DIABETES in DOGS - Symptoms, treatment and complications

DIABETES in DOGS - Symptoms, treatment and complications
DIABETES in DOGS - Symptoms, treatment and complications
Diabetes in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Complications
Diabetes in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Complications

Diabetes is one of the diseases that both dogs and people have in common. It is due to a insulin deficiency that prevents taking advantage of the glucose that enters the body, so that it rises in the blood, which manifests itself with the appearance of different symptoms, as we will see below.

Contrary to popular belief, diabetes does not only exist in older or obese dogs. In this article on our site we talk about what life is like for a diabetic dog, how to learn to detect canine diabetes and much more.

What is diabetes in dogs?

Diabetes occurs when there is inadequate insulin production. insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas and that ensures that the glucose that is ingested through food manages to reach the interior of the cells, which it is where it is transformed to produce the energy necessary for a correct metabolism.

Not enough insulin, so glucose stays in the blood, causing what is known as hyperglycemia, which is a glucose level higher than what is considered normal. In addition to the blood, excess glucose is also detected in the urine. This is called glucosuria

Causes of diabetes in dogs

It is believed that the appearance of diabetes is due to a genetic predisposition Some breeds in particular show a greater tendency to suffer from it, such as the case of the golden retriever, the German shepherd or the poodle. But any dog, purebred or mixed, can suffer from it. The data to date speak of a higher incidence in females and it is more common for dogs between the ages of 6-9 years to get sick.

Diabetes in dogs can also occur as a result of pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas that can destroy cells that produce insulin. In some dogs this destruction is immune-mediated.

On the other hand, there may be diabetes caused by pregnancy, estrus, hyperadrenocorticism, or the administration of certain drugs. Likewise, obesity and diet are also important risk factors.

Types of diabetes in dogs

Diabetes in dogs can be of two types:

  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes

There is also secondary diabetes, which is the one that can appear, for example, during pregnancy, ortransitory , such as that due to the consumption of some drugs. Type 1 is the most common form in dogs. The destruction of the cells of the pancreas occurs, so the lack of insulin is total.

Symptoms of diabetes in dogs

Do you have questions and need to know how to tell if your dog has diabetes? These are the most common symptoms that the caregiver of a diabetic dog can detect:

  • Passing Large amounts of urine and more often.
  • Dehydration.
  • As a consequence of the above symptoms, there is an increase in water consumption.
  • There is also an increased appetite because the dog is unable to use all the glucose it ingests. But, when the disease progresses and there is already malnutrition, the opposite effect occurs. That is, the dog stops eating.
  • Despite the ravenous appetite, there is weight loss.
  • In the advanced stages of diabetes, in addition to anorexia, lethargy, vomiting or general weakness may be detected.
  • Blindness due to diabetes in dogs stands out, as it is common for diabetes to cause cataracts. These evolve quickly and are irreversible.

In addition to these general signs, diabetic dogs can experience what is known as diabetic ketoacidosis in cases of severe hyperglycaemia. It is due to a lack of glucose that causes lipids to be metabolized in an attempt to obtain energy. The symptoms of high blood sugar in dogs for this reason are:

  • General weakness.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fast breathing.
  • Smell of acetone, like nail polish remover, on the breath.

These cases constitute a veterinary emergency. The dog's life is in danger and it is essential to go to the vet immediately. Ketoacidosis has a poor prognosis.

Diabetes in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and complications - Symptoms of diabetes in dogs
Diabetes in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and complications - Symptoms of diabetes in dogs

Diabetes Diagnosis in Dogs

If you have noticed any of the symptoms mentioned, you are probably wondering how to detect diabetes in dogs. The answer always goes through the consultation of the veterinarian. In analyzes of blood and urine samples the amount of glucose can be measured. Elevated levels allow diagnosing diabetes. In addition, other alterations will appear that will provide the professional with more information about the general condition of the dog.

