18 curiosities of the chameleon - The most fascinating characteristics of the chameleon

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18 curiosities of the chameleon - The most fascinating characteristics of the chameleon
18 curiosities of the chameleon - The most fascinating characteristics of the chameleon
Chameleon Trivia
Chameleon Trivia

The chameleon is that tiny, colorful and fascinating reptile that lives in the jungles. In fact, it is one of the most interesting creatures in the animal kingdom. One of the most fascinating features of the chameleon is its color change. This chromatic quality is not the only peculiar thing in chameleons, but everything in them is made for some reason: their habits, their body and even their behavior.

If you like this animal but you don't know much about it, discover what the most fascinating characteristics of the chameleon are with this article on our site where we invite you to discover 18 chameleon curiosities specifically.

There are hundreds of species of chameleons

There are approximately 161 chameleon species on planet Earth and they are all special and unique. The chameleon belongs to the Chamaeleonidae family and they are small scaly vertebrates. Another of the curiosities of the chameleon is that, in the American continent, they are often confused with the family of anole lizards, although there is no relationship between one and the other.

See the Classification of vertebrate animals in this article.

Almost half of the chameleons live on the island of Madagascar

Most of the chameleon species inhabit the island of Madagascar, specifically, 60 species, which represents a 40% of all chameleon speciesthat exist.

The remaining species range across Africa, reaching southern Europe and from South Asia to the island of Sri Lanka. However, chameleon species can also be seen living in the United States (Hawaii, California and Florida).

If you want to discover more Animals of Madagascar, don't hesitate to take a look at this other post where we tell you what they are.

They have the best view of the reptiles

Chameleons have unique and perfect eyes, they have such good eyesight that it allows them to see small insects up to 5 mm from a long distance. Their arcs of vision are so well developed that they can cover up to 360 degrees and see in two directions at once without becoming disoriented or losing focus.

Each eye is like a camera, it can rotate and focus separately, as if each one had its own independent personality. When hunting, both eyes have the ability to focus in the same direction giving stereoscopic depth perception.

Don't hesitate to read this other article on the Characteristics of reptiles to learn more about it.

Chameleon Curiosities - They have the best view of the reptiles
Chameleon Curiosities - They have the best view of the reptiles

They are able to see ultraviolet light

Another fun fact about chameleons is that they can see in both visible and ultraviolet light. When exposed to ultraviolet light they are more willing to be social and reproduce, since this type of light has a positive effect on the pineal gland.

They have eyelids

It should come as no surprise that one of the chameleon's fascinating features is that it has eyelids. This quality makes them similar to other animals and to humans themselves, although the eyelid of chameleons does not cover their entire eye Their eyelid is practically attached to the eyeball and it only exposes the pupil and part of the iris. Another curiosity of chameleons is that they can reduce or increase the opening of the eyelid, so that more or less light enters.

They can change color

Thanks to a chemical product called melanin we know one of the most fascinating characteristics of the chameleon: that they change color. This ability is amazing, most of them change from brown to green in a matter of 20 seconds, but some change to other colors. Melanin fibers spread throughout the body like a spider's web, through pigment cells, and their presence in the chameleon's body causes it to darken.

Why does the chameleon change color? Discover the answer to this question in this post on our site that we recommend.

Chameleon Curiosities - They can change color
Chameleon Curiosities - They can change color

They don't have vocal cords

Although they are capable of emitting slight whistles or screeches, another of the curiosities of chameleons is that they lack vocal cords. It should be noted that such sounds are completely imperceptible to humans. This communication through whistles and hisses is carried out to defend themselves or mark territory

Its color depends on various factors

Although the males are more colorful showing multichromatic patterns when they compete for the attention of a female, another of the curiosities of the chameleon is that there is no sexual dimorphism between them. Chameleons are born with special cells of different colors that are distributed in the different layers under the skin.

The interesting thing is that they change color, not only to blend in with the environment, but also when they change their mood, the light changes or the temperatureof the environment and body. The color transition helps them identify and communicate with each other.

You may be interested in taking a look at this post on our site about other Animals that change color.

