It is said that the dog is man's best friend, and the truth is that a loved and well-behaved dog creates a very strong affective bondwith all family members, including children and even babies.
Some dogs take this bond to the point of developing a protective instinct towards their family, which drives them not only to take care of it at all times, but even to take aggressive attitudes towards anyone they consider a possible threat. If you want to know why dogs take care of babies, keep reading this article on our site.
The protective instinct in dogs
Despite the fact that the dog has been with man for centuries, the truth is that it has not been possible to completely strip him of his wild instinct. He still retains the behavior typical of his species, especially when it comes to survival and tending the pack.
In a family where there are small children and babies, the dog will feel the need to protect them from unknown people trying to get close as well as other dogs. This, of course, if the dog has been allowed to interact with the children and comes to consider them part of the family.
All dogs are capable of expressing this protective instinct towards children and babies, although it is usually even stronger in breeds that have long been trained for defense, such as the German shepherd, Rottweiler or Doberman.

Belonging to a Pack
Some researchers claim that the dog recognizes the human family as its pack, while others claim that, instead of perceiving humans as equals, they identify them as thesocial group they belong to.
From this social group the dog receives love, food and care, so in the face of any possible threat it feels the need to protect its members, both to repay all the good received and to ensure its own survival.
This protection is often extreme when it comes to the smallest members of the family, such as children and babies Apparently, the The dog is capable of perceiving them as the most harmless and dependent beings of the group, so they need the help of others (including the dog itself) to be well. Also, let's remember that dogs are able to perceive hormonal changes in humans, so they will notice if a person who seeks to harm, is nervous or anxious, for example.
Therefore, it is not uncommon that when you take your baby to the park with your dog, he remains alert to what is happening, adopting a protective attitude if someone passes near the child. This can even happen in your own home, when there are visits from people the animal doesn't know. There are many cases of people, big or small, who have been rescued from dangerous situations by their dogs, such as drowning or being alerted to an intruder at home, for example.
When it comes to babies, many dogs try to sleep close to the little one, either under the crib or at the door of the room. This will happen if you have presented them in the right way.
Reinforcing the good bond between baby and dog
Building and reinforcing a good relationship between the dog and the children in the house, including babies, is crucial both to stimulate this protective instinct, and to achieve a good coexistence between all family members.
Whether the dog has more time at home than the baby or if you decide to adopt one after the baby's birth, a good relationship between them should be encouraged from the beginning, rewarding positive behaviors and letting them play and get to know each other, always under adult supervision. You don't have to use treats or prizes for dogs, a "very good" or a simple caress can help him understand that the baby is a good thing and that being near him calmly is an appropriate attitude.
As the child begins to crawl and walk, he will want to spend more time with the dog and do things like pull his ears and the tail, so from this tender stage you should try to avoid possible incidents that the dog may misunderstand. Later we will be able to guide our son towards a correct relationship, however when we talk about babies we must be the ones who protect the dog from uncomfortable situations.
Of course, remember that it is very important that you never scold your dog in front of the baby or after doing something with him, since the dog could associate your presence with punishment or with negative attitudes towards him, which would encourage immediate rejection by the child.
Over the years, the child will grow up and be able to help you take care of the dog, with which he will learn the value of responsibility. He and the dog will become great friends, because the love that these furry ones give children is unconditional.
