VITAMIN E for DOGS - Dosage, uses and food

VITAMIN E for DOGS - Dosage, uses and food
VITAMIN E for DOGS - Dosage, uses and food
Vitamin E for Dogs - Dosage and Uses
Vitamin E for Dogs - Dosage and Uses

Vitamins are substances that the body generally cannot manufacture, so it is essential that dogs consume them in the diet, as they are essential for life, even if they are only needed in small amounts. In this article on our site we will focus on vitamin E for dogs We will review the functions of this vitamin in your body and in which cases it may be necessary to reinforce its contribution to improve he alth.

If you have noticed symptoms in your dog that might lead you to believe that he is suffering from a deficiency of a vitamin such as E, don't hesitate to go to the vet for a complete examination.

What is vitamin E?

Vitamins are divided into two groups, depending on whether they are water-soluble, which are those that dissolve in water, or fat-soluble, which are those that do it in fats. Vitamin E belongs to this second group, together with others as well known as vitamin A, K or D.

This type of vitamins can be stored in the body, in body fat and, above all, in the liver. They are excreted mainly in the bile. It is important to know that this storage allows its lack to be detected late. Vitamins participate in many metabolic processes vital to the body. Specifically, vitamin E stands out in the following functions:

  • Formation of cell membranes.
  • Cellular respiration.
  • Fat metabolism.
  • Natural antioxidant, protects unsaturated fats from oxidation.
  • Protection of cells, tissues and organs against free radicals.

Looking at the antioxidant function of vitamin E for dogs, it should be noted that it acts in foods such as feed, hindering the rancidity of different components, such as fats or vitamin A. In addition, it interacts with the selenium, making less of this mineral needed and vice versa.

Finally, vitamin E deficiency can cause ulcers and intestinal bleeding, eye or reproductive problems.

What is vitamin E for dogs for?

Vitamin E can help improve the condition of dogs in situations such as the following:

  • In supplements together with other elements such as selenium, contributes to liver care in dogs with chronic liver failure, poisoning or in treatments of chemotherapy. It would help, specifically, the regeneration of liver cells, improving symptoms. In these cases, it is recommended to combine several antioxidants and increase the dose of vitamin E, since it is a situation in which the absorption of this vitamin will be diminished.
  • Another indicated use is joint problems. In its role as an antioxidant, vitamin E helps reduce oxidative damage to cartilage. Thus, it is included among the substances that could slow the progression of arthritis.
  • In addition, vitamin E can also participate in solutions for topical use with the aim of repair, protect and regenerate damaged tissues. Thus, we can also find it as an ingredient in skin and coat care products.

Dose of vitamin E for dogs

First of all, the main source of vitamin E for dogs has to be food. If we choose a quality diet adapted to your conditions and life stage, we will cover your nutritional needs. On the other hand, if it seems to us that our dog needs vitamin E despite receiving a good diet, before supplementing on our own we must consult with the veterinarian This professional, if he assesses that our dog needs an additional supply of vitamin E, he will tell us in what dose.

This will depend on the weight of the dog and the prescribed presentation, since each manufacturer will give some recommended parameters for use. Vitamin E for dogs can basically be found in tablets, in injectable solution or for topical use, usually in products that also include other components. In the latter case, it can be bought in a spray, which makes it easier to apply, just like shampoo. If these products are for regular use by he althy dogs, we can use them according to the manufacturer's recommendations. On the other hand, if our dog has a skin problem or the shampoo with vitamin E is to treat a dermatological pathology, both its use and the frequency of use must follow the guidelines given by the veterinarian.

Vitamin E for Dogs - Dosage and Uses - Vitamin E Dosage for Dogs
Vitamin E for Dogs - Dosage and Uses - Vitamin E Dosage for Dogs

How to give a dog vitamin E

A quality diet is the best way to provide your dog with the vitamin E he needs. If the veterinarian considers it, he will prescribe a vitamin E supplement in one of the formats that we have indicated. On the other hand, there are foods with vitamin E for dogs that can be introduced into the diet in a controlled manner. For example:

  • Vegetable oils such as sunflower, rapeseed or, to a lesser extent, olive.
  • Nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds.
  • Fish such as pomfret, salmon or sardine.
  • Avocado pulp.
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, chard or spinach.

Vitamin E Side Effects for Dogs

As we pointed out at the beginning, fat-soluble vitamins such as E have the ability to be stored in the body. That is, a high dose will not be eliminated from the body as easily as the water-soluble ones, which are excreted in the urine. The excess of vitamins receives the name of hypervitaminosis and can cause symptoms, hence the importance Do not supplement without veterinary prescription.

On the other hand, when vitamin E is administered by injection, an injection site reaction, which will clear up on its own, or an abscess may occur. In rarer cases, an allergic reaction could be triggered.
