How to interrupt a cat's pregnancy? - Expert tips

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How to interrupt a cat's pregnancy? - Expert tips
How to interrupt a cat's pregnancy? - Expert tips
How to interrupt a cat's pregnancy?
How to interrupt a cat's pregnancy?

In this article on our site we are going to deal with a complex and delicate topic: abortions in cats. Sometimes, we pick up a cat from the street or ours, without sterilizing, it escapes and, some time later, we discover it in a state of gestation. In such a circumstance we can decide to receive the new kittens, with all that this entails, but we also have the option of interrupting the pregnancy. Next, we will explain how to terminate a cat's pregnancy

Unwanted pregnancy in cats

Before explaining how to interrupt a cat's pregnancy, we should know that this is very likely to occur if we have not sterilized her. Female cats are seasonally polyestrous, which means that in the months with more sunlight they will practically always be in heat. We will notice that they meow more and in high-pitched tones, they show their genitals by withdrawing their tails, they are more affectionate, they rub against people and objects, they will try to escape, etc.

These symptoms will recur for about a week every fortnight. In this period the female cat will attract the males and, if they meet, the mount will take place, with high probability. At the end of this, the cat will withdraw his penis covered with spicules, which produces a painful stimulus that triggers the induced ovulation of the female and, in all probability, a pregnancy 3-5 kittens that will be born in about two months. Therefore, it is easy that, throughout her life, an unsterilized cat gets pregnant in a way that we do not want.

Symptoms of a pregnant cat

If you have witnessed the mating, it is best to visit the veterinarian to perform an ultrasound and confirm the pregnancy as soon as possible, since the sooner it is identified, the fewer risks and the more likely it is to abort the the cat. Now, if you haven't seen this moment and are therefore interested in how to tell if a cat is pregnant, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • she will have the most puffy and pink nipples
  • The vulva will also swell.
  • As days go by, your belly will grow.
  • It will look for a quiet place to prepare the nest.
  • It will begin to prepare the nest.
  • You may lose your appetite a bit.
  • In the final phase, her demeanor may change and become more surly.

In general, these symptoms of a pregnant cat usually appear from the middle of the pregnancy, so that, as we will see in the next section, the risks of causing her to abort increase.

How to interrupt a cat's pregnancy? - Symptoms of a pregnant cat
How to interrupt a cat's pregnancy? - Symptoms of a pregnant cat

Can a cat's pregnancy be terminated?

Thus, it is possible that we find ourselves before a pregnant cat without it having been our choice. In this case we will have two options:

  • Continue with the pregnancy: we must bear in mind that this decision implies carrying out a veterinary follow-up on the cat, offering care and attention in childbirth and postpartum and, above all, look for responsible homes for the kittens, bearing in mind that, in approximately five months, these little ones will also be fertile.
  • Abort pregnancy: Yes, it is possible not to go ahead with an unwanted litter due to any circumstances. For this, we must go to the veterinarian. In the next section we will explain in detail how to terminate a cat's pregnancy.

How to terminate a cat's pregnancy?

Yes you can make a cat abort, as long as it is done by a veterinarian. If this is our decision, we can find ourselves before two assumptions:

  • Pregnancy in early stages: during the first weeks we will not notice any change in the cat that makes us suspect her condition, That is why only if we have seen the mount can we go to the vet. At an early stage of pregnancy, if we want to know how to abort a cat, this professional will assess the situation and prescribe drugs that would cause the reabsorption of the embryos or their expulsion. They can have side effects. This solution should be punctual, since ovariohysterectomy is recommended, that is, the removal of the uterus and ovaries. This intervention represents a definitive solution to the problem of unwanted litters.
  • Last weeks of gestation: if we are surprised by a much larger than usual belly in our cat, it may be that she already are in the final phase of pregnancy. In these cases, the veterinarian will assess the situation, taking into account the risks involved in intervening in these conditions compared with those of continuing the pregnancy.

How long can a cat's pregnancy be terminated?

We know how to terminate a cat's pregnancy but we have seen that it is not always recommended. Abortion drugs can be used until about three weeks before the expected date of deliveryBut keep in mind that the longer the gestation period has elapsed, the larger the fetuses will be and, therefore, their expulsion will be more complicated.

If we choose to interrupt the pregnancy with an octubrehysterectomy, although there are veterinarians who perform it at any time during pregnancy, others do not recommend operating in the two weeks prior to the probable date of delivery. This is due to the accumulation of blood that occurs in the gestating uterus, so that extracting it would increase the risks. In addition, some veterinarians do not feel comfortable preventing the birth of already well-formed pups.

How to prevent a cat from getting pregnant?

If we don't want to worry about how to interrupt a cat's pregnancy, it is our responsibility to avoid unwanted pregnancies. To do this, sterilization There are drugs that inhibit oestrus but they have significant side effects, such as breast tumors or uterine infection, so it is not advisable to use as regular contraception.

Finally, on the subject of the reproduction of domestic animals we must take into account overpopulation. Every year a huge number of cats are abused, killed or abandoned. It is not responsible to increase this number. Although we think that we will be able to find homes for everyone, that is not the same as guaranteeing the same for the descendants that they could potentially have, perpetuating the problem of overpopulation.

Therefore, unless we are legally authorized breeders, it is our obligation to use contraceptive methods such as sterilization. Trusting that the cat will not run away is not safe. Taking into account the risk-benefit assessment, octubrehysterectomy is recommended.
