Types of LIONS - Names and Characteristics (With PHOTOS)

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Types of LIONS - Names and Characteristics (With PHOTOS)
Types of LIONS - Names and Characteristics (With PHOTOS)
Lion Types - Names and Characteristics
Lion Types - Names and Characteristics

The lion is at the top of the food chain. Its imposing size, the strength of its claws and jaws, and its roar make it a difficult rival to defeat in the ecosystems it inhabits. Despite this, there are some extinct lions and lions in danger of extinction.

That's right, there have been and still are several species of this huge feline. Thinking about it, in this article on our site we will talk about the types of lions and we will share a complete list with characteristics of each of them. Keep reading!

How many kinds of lions are there in the world?

Currently, there survives a type of lion (Panthera leo), from which 7 are derived subspecies, although many more have existed. Some species became extinct thousands of years ago, while others have disappeared because of the human being. In addition, all surviving lion species are in danger of extinction.

This number corresponds to the lions belonging to the cat family, but did you know that there are also types of sea lions? That's how it is! As for this marine animal, there are 7 genera with various species.

Now that you know how many types of lions there are in the world, we invite you to meet them. Let's go there!

Characteristics of lions

To start this complete list with characteristics, we talk about the lion as a species. The Panthera leo is the species from which the different subspecies of lion descend. Actually, the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) only recognizes this species and points to Panthera leo persica and Panthera leo leo as the only subspecies. However, other taxonomic lists, such as ITIS, identify more varieties.

The lion lives in packs and inhabits the grasslands, savannahs and jungles of Africa. These prides, in general, are made up of one or two male lions and several females. It lives an average of 7 years and is considered the "king of the jungle" due to its fury and great hunting ability. In this sense, it should be noted that it is a carnivorous animal, which can feed on antelopes, zebras, etc., and that it is the females who are in charge of hunting and keeping the herd well fed. For more details, see the following article: "Feeding the Lion".

Another of the most remarkable characteristics of lions is their marked sexual dimorphism. The males are usually larger than the females and have an abundant mane, while the females have all their fur short and uniform.

Types of lions and their characteristics

The lion subspecies that currently exist and are recognized by the different official organizations are:

  • Lion of Katanga
  • Congo Lion
  • Transvaal Lion
  • Atlas Lion
  • Nubian Lion
  • Asian Lion
  • West African Lion

Let's see below the characteristics of each type of lion.

1. Katanga Lion

Among the types of lions and their characteristics, the lion of Katanga or Angola (Panthera leo bleyenberghi) is distributed in the southern part of Africa It is a large subspecies, capable of reaching up to 280 kilos in males, although the average is 200 kilos.

As for its appearance, the characteristic sand color stands out, as well as a thick and imposing mane. The outermost part of the mane can appear in a combination of light brown and brown.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

two. Congo Lion

The Congo lion (Panthera leo azandica), also called Central African lion, is a subspecies that is distributed in the plains of the African continent, especially in Uganda and the Republic of the Congo.

It is characterized by measuring between 2 meters and 50 centimeters and 2 meters 80 centimeters. In addition, it weighs between 150 and 190 kilos. The males have the characteristic mane, although less lush than other varieties of lion. Coat color ranges from characteristic sand to dark brown

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

3. Transvaal Lion

The Panthera leo krugeri, called the Transvaal, South African or African lion, is a variety from southern Africa, sister of the Katanga lion, although it exceeds it in size. The males of this species reach up to 2 meters and 50 centimeters in length.

Although they have the typical sandy color of their fur, this variety comes from the rare white lion The white lion is a mutation of the krugeri, so that the white coat appears as a result of a recessive gene. Despite their beauty, they are vulnerable in the wild, as the light color is difficult to camouflage in the savannah.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

4. Atlas Lion

Also called the Barberia lion (Panthera leo leo), it is a subspecies that extinct in the wild around 1942. It is suspected that There are several specimens in zoos, such as the specimens found in Rabat (Morocco). However, interbreeding with other lion subspecies complicates the task of breeding pure Atlas lion individuals.

According to the available records, this subspecies would be one of the largest, characterized by a large and lush mane. It lived both in the savannahs and in the African jungles.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

5. Nubian Lion

Another type of lion that still exists is the Panthera leo nubica, a variety that inhabits East Africa. Its body weight is between the average for the species, that is, between 150 and 200 kilos The male of this subspecies has an abundant mane, darker on the external part.

A curious fact about this species is that one of the felines used for the famous Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) logo was a Nubian lion.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

6. Asiatic Lion

The Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) is native to Africa, although today it can be found in zoos and reserves in various parts of the world.

This variety is smaller than other types of lions and has a lighter coat, with a reddish mane in males. Currently, it is among the types of lions in danger of extinction due to the reduction of its habitat, poaching and rivalry with the inhabitants of the areas in which it lives.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

7. West African Lion

Last in this list of types of lions and their characteristics is the Panthera leo senegalensis or West African lion. It lives in herds and is about 3 meters long, including the tail.

This variety is in danger of extinction due to poaching and the expansion of cities, which decreases the amount of available prey.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

Types of endangered lions

All types of lions are in danger of extinction, some more critical than others. Over the years, populations in the wild have declined and even births in captivity are rare.

Among the reasons that threaten the lion and its subspecies are:

  • Expansion of commercial and residential areas that reduce the natural habitat of the lion.
  • Decrease in the species that feed the lion.
  • Introduction of other species or rivalry with other predators for prey.
  • Poaching.
  • Expansion of agriculture and livestock.
  • War and military conflicts in the lion's habitat.

This complete list with characteristics also includes those species that have disappeared. Next, meet the extinct lions.

Types of extinct lions

Unfortunately, several species of lions have ceased to exist for various reasons, some due to human action. These are the types of extinct lions:

  • Black Lion
  • Cave Lion
  • Primitive Cave Lion
  • American Lion

1. Black Lion

The Panthera leo melanochaitus, called the black or Cape lion, is a subspecies declared extinct in 1860 Before it disappeared, it inhabited southwestern South Africa. Although little is known about him, he weighed between 150 and 250 kilos and lived alone, contrary to the common prides of lions.

The males had a black mane that gave them their name. They disappeared from the African continent during the English colonization, as they became a threat by frequently attacking human populations. Despite their extinction, the lions of the Kalahari region are considered to have a genetic load from this species.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

two. Cave Lion

The Panthera leo spelaea was a species found in the Iberian Peninsula, England and Alaska. It inhabited the Earth during the Pleistocene, 2.60 million years ago. There is evidence of its existence thanks to cave paintings from 30,000 years ago and the fossils found.

In general, its characteristics were similar to those of the current lion: between 2, 5 and 3 meters long, and 200 kilos in weight.

3. Primitive Cave Lion

The primitive cave lion (Panthera leo fossilis) is another type of extinct lion that became extinct in the Pleistocene. It was up to 2.50 meters long and lived in Europe It is one of the oldest extinct feline fossils ever found.

4. American Lion

Panthera leo atrox was distributed in North America, where it may have arrived via the Bering Strait before continental drift occurred. It may have been the largest species of lion in history, as it is believed to have been almost 4 meters long and weighed between 350 and 400 kilos.

According to cave paintings found, this subspecies lacked a mane or was very scarce. It disappeared during the massive extinction of the megafauna, which occurred in the Quaternary.

Types of lions - Names and characteristics
Types of lions - Names and characteristics

Other subspecies of extinct lions

These are other varieties of lions that are also extinct:

  • Beringian Lion (Panthera leo vereshchagini)
  • Sri Lankan Lion (Panthera leo sinhaleyus)
  • European lion (Panthera leo europaea)
