How to drive away mice? - 10 NON HARMFUL REMEDIES

How to drive away mice? - 10 NON HARMFUL REMEDIES
How to drive away mice? - 10 NON HARMFUL REMEDIES
How to get rid of mice?
How to get rid of mice?

Shooting mice away from home is not an easy task. These small rodents can become a real problem if they invade your home, as they can act as vectors for certain diseases and parasites, which is why it is important to keep them away from children and pets.

In this article on our site we will explain how to drive away mice, showing you 10 very simple home remedies, easy to apply and thatdoes not imply the death of individuals. Surprised? Keep reading!

How to drive away mice with home remedies?

Repelling mice from the house may seem like a daunting task, but what is required is to apply the precise methods, Be consistent for several days and extreme hygiene measures.

If you want to know how to get rid of mice with home remedies and without the need to injure or kill them, then pay attention to the following methods:


Do you want to know how to scare away mice with mint? This is a very popular home remedy, as the intense and fresh smell of mint is unpleasant for mice. There are several ways to use it:

  • Interiors: Soak several cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in the spaces of the house where you have seen mice, especially in the cracks or crevices of the home through which they usually access. You can also grind fresh mint leaves and spread them or place them in muslin bags to place them in these spaces that we explained to you.
  • Outdoors: If you have observed the presence of mice in your garden, it is best to plant several mint plants, that way you will keep away mice.

An option that can be used both indoors and outdoors is to prepare a mint infusion Place a cup (250 grams) of mint leaves fresh mint in water for one hour. Then drain the leaves and keep only the scented liquid. Fill a spray container with it and use it to clean and spray all the spaces in your house and even around the garden.


And how to drive away mice with cinnamon? This method to eliminate mice is very simple, you just have to buy several natural cinnamon sticks, place them in a muslin bag and place them in the places where mice enter. Remember that these methods lose their aroma potency after 3 or 4 days of use, so you will need to replace the branches with new ones every so often.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is also very effective. It is the perfect option if you are wondering how to get rid of mice using natural remedies, because due to its strong and somewhat spicy aroma, this spice drives them away easily if it is correctly located. The method is the same as with cinnamon, fill muslin bags with ground cayenne pepper and place them on the problem spots.

Aromatic plants

This method will help you keep mice away from your garden, preventing them from entering your house through it. Some plants have strong odors that are annoying to mice, so we are talking about an easy and ecological home remedy that will also help you enrich your garden with vegetation. Plant in your garden plants of basil, wormwood, rosemary or camphor In addition to being very effective, they will give you a good aroma and you can even use them in your culinary recipes.


Garlic can be used as a method to kill mice naturally. It is possible to apply it in two ways: the first, peel and cut several cloves and place them in the places where you hang out and at the entrances to your home. The second is a bit more elaborate. It consists of macerating several cloves of garlic in water or mint oil for several hours, then impregnating and cleaning all household surfaces.


How to remove mice easily? Onion is an option, as it is an ingredient that is always present in the kitchen. Simply slice several onions and place the slices at the mice's entry sites, the acidic smell will deter them when they try to enter the home.

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How to get rid of mice? - How to drive away mice with home remedies?
How to get rid of mice? - How to drive away mice with home remedies?

How to keep mice off the ceiling?

Do you often hear small footsteps or noises on your ceiling? It is very possible that a mouse, or a family of rodents, has settled there. If you are interested in knowing how to get rid of the mice that live on the ceiling, there are simple and friendly methods to achieve it:

Ultrasound devices

How to scare away mice? Ultrasound devices are an effective, fast and painless way to scare away these animals. These devices emit a very low-frequency sound that is annoying to mice and some insects, so it will deter them from settling on your ceiling.

Seal the cracks

Mice usually don't live on the outside of the roof, but in the crawl space, so you should seal off any accesses. First of all, allow the mice to leave of the house with the natural remedies that we have mentioned in the previous sections, then it is time toseal cracks

Locate fissures, cracks and crevices and seal on the inside (inside the house) with construction putty, plaster or cement. On the outside (in case the crack faces the ceiling) seal with steel wool. In cases where it is required, hire a professional to fix the cracks in the wall after scaring away the mice.

How to get rid of mice? - How to scare away mice from the ceiling?
How to get rid of mice? - How to scare away mice from the ceiling?

How to make a mousetrap?

Wondering how to catch mice to scare them away from your house and release them? While it may seem like a complicated task, it really isn't. it is. All you need is a little ingenuity, some materials that you can easily find at home, and a little patience.

Do you want to know how to remove mice? Then follow these tips:

Trap 1

Making a mousetrap is easy if you have an unoccupied aquarium at home. Simply place the aquarium in a space where you have seen mice and put some food inside. If the tank is very tall, place something nearby that will help the mouse get into the tank, such as a stack of magazines or bricks. You just have to place the battery on the outside of the aquarium, the idea is that the mouse can get in, but not get out

Wait patiently and when the mice are inside, they may well have no way of climbing out of the tank. Close it and release the mice out of your house.

Trap 2

If you have a kitchen counter, this cheat can work for you. Locate a table that protrudes from the counter and, on the tip, place some fresh food. Just below the point that holds the bait, place a large, clean recent, such as long trash.

The idea is that when the mouse climbs up the counter, it will get close to the bait and fall into the container, where you will find it the next day. Afterwards, you must release it away from your home.

What do I do with the mouse?

Once you have caught the unwanted guests, it's time to learn how to eliminate the mice, finding a place to release them Remember that you must seal the container where you have trapped the mouse, but leave some holes so that it can breathe. Handle the container with gloves for greater safety.

It's no use if you release the mouse right next to your house, as it will find its way back in no time. Release it in a woody or rural area, away from urban centers, and find out beforehand to ensure that it will not negatively affect the animals that live there.

Also discover how to drive away pigeons with effective and non-harmful remedies.

Household cleaning

Now you know how to drive away house mice naturally, effectively and without harming them. However, after scaring away the mice, you'll need to extreme cleaning measures of your home to prevent them from being enticed back into the house. It is very important that you clean your home properly.

We offer you the following tips:

  1. Discard boxes, empty containers, old clothes you don't use, and anything that is cluttered in unused spaces, clutter contributes create warm hiding places for mice. If you need to store things (like next season's clothing or Christmas decorations), stick to plastic containers over cardboard boxes.
  2. Store all food in use in airtight containers.
  3. Deep clean throughout the house, paying special attention to removing dirt from behind furniture and appliances, especially in the kitchen, as food crumbs accumulate in these spaces that can be attractive to mice.
  4. Don't leave food out in the open, not even fruit.
  5. Clean kitchen surfaces when you stop using them.
  6. Mix two parts of water with one part of bleach or chlorine and sprinkle the mixture on the mice feces and then mop them and clean the floors. Never sweep the feces, because they give off substances that cause diseases. When removing feces, spray again with the bleach mixture to disinfect.

Carry out several cleanings and even consider the possibility of hiring a professional team to remove all the dirt and achieve once and for all chasing mice away from your home.
