ANIMALS that SLEEP ON YOUR FEET - How they do it and examples

ANIMALS that SLEEP ON YOUR FEET - How they do it and examples
ANIMALS that SLEEP ON YOUR FEET - How they do it and examples
Animals That Sleep Standing Up - How They Do It & Examples
Animals That Sleep Standing Up - How They Do It & Examples

The animal world never stops showing us amazing events. In this, events occur that often seem incredible or very strange to us, since animals have developed endless strategies that better guarantee their stay within the ecosystems they inhabit. Within these curiosities, you will surely have noticed that there are not a few species that sleep standing, which would lead you to ask yourself: why do they do it? Can you really sleep standing up? Can you rest like this?

On this occasion, from our site we want to answer these questions, presenting you with an article on animals that sleep standing up We invite you to continue reading on this interesting topic, so you can learn more about the fascinating world of nature.

Why do some animals sleep standing up?

As you have probably noticed, both in nature and in captivity there are several types of animals that sleep standing up. This resting mechanism is developed allows them to be alert to the possibility of any danger, thus being able to escape more quickly if they are at risk. Thus, the main reason why some animals sleep standing up is for survival. Let us remember that in nature, animals are part of complex feeding networks, which is why some hunt others. In this sense, many of the prey animals cannot always take refuge, so they require strategies that keep them safe, whenever possible, in addition to seeking rest, even in these conditions.

The fact that some animals sleep standing up does not prevent them from also lying on the ground In fact, several of them, although they can use both forms of rest, they must lie down to be able to reach a deep sleep, as is the case with horses. Also, scientific studies have proven that although cows can use both ways of resting, they need to lie down to optimize the rumination process and produce more saliva, which is important for their he alth and digestive process. In addition, in a lying cow, the supply of blood to the udder is improved, optimizing its function and increasing milk production.

Animals that sleep standing up - How they do it and examples - Why do some animals sleep standing up?
Animals that sleep standing up - How they do it and examples - Why do some animals sleep standing up?

How can animals sleep standing up?

Each species that can sleep standing up has different anatomical mechanisms that allow them to rest in this way, maintaining stability, which prevents them from falling out while they are asleep. Horses, for example, can do this because they lock the stifle joint (joint formed between the femur, tibia and patella), supporting the weight that usually it is supported by the muscles. In this way, when they relax, they can rest in this position.

On the other hand, many birds belonging to the order Passeriformes (where more than half of the world's species are found), such as canaries, pigeons, quails and crows, among others, have a flexor tendon located on the back of the leg that stretches and tenses when the animal picks it up it bends to perch somewhere, giving the necessary rigidity for the stabilization of the body. In this way, this mechanism is activated, allowing the bird to hold on firmly without falling when it is asleep. A particular aspect in these species is that they have control over this mechanism, being able to dominate it at will.

Other birds, such as flamingos and storks, can also sleep standing up, what's more, they manage to do it standing on one legThe mechanism in this case occurs because the joint of the leg is blocked when they rest on the ground, preventing the animal's knee from flexing, so that it remains rigid and this makes it stable while sleeping. Studies have shown that these animals sleep supported on one leg to reduce caloric expenditure when there are low temperatures, since in fact when it is not cold, they sleep on both extremities. Sleeping on one leg makes it difficult for them to take flight, which confirms that this posture has to do with protecting the temperature and not with an alert mechanism, as was believed for a long time.

Examples of animals that sleep standing up

Here is a list of animals that sleep standing up:

  • Moose.
  • Donkeys.
  • Bisons.
  • Buffalos.
  • Donkeys.
  • Horses.
  • Canaries.
  • Deer.
  • Storks.
  • Elephants.
  • Flamingos.
  • Gazelles.
  • Hens.
  • Seagulls.
  • Sparrows.
  • Giraffes.
  • Ñus.
  • Doves.
  • Ducks.
  • Reindeer.
  • Rhinos.
  • Doves.
  • Cows.
  • Swifts.

If you want to know what other animals sleep standing up and how they do it, we encourage you to watch the following video from our friends at EcologíaVerde.

How long do animals sleep standing up?

Each species has a different sleep patternIn the case of horses, they can sleep in short periods throughout a day, and the total time can be up to two or three hours. Elephants also usually sleep a few hours, approximately two hours, and they often do so at night, although in their natural habitats, it is common for one of the herd to stay awake to be alert to any danger.

Cows generally sleep four hours, usually during the night and, as we have mentioned, although they can sleep standing up, they also need to lie down on the ground for their benefit.

Giraffes often lie on the ground to rest. However, adult individuals can sleep standing up and do so for about four hours. In addition, there are animals that practically do not sleep.

Animals develop various strategies for their benefit, since it is common for them to be exposed to various situations of vulnerability in nature, for what they always seek for their survival, a habitual trait of living beings. In this article we have been able to see that even the way of sleeping enters into the different behaviors of animals to ensure the protection of their lives.
