DWARF DUTCH Rabbit - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)

DWARF DUTCH Rabbit - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)
DWARF DUTCH Rabbit - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)
Dutch Midget
Dutch Midget

Known worldwide as the Netherland Dwarf, the Dutch Dwarf rabbit is an adorable little creature that has earned the love and admiration of the vast majority of rabbit lovers. It is no wonder that it has won so many hearts, as its sweet and adorable appearance has undoubtedly made it the most popular dwarf rabbit in the entire world. It is also the smallest breed of rabbit, since an adult specimen barely weighs one kilo! Do you want to meet these adorable dwarf rabbits? Today we present on our site all the details about the Dutch Dwarf rabbit: characteristics, character and care.

Origin of the Dwarf Dutch Rabbit

This is one of the most famous and established rabbit breeds, but they have a long history behind them. Already in the 18th century, Dutch dwarf rabbits were exported throughout Europe from the ports of Holanda, hence the name Dutch rabbit or Netherland Dwarf, as it is known. known all over the world.

The breed as we know it today emerged at the beginning of the 20th century through crosses between Polish rabbits and small wild rabbits. One of the particularities of the breed is the wide range of varieties that exist in terms of colors and weights, since different crosses were made in each country. At first the rabbits were not distinguished according to their color, being all cataloged as Dutch Dwarf rabbits. It was later when different denominations began to be used depending on the coat, such as the terms of Hermine or Polonaise for the completely white specimens with blue eyes.

The Dutch Dwarfs were reaching more and more corners of the world, to the United Kingdom in 1948 and to the United States in the 1960s. The breed was officially recognized in 1969 by the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Although the French Federation of Cuniculture had already collected the standard in 1910, both have been changing over the years, being continuously updated.

Physical Characteristics of the Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

The main characteristic of the Dutch dwarf rabbit breed is undoubtedly its low weight An adult of these lagomorphs weighs a maximum 1, 13 kilograms This particularity makes it one of the smallest rabbit breeds, as its weight ranges between 500 and 900 grams on average. In addition, their life expectancy is between 7 and 10 years.

His body is solid, giving the impression of being more robust and heavier than it really is. Its structure is, despite what it may seem, light and with light and flexible muscles, although quite developed.

The head of a Netherland Dwarf rabbit is large compared to the size of the rest of the body, with a rounded shape and a short, flattened, brachycephalic snout. Their eyes are round, bright and intense colors that vary depending on the fur. The ears are short, approximately 5 centimeters in size, set high, erect and rounded.

The coat must be short and of an immense chromatic variety, some of the existing colors are: opal, blue, chocolate, agouti, reddish agouti, cinnamon, lynx, blue otter, lilac otter, fox, butterfly, orange, Himalayan, sable or harlequin.

Dwarf Dutch Rabbit Character

Dutch rabbits have always been famous for their buzzing with energy, hinting that they come from wild rabbits. This can sometimes cause them to be excessively cautious and easily frightened, as they have a marked survival instinct inherited from those wild ancestors.

But make no mistake, the Dwarf Dutch Rabbit is only likely to be shy with those he doesn't trust very much, especially with the strangers. However, he is extremely caring and loving to those he considers his family.

Many consider it one of the most suitable rabbit breeds for families, as they are affectionate and very patient Although in the case of families with small children should be careful, because due to its small size and fragility, fatal accidents could occur for our rabbit too easily. If we still decide to have them in the company of children, it will be vital to educate them to treat the bunny with respect and care.

Netherland Dwarf rabbit care

Dwarf Dutch rabbits are toy or dwarf rabbits, so we have to provide them with a feed according to their characteristics, by going to a good veterinarian we can make sure that we give our rabbit a quality feed designed for toy rabbits. But a rabbit doesn't live on feed alone, because we have to supply them with fresh vegetables daily, especially those with green leaves, since they are ideal as a vitamin supplement. Fruits and certain vegetables rich in sugars should be limited to 2-3 times a week. In addition, we have to provide our bunny with unlimited fresh hay and water.

A characteristic of rabbits is that their nails and teeth continue to grow throughout their lives, so it is important that we cut their nails regularly. In the case of teeth, it is a rodent, so the best way to ensure that the teeth wear down properly and do not overgrow is to give our pet something to gnaw on. We can give them special toys, although the most advisable thing is usually to give them trunks or branches, making sure that they have not been fumigated, otherwise our little one could be poisoned by the chemicals.

Dwarf Dutch Rabbit He alth

Although Dwarf Dutch Rabbits are not sickly animals, we must know that rabbits are, in general, very fragile and vulnerable. That is why we must take extreme precautions against events such as falls or blows, since the bones of rabbits are very brittle and weld with too much difficulty, so a fracture can be fatal for them.

To ensure that our rabbit is in good he alth, it is best to frequently evaluate and check the condition of its fur, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. It is recommended to do these revisions in a masked way with pampering and caresses, so that they are not unpleasant for our pet. In this way we can detect anomalies early, such as lumps, wounds or infections, facilitating subsequent treatment.

It is also recommended not to neglect visits to the vet, and it is advisable that we find out about the different vaccines available for rabbits, as some, such as myxomatosis, are quite necessary, especially in some regions.

In addition, the veterinarian can carry out different tests that allow knowing the general state of your he alth, such as blood, urine or feces tests. In this way we can be sure that our little companion is totally and completely he althy and thus can enjoy a happy life by our side.

Dwarf Dutchman Pictures
