Can Dogs Eat CUCUMBER? - Benefits, How to give it and More

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Can Dogs Eat CUCUMBER? - Benefits, How to give it and More
Can Dogs Eat CUCUMBER? - Benefits, How to give it and More
Can dogs eat cucumber?
Can dogs eat cucumber?

Surely you have wondered more than once if your dog can eat cucumber or any other food, right? What vegetables could my dog eat? And fruits could he eat without problem? These are questions that many owners interested in canine nutrition often ask themselves, in order to better understand the options when feeding their pets.

In this article on our site we will focus on a specific vegetable, cucumber, and that is, Can dogs eat cucumber?In general, cucumbers are known for their low caloric intake and their high water content, something that helps us stay hydrated and refresh ourselves. Does the same thing happen in dogs? If you are curious, stay and read this article about cucumber consumption in dogs, it will surely surprise you!

Is cucumber good for dogs?

Before talking about the properties of the cucumber itself, it is important to know if it is at least suitable for consumption by dogs. In this regard, nutrition specialists, as well as competent official bodies such as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), have established that cucumber is not a toxic food neither for dogs nor for many other pets.

This means that even if it has no properties, the consumption of cucumber for our dogs is totally safe and would not cause any nutritional alteration or digestive system or any other vital organ. They do warn that the dog needs a contribution of animal origin, so it is not recommended that its diet be based solely and exclusively on the intake of fruits and vegetables, these being more of a complementothan the basis of your diet.

Benefits and properties of cucumber for dogs

As we have already mentioned, cucumber is not harmful to our dog, but is it beneficial? What effects does cucumber consumption have on your he alth? It may surprise us to learn about the great properties that cucumbers have, and not only for us, but also for our pets.

These vegetables are largely water, so one of their main advantages is that they are a good tool to ensure a good hydration in dry and hot seasons. But not only that, but the cucumber has a very interesting nutritional composition from a mineral and vitamin point of view. Among the notable vitamins, which are not the only ones, we find the vitamin K or the vitamin C, vital for maintaining good defences, oral, bone and blood he alth.

It also highlights the presence of minerals such as iron or magnesium, which prevent conditions such as anemia or joint pathologies. Cucumber also contains substances, called phytonutrients, that fulfill important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions , in addition to being studied how some elements that compose it may be fulfilling functions preventive measures against various diseases.

Can dogs eat cucumber? - Benefits and properties of cucumber for dogs
Can dogs eat cucumber? - Benefits and properties of cucumber for dogs

How to give a dog cucumber?

If we want to try giving our dog cucumber, we may need a few little "tips" to encourage them to try it. Some dogs have an innate curiosity that makes them start consuming everything we offer them, while others, on the contrary, are quite reticent and must be encouraged to do so.

Some recommendations in the case of cucumber is cut it into pieces, better than sliced, small and startmixing it with other foods with which our pet is already familiar, so the change will not be so abrupt.

Some ideas could be to mix the cucumber with fresh foods such as cheese or yogurt without lactose, as this is indigestible for them. We can also add it to a rice or pasta dish or to some pate that we usually give them. If they are playful, a trick is to present the cucumber as a toy with which to have fun while they chew and nibble it.

Foods that dogs can NOT eat

Currently there are many alternatives if we don't want to resort to the commercial feed found on the market to feed our pet. Some of these alternatives, such as the BARF diet or the homemade diets, must be carried out always with the necessary knowledge so that it is not dangerous, to do so, it is essential consult a veterinarian

One of the basic notions is to know those foods that are harmful to dogs, whether in large or small quantities. In this regard, there are certain fruits and vegetables that cannot be given to dogs, some examples are: tomatoes and mushrooms, as they cause digestive problems and discomfort severe gastric. Garlic, because they present in their composition a substance called thiosulfate that causes cardiac and respiratory alterations, such as tachycardia or hyperventilation. The onions, spring onions and leeks should not be part of anyone's diet either, but, like garlic, they contain thiosulfate, which in addition to what is mentioned above causes blood disorders such as anemia in dogs, which if severe can be fatal.

As for fruits, some are harmful, such as grapes or raisins, currants or avocado, since they all contain compounds that They affect your he alth in many ways. On the other hand, some like apples or cherries are not bad for them, as long as we are cautious and careful when giving them to them, because their bones and seeds can lead us to suffer more than one dislike.

Can dogs eat cucumber? - Foods that dogs can NOT eat
Can dogs eat cucumber? - Foods that dogs can NOT eat

Foods that CAN be eaten by dogs

As we have seen, there are certain foods that are toxic or indigestible for our four-legged friends. However, there are many others that apart from being innocuous, just like cucumbers, have a series of very interesting benefits for our dog's he alth. Such is the case with certain he althy fruits and vegetables for dogs.

Some of these foods are:

  • Vegetables: broccoli, as it has a lot of vitamin C, carrots, also rich in vitamin C, or green beans, thanks to its contribution of phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Frutas: like apples, peaches or mangoes, always removing the pits. Bananas provide, in small amounts, many vitamins, such as vitamin E, C or B, as well as vital minerals such as potassium or zinc.
  • Meat and fish: Perhaps this is more popular, but your dog can eat meat such as chicken, pork or beef waves and fish both blue and white, taking care of the presence of bones and thorns that can get stuck or cause gastric or esophageal perforations.
  • Cereals: such as wheat, rice or oats, therefore they can also eat bread or pasta to use or preparations with these grains. The consumption of eggs is also suitable.

Can dogs eat cucumber skin?

We know that cucumber is good for keeping our dogs hydrated and refreshing them on the hottest days, something that helps their he alth, avoiding illnesses such as the dreaded thermal shock or heat stroke, which if not detected early can have deadly consequences

But does the consumption of cucumber also include its peel? This is a good question that may arise when preparing this vegetable for our puppy to try. Without a doubt, this basically depends on their preferences, because, although the skin of the cucumber is easily digestible by them and constitutes a great source of fiber, if our pet rejects this part absolutely nothing happens, because the pulp also has many properties.

If we want them to eat it whole and they only eat the inside or reject it if we don't peel it, we can gradually introduce it with skin once they are used to eating it without it, mixing pieces with and without skin or with other foods.
