My CAT URINS a LITTLE QUANTITY many times - Causes

My CAT URINS a LITTLE QUANTITY many times - Causes
My CAT URINS a LITTLE QUANTITY many times - Causes
My cat urinates very little - Causes
My cat urinates very little - Causes

Stop using the tray, meowing in the litter box or noticing that our cat often urinates a small amount are some of the relatively common disordersthat a cat can suffer. Any change in the normal use of the litter box is a reason for veterinary consultation, as it can be a symptom of urinary problems, some so serious that they even put the cat's life at risk.

In this article on our site, we explain why my cat often urinates very little and how it can be treated.

Urinating problems in cats

Urinary problems in cats occur with relative frequency It is usual that the first thing we notice is that our cat comes frequently considerable, higher than what was normal for him until then, to the sandbox. If we look closely, it may happen that he urinates a small amount many times, that, even if he tries, he is unable to eliminate any urine or, on the contrary, we see the tray much dirtier than normal because the amount of urine he voids has increased.

An increase in urination can be caused by different diseases, such as kidney failure or diabetes. For its part, its absence may be caused by a complete obstruction of the urinary tract. For this reason, the absence of urine constitutes an emergency You must go to the vet immediately.

But in this article we are going to focus on cases in which the cat goes to the litter box many times and is only able to eliminate a small amount of urine or even less, just a few drops. In addition, we may notice symptoms such as the following:

  • Excessive licking of the genital area, which may look irritated.
  • Meows when entering or approaching the litter box.
  • Urinating outside the litter tray.
  • Pain in the abdominal region.
  • Spending more time than usual in the litter box making efforts, which can give us the feeling that he is constipated.
  • If we can see the urine, sometimes it contains blood.
  • In the most serious cases, there may be general malaise, listlessness, vomiting, lack of appetite, etc. The cat's usual behavior can also be altered, for example by being aggressive or fearful.
  • A very serious complication of this condition is partial or total obstruction of the urinary system. This last case endangers the life of the cat. You have to run to the vet.
My cat often urinates a small amount - Causes - Urination problems in cats
My cat often urinates a small amount - Causes - Urination problems in cats

Causes of a cat urinating many times a small amount

There are several causes that can cause our cat to have problems evacuating urine. They can be grouped under the name of FLUTD, which means lower urinary tract disease It includes different alterations that affect the bladder and the urethra. Although all cats can suffer from them, those who are middle-aged, overweight and sedentary are the ones most at risk. Low water consumption, poor urine output, exclusive feed or stress situations are also considered risk factors. Regarding the causes of a cat often urinating a small amount, the following stand out:

  • Cystitis: which is inflammation of the bladder. It may be due to a bacterial infection or psychological causes, but sometimes its origin cannot be determined. It is then called idiopathic cystitis.
  • Calculus or crystals: the presence of stones or crystals can cause urinary obstruction, which means that our cat urinates less.
  • Urethral plugs: which can be made up of different substances, such as cells, proteins and crystals.
  • Urine Infections: Infections are another of the main causes of my cat frequently passing small amounts of urine, especially infections bacteria.
  • Tumors: Although less common, the location of some tumors can make it difficult to urinate in cats.
  • Anatomical malformations: an option that should not be ruled out. If you suspect that your cat has a malformation, it is important to take it to the vet.

Finally, keep in mind that obstructions, although they can occur in any cat, are more frequent and severe in males, due to its anatomical conformation, with a narrower and longer urethra than females.

What do I do if my cat urinates a lot and a small amount?

This urinary problem is very bothersome for the cat, so it should be more than enough reason to Go quickly to the vetBut, in addition, it is a picture that can be complicated or due to an obstruction. Hence, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is vitally important to go to the veterinarian promptly, not to take risks or wait for it to resolve itself. Even without a blockage, a bacterial infection can affect the kidneys

The vet will proceed to examine our cat to determine the cause that makes urination difficult. You have to collect a urine sample to make a strip, observe it under a microscope or order a culture. Depending on each case, it may be necessary to do an X-ray or an ultrasound and even a blood test. With these tests it is possible to detect an infection, the presence of stones, whether or not the kidney has been damaged, etc.

Treatment of cat urination problems

Logically, the treatment will depend on the cause of our cat's urination problems. As it is a painful process, it may be necessary to administer pain drugs In the case of bacterial infections, it will be necessary to combat them with an antibiotic. The presence of stones can sometimes be resolved with a change in diet, using a menu specifically formulated for their dissolution and prevention. Increased water intake is essential.

The most severe cats may require admission to the veterinary facility for intravenous treatments or even surgery to resolve a obstruction. If the problem is influenced by stress, the cat's living conditions should be reviewed. Consultation with an ethologist or feline behavioral expert may be necessary. In general, if the cat receives timely treatment, the prognosis is good, although it is not uncommon for this problem to occur again in the future.

My cat often urinates a small amount - Causes - Treatment of cat urination problems
My cat often urinates a small amount - Causes - Treatment of cat urination problems

How to prevent urinary problems in cats?

Although we will not be able to influence all the causes that can lead our cat to urinate a small amount many times, there are some recommendations to keep in mind to avoid this type of problem as much as possible:

  • Keep your cat active.
  • Offer him a balanced and quality diet. If you opt for the feed, give it at least a mixed diet, that is, complete the menu with wet food.
  • Encourage him to drink water. Put more than one drinking fountain and fountains with moving water.
  • Create a stress-free environment for him.
  • Make sure his litter box is kept clean