They have an extremely long tongue

Another of the curiosities of chameleons is that their tongue is longer than their own body In fact, it can measure up to two more times. They have tongues that are scientifically considered "ballistic" that work by means of a shock projection effect to catch prey located at certain distances.

This impact can be made in 0.07 seconds from when it comes out of the mouth. The tip of the tongue is a bulbous ball of muscle and when it reaches the prey it takes the form and function of a small suction cup.

Chameleon Facts - They have an extremely long tongue
Chameleon Facts - They have an extremely long tongue

They present sexual dimorphism

Another curious fact about the chameleon is that the male chameleons are the most "fixed up" in the relationship. On a physical level, males are more complex and strange than females, they can even have ornamental forms on their bodies such as beaks, horns and protruding nostrils that they use during any defense. Females are usually simpler and, although at first glance it may seem that there is no sexual dimorphism in chameleons, there are some traits that do show it, such as size or color.

Discover more information about sexual dimorphism: definition, curiosities and examples, in this other post that we suggest.

Curiosities of the chameleon - They present sexual dimorphism
Curiosities of the chameleon - They present sexual dimorphism

They have no hearing

Chameleons do not have an inner or middle ear, so they do not have an eardrum or an opening to let in sound. However, they are not deaf These small animals can detect sound frequencies in the range of 200-600 Hz. The fact that they do not have hearing makes their other senses are much more developed and allow them to be prey to predators.

Discover here some predatory Animals: meaning, types and examples.

Perceive vibrations

As we mentioned in the previous section, due to chameleons' limited hearing capacity, they can perceive vibrations through the airAn example of this is the flapping of wings of insects. This action allows them to know if their prey is more or less close to them.

They can be tiny

It turns out that the smallest of these animals, the leaf chameleon, is one of the smallest vertebrates ever discovered. It can as little as 16 mm and sit very comfortably on a match head. It is also interesting to know that most chameleons grow throughout their lives and that they are not like snakes that shed their skin at the same time, but instead shed their skin in different pieces.

You can discover the Types of chameleons that exist in this article on our site that we recommend.

Chameleon Curiosities - They can become tiny
Chameleon Curiosities - They can become tiny

They can be huge

If something should draw our attention to chameleons, it is their size. They can go from millimeters to centimeters depending on the species. An example of this is the Parson's chameleon, Calumma parsonii, which can reach measuring almost 80 centimeters We are talking about one of the largest and most robust chameleons that exist on Earth. This species, as we have mentioned before, lives on the island of Madagascar, where 40% of the chameleon population is found.

Chameleon Curiosities - They can become huge
Chameleon Curiosities - They can become huge

They are solitary animals

Chameleons have a solitary nature. In fact, it happens that the females quite often repel themales to the point of preventing them from approaching them. When the female allows it, the male approaches to mate her. Brighter, brighter colored male chameleons have a better chance than subdued colored males. Most of them enjoy their complete solitude until mating season arrives.

Discover the 10 loneliest animals in the world, here.

They sleep face down

Chameleons love to sleep hanging upside down as if doing inverted yoga poses. In addition, these fascinating animals have a spectacular balance that helps them climb trees with particular ease. They use their hands and tail to strategically distribute their weight as they move from one tree or fragile branch to another.

They are in danger of extinction

The common chameleon (Chamaeleon chamaeleon) is a beautiful type of lizard that is in danger of extinction in Spain due to the loss of its habitat and its indiscriminate saleIn terms of habitat, the coastal area where it lives to build has been destroyed and, regarding indiscriminate sale, the chameleon is considered by some people as a pet, which reduces its population.

We leave you this other article on our site about The chameleon as a pet so you can have more information on the subject.

They are mythological beings with a great meaning

Mythology and beliefs surround chameleons. In fact, there are some fascinating characteristics of the chameleon that we may not have known about. For example, it is believed that his tail was capable of stopping rivers or, if his liver was burned on a red tile, it was thundering and raining

On the other hand, some African tribes considered the chameleon a most sacred animal as it was the creator animal of the human race. It is an immortal animal that they avoid for fear of curses.
