Why chinchillas screech

Why chinchillas screech
Why chinchillas screech
Why chinchillas screech
Why chinchillas screech

If we have decided to adopt a chinchilla as a pet, we may observe an occasional behavior: screeching. It is, among other signs, a way to communicate with us or with other chinchillas.

If you are worried and wondering why do chinchillas screech, you have come to the right place: in this article on our site we will solve your Doubts.

Don't forget to comment on this article or share photos of your chinchilla, here we go:

The language of chinchillas

Animals are not able to speak, chinchillas communicate through sounds or the position of some members of the body including legs, tail or ears. In this case we will talk about the screeches that chinchillas emit, very diverse and in different situations.

Why chinchillas screech - The language of chinchillas
Why chinchillas screech - The language of chinchillas

Various Threats

Chinchillas when faced with a dangerous or threatening situation can emit short, high-pitched sounds to alert you or their peers. Prevent other animals from approaching their cage or causing a stressful situation for your pet. It can also happen that he is startled by an inanimate object, a shadow or flashing lights.

Why Chinchillas Screech - Various Threats
Why Chinchillas Screech - Various Threats

Chinchilla fights

Another situation in which we could feel alerted by the screeches of a chinchilla would be when they are aggressive towards each other Fighting over the females, for food or for any other reason can be the cause of disagreements. Separate your chinchillas at least a couple or three days.

Why chinchillas screech - Fights between chinchillas
Why chinchillas screech - Fights between chinchillas

During the dream

When sleeping chinchillas can also make high-pitched noises. If we go and see her sleeping peacefully we shouldn't worry.

Why chinchillas screech - During sleep
Why chinchillas screech - During sleep


During the mating season it is also common for females to screech at night. They do it to call the males that might meet in the area. In principle it should be over in a couple or three nights.

Why chinchillas screech - Celo
Why chinchillas screech - Celo

Wants to get your attention

If you have a chinchilla that is very affectionate and especially attached to you, it may screech for you to give it affection and spend time with it. It is a way to get your attention since cannot communicate in any other way.

Why chinchillas screech - It wants to get your attention
Why chinchillas screech - It wants to get your attention

If you don't recognize any of these screeches like the one your pet is emitting, it may be sick, Go to a veterinarian to rule out any problem. The sooner they diagnose what's wrong, the sooner it will improve and the easier the treatment will be.
