One of the most characteristic, adorable and defining features of the cat is its ability to purr. We usually associate this exclusive sound with a feeling of wellbeing It comforts us, it makes us think that our cat is happyand shows us his affection.
Therefore, when we live with a cat that does not purr, we are assailed by doubts: is our cat happy? Or, on the contrary, do you suffer from any disease? What are we doing wrong so that he doesn't dedicate his purrs to us? In short, Why doesn't my cat purr? In this article on our site we explain it to you. Keep reading!
How does a cat purr?
The sound of our cats purring is extremely special, however, do you know how it is produced? There are many theories about it that try to give an accurate answer. Some suggest that it originates in the chest, when the blood is compressed passing through the diaphragmatic hiatus and that the air-filled bronchi amplify the vibration. However, a study in the Journal of Zoology [1] suggests that purring is a laryngeal modulationdriven by respiratory flow.
When do kittens start purring?
The purr begins at two days of life of the kitten as another form of communication with its mother, while the lactation. Little ones suckle as they purr and "knead" with their front paws, which stimulates the flow of milk and helps the mother know that everyone is feeding correctly. This is why many adult cats knead, drool or suck on our clothes while purring. Stroking our cat usually activates this sound, although this is not always the case.
What does the cat's purr mean?
Why do cats purr? In addition to indicating well-being and relaxation, so much so that they are even capable of purring when they sleep, the cat can use purring when they are in a situation of stress or illness, for example, when admitted to a veterinary clinic. In this case, the purr could serve to self-comfort
During the purr, cats can display different modalities: more or less intensity, more or less air, different speeds or different meanings, since they can also use it as a request. Within the felines, not only domestic cats purr, but also wild cats (Felis silvestris). But then why doesn't your cat purr?

Why doesn't your cat ever purr?
As we have seen, purring is an important part of our cat's communication, which is why a cat that does not emit this characteristic sound becomes unknown and causes concern for its human, who usually think that your cat is not happy or suffering from some disease. But is that true?
We answer the question why a cat doesn't purr when relaxed or asleep or while we caress it. We can divide these cats into two groups:
- Cats that purr, but almost inaudibly. They are cats that purr so softly that the only way to hear them is by putting your ear to their body or putting your hand on their neck to feel the vibration produced.
- Cats that don't purr, even inaudibly These are cats that don't make this sound simply becauseThis is their character , without presenting any pathology and, of course, being happy and loving their humans. Cats have different ways of communicating and each cat chooses the one he wants or needs. Just like us humans, each one has his personality and, thus, there will be more or less expressive, affectionate, independent, sociable, etc., without this implying any problem. For all these reasons, if your cat doesn't purr because it is like that, you don't need to do anything, just learn to understand his language to communicate better with him.
Why doesn't your cat purr like before or has it stopped?
We have seen the reasons why a cat has never purred, but what happens if the problem is that it used to purr and now it doesn't? The behavior of a cat is modified with age, experiences and circumstances, and this is why a purring cat can stop doing it, but also the opposite, that is, cats that did not purr can start doing it. Of course, if our cat stops purring after some change, such as a move, it may mean that is stressed We must think that cats are animals extremely susceptible to changes, so they tend to develop stress very easily. If this is your case, he will show other signs such as hiding, being nervous, having dilated pupils, excessive grooming, marking with urine or nails… All this is a consequence of the stress he is suffering, so you should not punish or scold him, but find the cause and fix it.
On the other hand, if your cat is no longer purring and you have ruled out stress as the cause, you should investigate whether she has other symptoms that make you think she is suffering from some other problem with he alth, such as diarrhea, vomiting, general apathy, etc. In any case, it is essential to go to the veterinary center as soon as possible.
Other forms of communication that cats that don't purr have
It is possible that your cat simply does not purr or has stopped purring because he has found a better alternative. Cat communication goes beyond purring, so on many occasions this sound is replaced by other actions to communicate the same thing. Likewise, cats learn to relate actions even with people, so they have the ability to establish different relationships with each member of the household. Therefore, if you wonder why your cat does not purr with you, the answer may be that he has established other types of interactions with you to communicate.
Here are some other ways cats communicate to express what they would do by purring:
The cat that doesn't purr and meow
Meowing is another form of communication typical of cats. They use it in multiple situations and with very different meanings. Thus, the cat that does not purr can make itself understood perfectly through meows. Among its most relevant meanings are the following:
- Meow to demand attention: reserved to make us understand that you need something, such as caresses or, more material, food. In the latter case, it will be an urgent meow and it will not stop until it is obtained.
- Cat meow in heat: characteristic of non-sterilized female cats during their periods of heat, which can last almost all year. It is a very high-pitched meow, like a scream.
- Meow to enter or exit: if our cat has access to the outside, this will be his meow in front of the door or window for the one you are used to going out or coming in.
- : unmistakable and a sign that something is wrong, usually it will be an illness. We must consult with our veterinarian.
- Meow greeting: some cats are very "talkative" and tend to meow in a characteristic way every time we enter the house, they enter or even every time they pass us.
The cat that doesn't purr and bite
Sometimes we wonder why our cat doesn't purr and we don't realize that he is communicating with us in his own way. In addition to meowing, some cats tell us a lot through biting. The basic meanings will be as follows:
- Playful Bite: It is normal for kittens to interact with each other through playful nipping. Cats are carnivorous predators and biting is one of the activities that they must develop to live in an innate way, since, currently, in a flat, they do not need to hunt to eat. The bites between them help them regulate the strength of their jaws and, with age, it is a habit that they gradually abandon. It is normal for our kittens to bite us and we must teach them not to do so, diverting their attention to the appropriate toys. In some cats, this stage persists over time and, either due to lack of socialization or because they have not/have not been taught well, they continue to bite us every time we play with them.
- Love Bite: Some cats gently "bite" us as a sign of affection. When we are caressing them or in moments of affection, they "take" some part of our body with their mouths, such as the nose, without squeezing, without doing any damage, almost like a kiss.
- Warning Bite: Usually more of a marking than a true bite. It is common for the cat to do it to finish an activity that is stressing it. For example, if we are caressing it for too long or in delicate areas, such as the belly. It is the limit of your tolerance.
As we can see, all these bites tell us something, without the need to purr and, although they are bites, they have nothing to do with aggressiveness. If our cat attacks us with violent bites, we should go immediately to a professional in feline behavior, an ethologist.
The cat that doesn't purr and rub himself
As we have seen, the fact that our cat does not produce the relaxing sound of purring does not mean that he is not communicating with us, much less does it imply that he is an unhappy animal. After the meow and the bite, we point out, finally, the "rub", a clear sign of well-being and affection that not all cats accompany with purring.
Our cat will rub against our body, against the part to which it has more comfortable access, such as the face or legs. He will even do somersaults and somersaults to cover more contact area. If we look closely, we will see that he always touches us with the same parts of his body, especially his face. It is not by chance, it rubs the parts that release endorphins and, at the same time, marks us with its smell, but not because it considers us "its own", but rather to establish a common smell, a group smell, that allows you to feel safe and comfortable. In this other article we talk in more detail about marking cats. In addition, we share this video about the reasons that explain why they walk between our legs: