Insects can be classified into two large groups. The first in which the wings have not appeared as a result of the evolutionary process (Apterigotas). The second (Pterygotes), corresponds to those in which they did appear, but the adaptive processes led to their loss, giving rise to wingless individuals. The Pterygota group of insects is much more abundant and diverse than the other.
Despite what we commonly think, ants are found inside Pterygotes, that is, they are winged insects. However, as a result of their role and the type of work they do at ground level, they have lost their wings, making them wingless species. However, not all members of these social groups have divested themselves of these structures, some still have them. To continue learning about the types of flying ants and their characteristics, continue reading this article on our site.
Characteristics of flying ants
Ants are among the most social animals that exist, having a high degree of organization and structure in terms of the distribution of the functions and role played by each individual within the colony.
The colonies of these Hymenoptera can be polymorphic, that is, there are different types of members. In this sense, there are associations that are made up of one or more queens, which are the only females that can be provided with wings. The workers, which in some cases are differentiated both in functions and in morphology and size, do not have wings. The males, like the females, have wings.
In this sense, flying ants are characterized by queens and males, which are also often referred to as the reproductive caste. They are the only members that get to have wings and have the responsibility of reproducing the family.
The queens are responsible for laying the eggs, which decide when to fertilize, as they have the ability to store the sperm collected after mating. From the fertilized eggs, more females are born, mostly sterile workers, but other winged and fertile queens are also born. In addition, from the unfertilized eggs, the males will appear who will also be fertile.
The queens are the largest females in the colony, while they are inside the nest, they are located in a protected site that is difficult to access. When the moment of reproduction arrives, which is generally related to the time with more favorable environmental conditions, virgin queens and males emerge from the nest, which fly to common places to reproduce. The male comes out first to visually locate the spot, which he then marks with pheromones to attract the female.
Once the call nuptial flightof the ants occurs, they reproduce and the queen will shed her wings, which usually leave a distinctive mark on them. Later, this mother ant will look for a space on the ground where to start its own nest, to lay the fertilized eggs that will give rise to the first workers. A queen can be with one or several males, but in either case, she will be able to store sperm for a long time
Types of flying ants
As we have mentioned, both queens and males have wings, only as they are the least numerous individuals in the colonies, and these females lose these structures after mating, it is not often that we notice this characteristic.
We can mention some examples where it is common to see flying ants. One corresponds to the genus Lasius, where we find several monomorphic species. Among them, Lasius niger a fairly widespread species in gardens in America, Asia and Europe. It is usual that in the reproductive season of the species, which coincides with summer or autumn depending on the region, many of these individuals are observed making the nuptial flight.
Another example of flying ants that we can mention is the Messor genus, typical of Asia and Europe. It is made up of a large number of species, among which we can cite Messor barbarus, which feeds on seeds.
For its part, the genus Atta has a wide distribution range in America, and its species are characterized by being leafcutter ants, since many cultivate fungi on which they feed. They have different names depending on the region, associated in many cases with the large size of their workers. One of its species is Atta laevigata, where the last mentioned aspect is clearly evident.
Within the genus formica we find the species Formica neogagados, this is an ant that hosts other slaver species, as well as a fungus pathogen.

Do flying ants sting?
Within ants, we find a wide variety of behaviors, and this is logical as there are so many species of these animals. In this sense, if there are flying ants that sting, many times because they emerge in groups to carry out the nuptial flight and reproduce, eventually being annoying for some people who seek to disperse them, they are stung by these ants.
It is also important to remember that the workers are the main protectors of the queen and the nest, so the main responsibility for defense falls on them. Many species of ants are highly aggressive,which can even cause serious damage to mainly sensitive or allergic people. But on the other hand, there are rather timid species of flying ants, which do not cause any type of damage or sting.
There are not a few species of flying ants, since the vast majority of them have sexes with wings. As we have seen, they are responsible for reproducing to generate offspring and new nests, which ultimately results in the colonization of new spaces by these insects, which have undoubtedly developed highly effective strategies for their survival.