated and quite thin.

The bastard snake, when it is an adult, has a coloration that can vary between light gray, brown or olive green, while the belly is yellowish or somewhat whitish. However, males commonly show a color variation in the anterior region as they grow, which changes to dark gray. Adult specimens are more uniformly colored, while juveniles tend to be more spotted.

In relation to dentition, the bastard snake is classified as of the opisthoglyphic type, which corresponds to those snakes that have teeth connected with poisonous glands in the back of the jaw.

Habitat of the bastard snake

The bastard snake has a wide distribution in several European countries, such as Portugal, Spain, southeastern France and northeastern ItalyIn the case of Africa, it extends to northern Algeria, Morocco and the coastal areas of Western Sahara

Normally, it has a range from sea level to approximately 2,160 meters in elevation. The habitat of the bastard snake consists of thickets with low vegetation, open areas, dunes near the coast, crops and grasslands.

Costumes of the bastard snake

This species has crepuscular and nocturnal customs during the summer season, when temperatures are higher. In the other seasons it tends to expand its activity during daylight hours. It is an animal that can move quickly and agilely. In case of feeling threatened, it is able to stand up vertically, standing up and acquiring a posture similar to that of cobras.

Is the bastard snake poisonous?

The bastard snake is indeed poisonous, since it is provided with glands that produce a toxic substance. However, being an opisthoglyphic type snake, it is not common for its venom to be injected into people or large mammals, because in order to inoculate it, its fangs, which are arranged in the back of the jaw, have to be in contact with the victim, which is unlikely to happen.

Despite the above, certain cases of poisoning of humans have been reported, but in one of these events the person inserted his finger deep into the animal's mouth.

Although the poison of the bastard snake is not well identified, it is known that it is not lethal to people, although it can cause certain adverse effects that vary in intensity from one individual to another. In this sense, on the one hand, it can cause from mild discomfort to severe headache, recurrent vomiting, paralysis, inflammation and even edema and pain in the affected area. In the most severe cases, neurological problems and disorders of the nervous system occur. With proper treatment by medical personnel, the symptoms usually disappear within days.

Bastard snake bite, how to act?

This snake has large teeth and, although it tries to run away from people, it will not hesitate to bite if it gets the chance. The bite of the bastard snake is usually quick, capable of breaking through the skin and causing a wound.

The first aspect that we must always take into account with snakes is prevention. If we are in an area where we know that these animals live, it is important to move carefully and pay attention If we come across a bastard snake, it is not recommended under any circumstances try to grab it; only a specialized person can handle it.

However, inevitable accidents eventually occur, so if we are in the presence of a bite from this snake, what we should do is Transfer the person bitten to a center doctor as soon as possible, since, as we have indicated, symptoms vary from one person to another and only a doctor can determine the appropriate treatment in each case.

Feeding of the bastard snake

What does the bastard snake eat? As expected, the bastard snake has a carnivorous-type diet and among the animals it consumes we find:

  • Lizards
  • Chicks
  • Other snakes
  • Insects (mainly when young)
  • Rodents and other small mammals

Reproduction of the bastard snake

The reproduction of the bastard snake begins in spring, between April and May The laying of the eggs of the bastard snake happens when summer begins, which he does among the fallen leaves. The eggs of this snake are usually larger than 4 cm and the most normal thing is that the female lays between 4 and 18. This range is wide because it will depend on the size of the female.

The birth of bastard snake hatchlings occurs towards the end of summer, between August and SeptemberIf you are interested in this topic, we recommend you consult this other article in which we talk in depth about birth: "How are snakes born?".

Conservation status of the bastard snake

The bastard snake is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in the Least Concern category A plus for the species is that it is not subject to major threats. However, it is eventually run over on some roads, chased and hunted by some farmers when they enter crops, and some trade has also been reported for being misused by snake charmers or as a pet. At this point, it is important to note that snakes must live in their natural habitats and enjoy a life in the wild.

If you love these animals, the best thing you can do is keep learning about them to respect them and help them remain free species. There are many associations and rescue centers that help these reptiles when they suffer accidents to cure them and return them to their habitat, so you can volunteer and be in contact with them in a respectful way.

To expand your knowledge, do not hesitate to consult this other article: "Curiosities of snakes".

Photos of Bastard Snake
