American Chinchilla rabbit: characteristics and photos

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American Chinchilla rabbit: characteristics and photos
American Chinchilla rabbit: characteristics and photos
American Chinchilla
American Chinchilla

The american chinchilla is a rabbit that receives its name because of its great resemblance to the fur that chinchillas have, although they are not related in any way. I could relate to them. The ancestors that gave life to this breed are the Himalayan and the Beverén Blue.

Physical appearance

The American chinchilla rabbit is born with a dark coat and little by little it changes through an ash tone that culminates in a gisaceous blue color at 7 months of age. Its fur is medium in size, quite dense and soft.

Its body is compact and not too long, although we can say that it is a medium-large rabbit if it is a male, as they can weigh more than 4 kilograms. The females, on the other hand, are smaller, and can weigh between 1 and 2 kilograms.

The face of the American chinchilla rabbit is cute and has just been defined by two long ears that tilt backwards. His dark brown eyes are very expressive.


Like all rabbits, the American chinchilla has its own personality, although in general terms we can speak of a rabbit that is friendly and affectionate with children If you have it since you were little or if you adopt it and get used to it in the family nucleus, you can have a very good pet. In general we talk about a calm rabbit.

As for the relationship with other pets, it will depend on exactly what animal it is, although with other rabbits of the opposite sex we can generalize that it would not be an inconvenience, quite the contrary.


Rabbit care is quite generic and common, as all breeds require a large cage and we can even think of creating a fence that includes a nest and space to move. In what is "the house of the rabbit" there should never be a lack of a nest, feeder and drinker with plenty of fresh water, a blanket and special wood to gnaw, in this way we prevent the abnormal growth of the rabbit's teeth.

We will brush him between 2 and 3 times a week, thus removing dead hair and dirt. In addition, brushing prevents the appearance of mites and fleas.

The rabbit's diet will consist of unlimited availability of hay, feed and fruit and vegetables.

He alth

To prevent diseases we can vaccinate our rabbit just as we would do with other pets. In the same way, we will regularly go to the specialist to have him checked out and check that he is indeed he althy and stable. We will pay attention to myxomatosis and hemorrhagic fevers, common in this breed.

Also, remember that you should keep your rabbit's cage clean and disinfected regularly to avoid diseases.

Photos of American Chinchilla
