Tortoises are reptiles that can be excellent domestic pets, if what you want is to enjoy undemanding, peaceful and calm animals. Land turtles are basically herbivorous, feeding on vegetables and fruits, and occasionally larvae. Even so, in some species their diet is omnivorous.
Although we found many species of tortoises, our site has collected the different species that can be adopted as a pet if you wish. Depending on whether you live in Spain, Mexico or Argentina, for example, you can enjoy some copies or another. The most important thing is, without a doubt, to make sure that it is not a protected species and to take care of it throughout its life.
Keep reading this article on gopher tortoise species to discover which one is ideal for you and your home. Discover some curiosities and observe them in the images.
1. Mediterranean Turtle
The Mediterranean tortoise lives in all the European countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, from the Black Sea to the Iberian Peninsula. It is a protected animal, but those born in hatcheries can be adopted without problems. The female is somewhat larger than the male (18 cm for females, 16 cm for males).
These turtles are very long-lived animals, and if they are cared for correctly they can be companions throughout our lives, and even beyond… There are specimens up to 110 years. They have diurnal habits and during the fall they begin a process that will culminate in hibernation. House turtles need to hibernate if they are to live long and properly.
The wild Mediterranean tortoise has been divided into various subspecies, depending on the area where it lives. For this reason, its size, weight and the design of its shell change from one place to another. A clear example is the differences between the Majorcan tortoise (15 cm for the female and 13 cm for the male), and the Menorcan tortoise (18 cm for the female and 15 cm for the male).

two. Russian Tortoise
The Russian tortoise is present over an enormous land area. Specimens can be found in Russia, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and various Central Asian republics that broke away from the former Soviet Union.
It is somewhat larger than the Mediterranean(up to 22 cm for females, and up to 18 cm for males). Its shell is more rounded, but what clearly distinguishes the Russian tortoise from other similar ones is that it has 4 claws, instead of the 5 that other species have.
Size, weight, and shell patterns vary greatly from place to place. The Russian tortoise does not tolerate heat well and when it is above 28ºC it buries itself a few centimeters to cool off. The harshness of the radical climate of the habitat of the Russian tortoise means that its hibernation is much longer and it buries itself up to 2 or 3 meters deep, instead of the 20-40 cm of the Mediterranean tortoise.
In the wild this endangered reptile lives 40 to 50 years. The domestic ones if they are properly cared for will have centenarian lives.

3. Star Tortoise
The Indian star tortoise is a very popular pet, although very delicate and with a high mortality rate in the first months of existence In the wild, its habitat extends through the arid zones of India, Ceylon and Sri Lanka.
Its size can reach up to 10 cm, but females are much larger than males. It has a very convex shell, with yellow halos that also radiate yellow stripes, creating a spectacular framework for its beauty It is not a threatened turtle.

4. Sulcata Tortoise
The sulcata tortoise (also called the spurred tortoise), inhabited North Africa. Currently it only survives in National Parks on the African continent, since its existence is threatened by the advance of civilization, agriculture and hunting for its valued meat.
It is the third largest land turtle. Its shell can measure up to 80 cm, and the tortoise weighs 100 Kg. The sexual dimorphism in this species of tortoise causes the male to be larger than the female. This tortoise does not hibernate as it lives in arid climates.
The sulcata tortoise is a relatively easy pet to keep, since all they need is a large garden and large quantities of food. During European winters it is necessary to keep them in conditioned interior terrariums.
The wild sulcata tortoise is protected by the CITES convention. For this reason, if you want to adopt a specimen, it must be done in prestigious stores that provide all the required documentation and in order, in which it is shown that the specimen comes from a farm.

5. Box Turtle
The box turtles are distributed throughout the American and Asian continents. Both species are endangered, although for different reasons. In Asia because it is considered a medicinal food, although there are farms that produce these reptiles. In the USA and Mexico the danger of extinction is due to the furtive capture of wild specimens to resell them as pets.
There are many species and subspecies of box turtles. They are delicate pets not appropriate in homes with children, dogs or cats. The three species just mentioned can severely harm box turtles.
Box turtles are omnivorous, feeding on insects, snails, carrion, plants, flowers, and fruits. If you wish to adopt a box turtle, it must be done in a solvent business that ensures documented that the animal has not been removed from the natural environment.