Treatment for diabetes in dogs

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, it's time to focus on how to treat diabetes in dogs. The pillars of this treatment are insulin, control of diet and exercise Stress should also be avoided as much as possible. It will not be possible to maintain glucose at optimal levels all day, but it is possible to achieve thresholds that cause the least problems. Let's see it in more detail:

Dog Diabetes Medication

The star drug for treating hyperglycemia in dogs is insulin, exactly the same as in people. Since the problem is due to a lack of this hormone, it can be controlled by providing it artificially. There are several brands and types of insulin, but the key is to get the dose right, since each dog will have particular needs. That is why the veterinarian will prescribe an initial dose and will set controls to study its effectiveness and be able to adjust it until the desired effect is achieved. Insulin treatment is done at home, so the caregiver will have to learn how to inject it, following the instructions provided by the veterinarian.

Find out everything in this other article: "Insulin for dogs - Types and doses".

Diet and weight control

Obesity hinders the response to insulin, so it is important that if the diabetic dog has a few extra kilos, he is given a diet to regain his ideal weight. Likewise, those specimens that have lost weight will have to consume a diet that allows them to recover it. In any case, it is convenient to give the meal always at the same time and in two doses to combine it with the medication and thus improve glucose control.

Physical activity

Practicar regular exercise adapted to the dog's conditions helps to keep glucose levels under control and to lose or maintain optimal weight in those overweight or obese specimens. Walks and any physical activity should be scheduled at the same times.


Dogs with diabetes must be sterilized to avoid the fluctuations that will occur during their cycle and that negatively influence the effect of insulin. Sterilizing them as soon as possible will make it easier to control diabetes. Find out about the sterilization of dogs to know what the surgery consists of, what the recovery is like and much more.

Diabetes in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and complications - Treatment for diabetes in dogs
Diabetes in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and complications - Treatment for diabetes in dogs

Complications of diabetes in dogs

It must be taken into account that a considerable percentage of diabetic dogs also suffer from other diseases that must be treated and that can make it difficult to control diabetes. They are also more prone to other disorders, such as urinary tract infections. In any case, in general, diabetic dogs suffer fewer complications than humans in the same situation. They live fewer years in comparison and the prolongation of the disease over time is what causes more complications. On the other hand, the cataracts stand out as the most frequent complication.

Finally, sometimes the dog can become unbalanced, which requires going to the vet to adjust the treatment and control the symptoms that have appeared. It is therefore essential that we go to the clinic whenever our diabetic dog presents any alteration in its he alth. In any case, it is essential to attend the follow-up check-ups prescribed by the veterinarian.

Warning signs in diabetic dogs

If it is always important to comply with the treatments as prescribed by the veterinarian, in this case it is essential. One mistake that can happen is insulin overdose, which causes blood glucose to fall far below normal, causing ahypoglycemia Its symptoms include confusion, disorientation, drowsiness, tremors, incoordination, seizures, and even collapse and eventually coma.

Detecting any of these signs is a reason to go to the vet urgently. The same applies if the dog shows symptoms compatible with a high blood sugar, such as weakness, vomiting, rapid breathing or the smell of acetone on the breath. In general, any alteration should be reported to the professional, as it may indicate a decompensation.

How long does a dog with diabetes last?

A well controlled diabetic dog can lead an almost normal life. Diabetes is not going to be cured, but the goal of treatment is to provide you with a good quality of life, normalize your body condition and control the clinical signs that are manifesting, in addition to avoiding the most serious risks of the disease, which are hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. Therefore, the prognosis will depend on different factors and it will be better the more compensated the diabetes is. The role of the caregiver is fundamental at this point, since he or she is the one who must comply with the treatment prescribed by the professional at home.

For all these reasons, it is not possible to establish a life expectancy for a dog with diabetes, since will depend on the care it receives Thus Well, if your dog has diabetes, don't hesitate to follow the vet's guidelines to offer him the best possible quality of life.
