The most common diseases in beagle dogs are mainly those that affect the eyes, skin and ears However, They are not the only ones, and this breed of dog, like most, is prone to hereditary or genetic pathologies. The beagle is a dog breed native to the United Kingdom, characterized by dogs of medium height, with a compact and muscular body, and short fur. Since its origins, they have been used in hunting tasks. They love physical activity, so they are great runners, and they love to dig holes in the ground.
In general, this breed is quite he althy, so it is not easy for them to catch viruses or develop any he alth problems. However, there are certain ailments to which it is prone. Keep reading this article on our site to discover what are the common diseases in beagle dogs.
Eye diseases in beagle dogs
Eye diseases are the most common in beagles, so if you have one at home you should have your eyes checked regularly. Among these disorders, the following are the most common:
- Microphthalmia: occurs when the eye is abnormally small, so the field of vision is reduced. It can affect one or both eyes.
- Cataracts: opacity of the lens that causes blindness.
- Retinal dysplasia: abnormal development of the retina, which prevents the dog from having night vision, and which can cause total blindness.
- Glaucoma: consists of an increase in eye pressure, which causes gradual loss of vision.
Skin diseases in beagle dogs
Among the most common diseases in beagle dogs we find those that affect the skin. Thus, the most common conditions in this breed are the following:
- Asthenia: This is a disorder caused by an abnormal thinness in the thickness of the skin, which causes the dermis to easily injured.
- Alopecia: disease characterized by hair loss, either at a general level or by areas. The causes are diverse, and it is usually accompanied by dandruff and skin irritation.
- Pyoderma: caused by bacterial action, manifested by the development of infections in areas such as the genitals, around the tail, lips and finger folds.
- Atopic dermatitis: This is a pathology caused mainly by an allergy and whose signs are manifested on the skin, either of environmental or food origin. Redness, itch and peeling are its main symptoms.
- Demodectic mange: Although it can affect any breed of dog that has a compromised immune system, or is considered immunosuppressed, there are a series of canine breeds prone to developing it, and the beagle is one of them. Also known as red mange, it is characterized by localized areas of skin without hair, reddened, itchy and inflamed. The image shows a case of scabies.

Hearing diseases of beagle dogs
The large size of the beagle's ears, which makes it so adorable to look at, also makes it a prime candidate for ear disease. These manifest themselves in the form of infections, which occur when bacteria accumulate in the ear canal, promoting their development, which not only causes discomfort, but can end in eventual deafness. Bacteria can accumulate both because water or liquid has entered the ear, and because of the presence of a foreign object in the ear canal.
Heart Disease in Beagles
There is a heart disease to which the beagle is genetically prone, and which in turn affects the respiratory system, and it is pulmonary stenosis It consists of a decrease in the size of the ventricle channel of the heart, which is the one that connects it with the lungs. As a result, the heart makes more effort to pump blood, increasing its size and reducing quality of life. Fatigue, difficulty breathing, sudden fainting spells, and eventual death, are the consequences of this disease that is so common in beagles.
Diseases of the spine and extremities
In this breed, there are two diseases that usually affect the spine and extremities, and their origin is genetic. In general, it is not recommended to breed dogs that suffer from these ailments, so as not to spread the gene.
- Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia: Originating in the spine, it affects the hind legs, causing discomfort and pain. It's easy to see, as the dog will start to walk differently.
- Intervertebral Disc Disease: The spine is made up of vertebrae, and under those vertebrae are the intervertebral discs. This ailment originates when these discs are damaged (wear, a violent fall, the appearance of a hernia, among other reasons), for which they press on the vertebrae, causing severe pain and even paralysis.

Neurological diseases in beagle dogs
epilepsy in dogs is another of the most common diseases in beagle dogs. It manifests itself not only in the form of convulsions, but also through loss of consciousness, foaming at the muzzle, and muscle tremor during seizure episodes. Although its primary origin is genetic, it can also appear as a reaction to a medication, a symptom of heat stroke, the product of intoxication, among other causes. The attention of a veterinarian is crucial to give the dog quality of life.
Hormonal diseases in beagle dogs
Hypothyroidism is the hormonal disease most suffered by this breed, being another of the most frequent diseases in beagle dogs. It occurs when the thyroid stops secreting the amount of hormone needed by the body, so the dog's natural metabolism is impaired. A dog with hypothyroidism will become more fatigued during physical activity, his movements will be clumsy and he will gain weight. In addition, dry and tight skin can be seen, with alopecia problems.
Metabolic diseases
Anyone with a beagle at home knows how much these dogs love to eat. It seems that they are never satisfied, and it is certainly very difficult not to want to please them, since you are left with the idea that they are still hungry. However, the truth is that excessive and disordered meals will only cause obesity, with the respective consequences that this brings: circulatory problems, diabetes, fatigue, heart diseases heart and liver, among other ills. A quality meal, both in ingredients and in proportion and frequency, accompanied by physical activity, is what your beagle needs to stay he althy. For more information, don't miss our article "Amount of food for a beagle".