How to separate two fighting dogs

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How to separate two fighting dogs
How to separate two fighting dogs
How to separate two fighting dogs
How to separate two fighting dogs

Generally who welcomes a dog into their home shows sympathy and affection for any dog, however, it is important to bear in mind that not all dogs are the same, that not all have the same mental state and that the education of each dog depends on each specific owner.

Therefore we must be prepared to solve various problems, which do not always come from a dog that is not ours, but can be caused by our dog, since it is impossible to predict the behavior of our pet in the face of multiple situations that can occur both inside and outside the home.

In this AnimalWised article we show you how to separate two fighting dogs, successfully and safely.

Why do dogs fight?

Canine behavior should not be strange to us, since knowing the factors that can cause a fight between two dogs will help us to knowing how to intervene appropriately.

Two dogs can fight for many reasons, although the most common are the following:

  • Fight between two males: This is the most common type of conflict between dogs and occurs due to issues of dominance and territoriality, so Therefore, you should know that although the situation may seem very serious, it is not. This happens because dogs more than attack, what they usually do is show their power, inhibiting their bite. Some very energetic breeds of dogs (sadly used for fighting) are the exception and they can go on to produce a full blown attack.
  • Fight between two females: Females do not have the same instinct for dominance and territoriality as males, therefore fight is rare, but when this happens, it is also serious. Unlike males, females do not inhibit their bite and are capable of fighting to the death of their opponent.
  • Fight between male and female: This type of conflict is very strange, on the one hand because the female accepts the dominance of the male and on the other hand because a male would never attack a female. If this fight takes place and the male is not able to run away, he may end up seriously injured.
  • Fight between a puppy and an adult:Generally in this case the adult dog only shows his power to the puppy, without there is a real danger. However, keep in mind that from 8 months of age a dog is already considered an adult, so a serious dispute can occur.
  • Fight between two puppies: If they are dogs from the same litter, or of similar size and age, there would be no problem. On the other hand, if one puppy outgrows the other physically, it could be a serious dispute, since puppies do not inhibit their bite and can do a lot of damage.

If a dog originally created for this purpose intervenes in the fight, the dispute can be very serious, since as we warned before, these dogs do not inhibit their bite. The situation also becomes very dangerous when a big dog confronts a small dog, what happens here is that the small dog runs away because it recognizes itself as prey, but running away triggers the big dog's predatory instincts.

How to separate two fighting dogs - Why do dogs fight?
How to separate two fighting dogs - Why do dogs fight?

How NOT to separate two fighting dogs

When a dog is part of a canine conflict it is very normal and understandable that the owner enters an agitated state of nervousness, not However, this can have a very negative impact on resolution.

Therefore you must be clear about the most common mistakes in order to avoid them:

  • Do not attack the dog under any circumstances, no matter how nervous you are, this act is still animal abuse and is not justified Also, it does not positively affect the separation in the fight.
  • Don't yell, as this will only make the dog fight more forcefully with the other dog.
  • Do not grab your dog by the collar under any circumstances, this can be very dangerous, as you could get bitten by of either dog.

How to separate two fighting dogs?

Ideally, the other owner should also be present, since the easiest way to separate two fighting dogs requires the action of two people.

You must Grasp the dog forcefully by the hind legs and lift them off the ground The goal is not to get the dog to stand on a vertical position, you don't have to lift his whole body, only his hind legs to get him to walk and go backwards. The dog should then be restrained until it calms down, which will happen after a few minutes.

If there is only you present, you must make a quick decision, as you will only be able to push back a dog. You must observe which dog is dominating the fight and separate that dog. For example, if a Labrador retriever is fighting a dog typically used for clandestine fighting, under no circumstances pick the Labrador up first, as he will be completely defenseless while the other dog does not stop attacking him. Separate the dog that dominates the fight, in this way, the other dog will quickly cease its attack.

Another effective tool to deal with a dog fight when you are alone is separate them with water, with the help of a hose, although obviously the fight must take place in a space where you have this resource.

How to separate two fighting dogs - How to separate two fighting dogs?
How to separate two fighting dogs - How to separate two fighting dogs?

Preventing dog fights

You cannot interfere with the education that other owners give their dog, but you can act on your pet to reduce the risk of a possible fight:

  • Be a good leader for your dog, educate him with love and discipline, always using positive reinforcement.
  • Properly socialize your pet, bearing in mind that this process should begin when it is a puppy.
  • Walk your dog in a safe environment and do your best to avoid confrontations with other dogs.
