Having an aquarium at home can become a living masterpiece. There are so many possibilities and combinations that we can allow ourselves, that it would be a beautiful endless theme. In today's article we will start with the most basic of the multiple species of exotic fish and we will get to know the most spectacular or precious species.
In any case, we must be aware that pets are not toys that can be thrown away. Sister living beings that deserve our attention and care, For this reason we must apply the 4 golden rules: time, knowledge, space and economy.
It is essential to have an idea of the fish that we are going to adopt. If we have a small aquarium we should not adopt a fish that will not fit in it in three months, for example. Or we should not mix antagonistic species that attack each other. On our site we will tell you the best ways to plan your aquarium guests in tropical fish for an aquarium:
Hardy exotic freshwater fish
If we haven't enjoyed a simple aquarium and we still don't know the mechanics of its maintenance, we should first study the situation and ask ourselves: Freshwater or s altwater fish? Freshwater and room temperature are the easiest to maintain
Freshwater fish are usually not a problem:
- Killis, very beautiful fish that adapt to different waters and don't fight.
- Tin fish, small fish to swim in small groups.
- Calíctidos, help keep aquariums clean of debris on the bottom.
- Toxótidas, precious fish that will live in the upper part of the aquarium.
- Rainbow fish, beautiful and resistant.
With these 5 species and the necessary decorations we can set up a spectacular freshwater aquarium. The professional will guide us on the units of each species that will be convenient to adopt, depending on the size of the aquarium and the growth of each species.
Image of a killifish from killiadictos.com

Tropical Freshwater Fish
When talking about tropical fish, we should automatically consider that the water in our aquarium should be warm. Therefore, our aquarium must be equipped with a device that maintains the water at a constant temperature Consequently, cold water fish should not live in these warm waters. The easiest tropical fish to keep are:
- Small Tetras, such as the Neon Tetra and the Bright Tetra. They are very resistant colorful fish, and although they are moderately aggressive they can coexist with other species of similar size.
- The Corydoras are essential for cleaning the bottom of the aquarium.
- The glassfish and the zebrafish are companions ideal for small Tetra.
They can also live with vegetarian fish type:
- Banjo Catfish
- Otocinclo
- Locha Dojo
A rule that should be followed in freshwater aquariums is that no specimen fits in the mouth of another individual, because it is most likely that this will be the end of the first. With which it is convenient that the sizes are even, or that the large specimens are herbivorous.
Image of a Corydora at seriouslyfish.com

Small tropical s altwater fish
S altwater aquariums are very complex, as regardless of the degree of salinity, pH, temperature and alkalinity, they are also decorative elements are very important: plants, rocks, gravel and live static hosts such as anemones and corals.
If one day we aspire to have a large s altwater aquarium (without the need to malnourish the family for it), it will be convenient to start with a medium-sized aquarium and begin with strict control and maintenance of all the different filters, salinity, hydrometers, temperature, pH, etc. of these complex aquariums.
Obviously, you'll also want to start with hardy s alty fish. Next we will indicate the most convenient species to start a project of some importance.
- Damsels, they are very resistant fish, ideal to start in a s altwater aquarium.
- Gobies, they are very resistant small fish that eat the algae on the bottom.
- Clownfish, they are very colorful and easy to breed.
- Surgeonfish, a beautiful and useful fish as it engulfs the algae that proliferate in the aquarium.
Image of a surgeon fish

Exotic fish for large freshwater aquariums
In the large freshwater aquariums various medium-sized species can live, trying to exclude as a rule those that are aggressive and very territorial.
- The gouramis can live in small schools, there are many colorful varieties. They grow between 5 and 12 cm.
- The plecostimus catfish is a fish that should be kept in aquariums because it eats the algae that grow on the bottom. It can grow up to 60 cm. There are other species of catfish, but they are either carnivorous, or they grow excessively.
- The angelfish are very beautiful and can quite a lot. There are several species and they are aggressive with each other, which is why a single specimen should be kept in the aquarium. It is not advisable to mix him with fish that fit in his mouth, he will eat them.
- The Silver Tetra is compatible with Angelfish. They are beautiful, very bright fish that like to swim among the rocks and plants in the aquarium.
Image of an Emperor Angelfish

Exotic fish for large s altwater aquariums
In this type of aquarium multiple species of fish can coexist, each one more beautiful. There is also the possibility of incorporating anemones, gorgonians and other corals. With enough space the fish tend to be less aggressive. Likewise, crabs, shrimp and snails should be added.
- The bicolor angelfish is a very showy fish that spends the day swimming and pecking at its food among the rocks. It can grow up to 15 cm.
- The Yellow Butterflyfish is aggressive towards its own species, but tolerates others. It requires aquariums of more than 200 liters. There should only be one specimen in the aquarium.
- The Flowering Angelfish can live together in small groups of the same species. It grows up to 6 cm.
- The Red Sea Dusky Wrasse is a very peaceful fish that adapts very well to captivity, as long as the aquarium is very large and has more than 400 liters. They can grow up to 18 cm.
- The Banner Fish is very calm and sociable with other species. It grows up to 20 cm. It has cleaning habits with other fish.
- The blue cleaner wrasse is an essential fish in an aquarium, since it cleans and deworms the other fish in the aquarium. There can only be one specimen in the aquarium, since they are aggressive with each other. It grows up to 18 cm.
Image of yellow butterflyfish