My DOG has SWOLLEN FACE - Causes and Treatments

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My DOG has SWOLLEN FACE - Causes and Treatments
My DOG has SWOLLEN FACE - Causes and Treatments
My dog has a swollen face - Causes and treatments
My dog has a swollen face - Causes and treatments

Discovering that our dog has a swollen face is quite a scare for any caregiver. The causes of such inflammation can be various, from allergic reactions to tumors, through accumulations of pus under the skin called abscesses. Therefore, it will be the veterinarian who must offer us a diagnosis and its corresponding treatment.

If you were wondering why my dog has a swollen face and you've come this far, keep reading this article on our site, where We will explain the most common situations that we can identify behind the swollen face of our dog.

My dog has a swollen nose

The first thing to look for when a dog has a swollen face is the exact location of the swelling. This is usually detected on the snout, around the eye or occupying an entire side of the face, which can give us clues as to the cause.

Inflammation in the dog's snout due to a foreign body

Thus, if our dog has a swollen muzzle, it is easily due to the presence of a foreign body Through the nose, the dog can inhale different objects such as spikes, seeds, plant fragments and, in general, any material small enough to enter through the nostrils. In these cases, the swelling usually affects a part of the snout

It is common for the dog to sneeze or rub its nose to try to expel the foreign body. Failure to do so is when inflammation and infection may develop. The vet can look for the object by examining the inside of the nostrils to try to remove it under general anesthesia or strong sedation. Other times, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are prescribed.

My dog's mouth is swollen with pus

Having a foreign body lodged can trigger an infection with a collection of pus. This is called an abscess With treatment, the swelling is controlled and the foreign body may move and stop causing problems. In addition, abscesses can appear in other locations such as mouth or eye area

In the first case, they are submandibular abscesses, which arise in the mouth and spread under the jaw. The latter are called retrobulbar abscesses and can prolapse the eye from its orbit. If the swelling is under the eye, it may be an abscess in the frontal sinuses. They need antibiotic treatment and, sometimes, drainage, in addition to anti-inflammatories. Be very careful with abscesses anywhere on the head, as they could end up causing an infection in the dog's brain.

Dog's swollen snout due to tumor

A tumor or neoplasm growing on the inside of the face is another possible cause of swelling on the dog's face, once they reach a large size. They can also prolapse the eye, which indicates that the tumor is already in an advanced state.

The veterinarian must take a sample to determine what type of tumor we are dealing with. This information is what will determine treatment and prognosis. In some cases, surgery may be used. Other times, these tumors are not operable but can be treated with radiation therapy.

In this other article we explain more about Tumors in dogs.

My dog has a swollen face - Causes and treatments - My dog has a swollen nose
My dog has a swollen face - Causes and treatments - My dog has a swollen nose

My dog has a swollen face and is scratching

An allergic reaction is another common cause of a dog's facial swelling. Allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to a stimulus that, in principle, should not trigger the immune system reaction. An example is the bite of certain insects or arachnids. The nose and lips are the most commonly affected areas, since it is not uncommon for the dog to approach pry the insect.

In these cases, we can observe more symptoms. A dog that has a swollen face and hives or itchiness in that area may be experiencing an allergic reaction. See a vet as some dogs may experience a severe allergic condition known as anaphylactic shock In more severe anaphylactic reactions, the dog has a swollen face and vomiting, diarrhoea, weakness and breathing difficulties that can lead to choking if veterinary care is not received immediately.

So you can check if it is an allergic reaction or not, we encourage you to read this other article on our site about Allergies in dogs.

My dog has a swollen face and red eyes

Although swelling of the face and eye irritation and discharge also occur after an allergic reaction, we highlight this section because red eyes can indicate eye bleeding. The eye may prolapse due to a retrobulbar hematoma The cause is usually major trauma. For example, a hit-and-run, a fight with a much larger dog, or a fall from a height.

If the dog's nose is swollen and red, with bleeding, an open wound or eye damage, it should be immediately taken to the vet Hits to the head can affect the brain and have serious consequences. The dog must be thoroughly examined to identify damage, stabilize it and establish treatment based on injuries. The prognosis will depend on them.
