LUMPS IN DOGS - Causes and Treatment

LUMPS IN DOGS - Causes and Treatment
LUMPS IN DOGS - Causes and Treatment
Lumps in Dogs - Causes and Treatment
Lumps in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

We can detect lumps in dogs in any area of the body and with different characteristics. There are different sizes, consistency, origin or danger, as we will see in this article on our site. Therefore, just looking at the lump or feeling it, it is not possible to know what it is.

It is essential that, as soon as we detect a lump in our dog, even if it is small, consult the vet. Only this professional can find out what it is and decide on the most appropriate intervention.

Types of Lumps in Dogs

Dogs can grow very different lumps. If we observe one in any part of its body or detect it when caressing it, it is important that we write down its characteristics Size, consistency, if it moves or, at Otherwise, it is fixed, the speed at which it has grown, if it has ulcerated, if there is more than one, etc. Later, all this data will have to be transferred to the veterinarian and it is important that we go to a consultation as soon as we discover it. If it is serious, early treatment can save our dog's life. In addition, it is always easier and cheaper to intervene before complications occur.

Perhaps fat lumps in dogs are the most common type. Hard lumps in dogs, which can be cysts, are also relatively easy to find and, furthermore, they are not serious. But the hardness or the fact that it is a lump that moves in the dog when touched does not give us information about its origin. To determine this, the veterinarian can aspirate cells from its interior with a syringe and carry out a cytological study, that is, the examination of the cells that form it. Thus, it is possible to know if it is a harmless lump that does not need to be treated or, on the contrary, if it is the result of cancer. Sometimes, a biopsy is done directly, with the complete removal of the lump for analysis in the laboratory.

For more information, you may also be interested in this other article on Tumors in dogs - Types, symptoms and treatment.

Lumps in dogs - Causes and treatment - Types of lumps in dogs
Lumps in dogs - Causes and treatment - Types of lumps in dogs

Causes of Lumps in Dogs

There are several possible causes of lumps in dogs. We will see the main ones here.

Cancer Lumps in Dogs

The lumps may correspond to growths of malignant or benign cellsIt is cancer and its causes are multiple. There are environmental influences, genetic predisposition or hormonal factors in some types of cancer. For example, this is the case of breast tumors, which are linked to the hormones of the reproductive cycle of the bitch. These tumors are lumps in the belly of dogs, specifically, they will appear in one or more breasts. But, if we feel a mass in the ventral area, it may also be due to a tumor in an internal organ.

For more information, you can consult this other article on our site about Cancer in dogs.

Lumps in dogs due to abscesses

On the other hand, not all lumps are tumors. Abscesses in dogs, which are collections of pus under the skin, can be seen as lumps. Its origin is usually a bite that seems to close, but actually becomes infected. Lumps in dogs on the back or on the head are likely to correspond to the consequences of a fight.

Lumps in dogs due to vaccines

Also, although rare, lumps may appear in dogs due to vaccinations or, in general, due to the subcutaneous administration of any drug. They are the lumps in dogs in the neck or in the withers area, which is where they are usually pricked.

Here you can also see The most frequent post-vaccination reactions in dogs.

Lymph Node Lumps in Dogs

Finally, sometimes the lymph nodes become enlarged as a response to an infection and we can feel them as lumps under the skin. They are usually felt on the neck or hind legs. If this is the case, it will be essential that you go to the vet, since it is likely that the dog needs antibiotics.

Lumps in dogs - Causes and treatment - Causes of lumps in dogs
Lumps in dogs - Causes and treatment - Causes of lumps in dogs

Lumps in Older Dogs

We highlight the lumps that appear in older dogs because those of tumor origin are more likely to appear in them, since age is another risk factor for cancer in dogs. In these dogs we can even find lumps on the eyelids. They are tumors in the Meibomian glands, some sebaceous glands of the eyelid. They are not dangerous but, when contacting the cornea, they can cause irritation.

What is important to be clear about is that the advanced age of the dog does not imply that we should leave it without treatment, thinking that they are disorders of old age and that nothing can be done. Discovering a tumor in its early stages can allow treatment and, although it will not prolong your life, we will ensure that you maintain a good quality until the last day.

For a better quality of life, you can also consult this other article on our site about Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog.

Lumps in dogs - Causes and treatment - Lumps in older dogs
Lumps in dogs - Causes and treatment - Lumps in older dogs

Dog Lump Treatment

The treatment for the lumps will depend on their origin. If we are dealing with an abscess, it may be necessary to drain it, disinfect it and administer antibiotics and even anti-inflammatories. Special care must be taken with head and neck abscesses, which must receive immediate attention, as we can see in this other article on Why does my dog have a ball on the neck?

The lumps that have originated after an injection usually disappear on their own. Otherwise, the treatment would be similar to that of abscesses. On the other hand, some lumps, depending on their benignity and location, do not require treatment and, only if they grow, bother the dog or ulcerate, it may be necessary its extraction.

When it comes to cancer in dogs, it is always recommended to remove the tumor completely and a whole margin of he althy tissue around it. But first, depending on the lump, it may be necessary to perform a blood test and an X-ray or ultrasound to have information about the general condition of the dog and discover whether or not there are metastases. It is true that there are inoperable cases, but it may be possible to treat them with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Home remedies for lumps in dogs

As for home remedies for lumps in dogs, the truth is that you always have to go to the vet because it is essential to know what it's the lump If the vet confirms an abscess, yes we can, at home, use warm, moist compresses to put on the lump for about fifteen minutes four times a day. In this way, it is possible to soften it and make it easier to drain it. In packages from vaccines, heat can also be applied.
