Can DOGS Eat WATERMELON? - Discover its Benefits

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Can DOGS Eat WATERMELON? - Discover its Benefits
Can DOGS Eat WATERMELON? - Discover its Benefits
Can dogs eat watermelon?
Can dogs eat watermelon?

Watermelon is one of the most consumed fruits in the world by humans. Especially during the hot seasons, we enjoy its flavor and freshness, eating the fruit, preparing smoothies with it or delicious desserts. But is watermelon good for dogs?

In this article on our site we talk about the benefits of watermelon, detail its nutritional value and answer the question: " Can dogs eat watermelon? ". Read on to find out if this is one of the prohibited foods for dogs or not.

Nutritional value of watermelon for dogs

According to data obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture database, 100 grams of natural watermelon have the following nutritional values:

  • Water: 91, 45g
  • Calories: 30 kcal
  • Protein: 0.61 g
  • Carbs: 7.55g
  • Fiber: 0.4g
  • Sugars: 6, 2 g
  • Calcium: 7, 7 mg
  • Iron: 0.24 mg
  • Magnesium: 10 mg
  • Phosphorus: 11 mg
  • Potassium: 112 mg
  • Sodium: 1 mg
  • Zinc: 0, 10mg
  • Vitamin C: 8, 1 mg
  • Vitamin A: 28 µg
  • Total vitamin B: 0, 30 mg
  • Vitamin E: 0.05 mg
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.016 g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids: 0.037 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: 0.05 g

Can dogs eat watermelon?

The above nutritional values are good for both humans and dogs. So can dogs eat watermelon? The answer is yes, since it is a food that provides them with large doses of water, necessary to keep them well hydrated during the summer. Likewise, it is not part of the list of toxic products provided by the Animal Poison Control Center, Pet Poison Helpline. Now, it is important to know that we cannot offer our dog all the amount of watermelon that we want, there is a limit and throughout the article we will see both the benefits of this fruit and the ways to offer it to him so that he can take advantage of them.

Benefits of watermelon for dogs

In the same way that it provides us with many good he alth properties, watermelon for dogs is also highly beneficial. In this way, the above nutritional values are translated into the following benefits and properties:

Provides citrulline

Citrulline acts as an intermediary in the synthesis of arginine, an essential amino acid that favors the creation of proteins in the body and acts as a vasodilator. In this way, it is good for preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases

On the other hand, citrulline promotes muscle recovery, making it ideal for dogs that usually exercise a lot during the day.

It is diuretic and digestive

Watermelon has important diuretic and digestive properties, so its consumption is recommended to cleanse the intestines and regulate intestinal transit. It is also recommended for patients with constipation due to its water and fiber content.

It is rich in antioxidants

Its antioxidant properties are highly beneficial for preventing cell oxidation in dogs, which improves their overall he alth due to because your immune system is strengthened. By improving the dog's immune system, it is possible to prevent or delay the development of degenerative diseases.

Provides vitamins and minerals

Each one of the vitamins and minerals in watermelon has different functions in the body. For example, calcium is good for maintaining bone he alth in perfect condition, iron helps prevent and combat anemia, vitamin A promotes vision, and vitamin C is necessary to properly absorb iron. For all these reasons, by giving our dog watermelon we get his general condition to improve.

It's low in calories

As we have seen in the previous section, 100 grams of watermelon contain 30 calories, a very low figure. For this reason, it is an ideal fruit for overweight dogs and for dogs that are at their ideal weight.

Helps prevent heat stroke

Because 90% of the fruit is water, watermelon is highly recommended during the hotter months to keep dogs hydrated and cool. Heat stroke causes a whole series of reactions and negative consequences in the animal that suffers from it due to the dehydration suffered and the loss of sugars. Therefore, it is best to prevent it from happening.

Can dogs eat watermelon? - Benefits of watermelon for dogs
Can dogs eat watermelon? - Benefits of watermelon for dogs

Contraindications of watermelon for dogs

Despite the benefits of watermelon for dogs, there is a contraindication that must be taken into account when offering this fruit. Watermelon is one of the fruits with a higher percentage of sugars, something totally counterproductive for dogs. Therefore, in large quantities, watermelon could increase blood glucose levels and promote obesity. In adequate doses, this does not happen.

In addition, it is necessary to consult with the veterinarian about the consumption of watermelon in dogs with:

  • Diabetes. In small amounts there should be no problem, however, it is always advisable to consult a specialist.
  • Renal insufficiency. Due to the amount of potassium it contains, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian.
  • Hypotension. This fruit tends to reduce blood pressure, which is why its consumption is not recommended in case of suffering from this condition.

How to give watermelon to a dog?

Dogs can eat watermelon, yes, but how should we offer it to ensure that they take advantage of its benefits? It is best to offer pieces of fruit without skin and without seeds, since, although watermelon is not toxic to dogs, these parts of the fruit can be. So is watermelon rind bad for dogs? Yes and no. In the shell there are also large doses of fiber, minerals, vitamins and sugars, so depending on the condition of the dog, it will be good to give it or not. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that the dog is an animal that does not need to eat a lot of fiber, sugars or certain minerals. For all these reasons, we recommend removing the skin and giving the pulp, although, we emphasize, there have been no cases of poisoning or stomach problems due to its consumption.

There is also the possibility of preparing homemade ice cream for dogs in order to offer an even more refreshing food.

Watermelon dose for dogs

Since this is a fruit with a lot of sugar, it is not convenient to give it to the dog every day. Ideally, offer small portions as a reward or natural snack from time to time.

If this is the first time the dog has eaten watermelon, it is essential to offer him a very small piece and observe his reaction to ensure that he tolerates the fruit well and does not have allergies.

Can puppies eat watermelon too?

Yes, puppies can also eat watermelon following the above instructions and taking certain precautions. Because their digestive system is still developing, new foods should be introduced progressively and little by little.

Can dogs eat watermelon? - How to give watermelon to a dog?
Can dogs eat watermelon? - How to give watermelon to a dog?

Prohibited foods for dogs

We have already seen that dogs can eat watermelon and, therefore, this fruit is not part of the list of prohibited foods. So what are the harmful foods for dogs? We see them in this video.
