Forbidden foods for the hamster

Table of contents:

Forbidden foods for the hamster
Forbidden foods for the hamster
Forbidden Hamster Foods
Forbidden Hamster Foods

If you have decided to adopt a hamster into your home, it is very important that you thoroughly understand its diet so that it does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies, since fiber and protein are the basis of its diet.

Therefore, you should also know which are those foods that are prohibited for your hamster, because it is not just a food that may be difficult for you to digest, some can cause gastro-intestinal disorders as well as bring you closer to a greater predisposition to suffer various types of diseases. Find out on our site what these prohibited foods are.

What you need to know

In the market you will find a variety of hamster food, in addition, it will be classified according to its breed and therefore according to its needs. But if we go deeper and investigate, we realize that the diet of your hamster requires:

  • Cereals
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Meat or insects

Does your hamster have a perfect diet then? These three elements are fundamental and must be in proportion to their physical needs since, for example, an excessive portion of vegetables can cause diarrhea. The protein and fiber base they already receive with commercial foods, although you must be especially careful to offer them fresh fruit and vegetables. It is very likely that your little hamster will devour everything you give him, although we cannot say that it is good food for him by accepting it.

Do not provide food fit for human consumption as it has high levels of s alt and fat, very harmful for your little pet as it cannot tolerate them. Nor will we offer you chocolate (sugar), parsley, dressed vegetables, celery or raw beans.

Foods such as grapes, carrots or beets should be dosed once or twice a week and always in small quantities.

You should know that it is important to remove the leftover fruit and vegetables from your hamster's dish. If you didn't, it could accumulate germs and bacteria of all kinds that would later end up in your rodent's stomach. Find out about hamster care.

Forbidden foods for the hamster - What you should know
Forbidden foods for the hamster - What you should know

Forbidden fruits and vegetables for your hamster

It is true that the hamster tolerates countless fruits although they should always be provided in moderation. You will never give your little hamster orange, lemon and avocado. And it is that none of these three fruits is suitable for the digestion of your animal: the avocado provides excessive fat and the lemon and orange cause extreme acidity.

It is also important to remove the seeds or stones from the fruits.

The vegetables are another type of food that a hamster can digest without any difficulty and there are a wide variety of options that we can give it. That is why we pay attention to those that we will not offer you either, such as: garlic, onion, parsley, celery, oregano, basil and radishes.

Its digestive system is weaker than that of the human being, for this reason, if you do not remember the prohibited foods for your pet, think of those that are expensive in the same digestion of the human being (onion and garlic for example) and don't tell them.
