Bordetella in dogs- Symptoms and treatment

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Bordetella in dogs- Symptoms and treatment
Bordetella in dogs- Symptoms and treatment
Bordetella in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Bordetella in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Did you know that your dog is susceptible to diseases caused by various pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi? Obviously, the state of the immune system is closely linked to the onset of the disease, thus, puppies are more susceptible to infectious diseases, as well as immunosuppressed dogs, while he althy adult dogs have a more competent immune system and effective.

Despite this, even if you give your dog the best care, you should always remain alert, since sometimes the action of these pathogens overcomes the mechanisms of the immune system.

In this AnimalWised article we talk about the symptoms and treatment of Bordetella in dogs, a dangerous bacterium.

What is Bordetella?

The term Bordetella refers to a group of 3 pathogenic bacteria:

  • Bordetella pertussis
  • Bordetella parapertussis
  • Bordetella bronchiseptica

These bacteria can also affect humans and other animals such as sheep, however, Bordetella bronchiseptica is very rare in humans but it is the cause of pathologies in dogs, in this case, infection by This bacterium manifests itself through a disease known as kennel cough.

We must mention that in addition to the Bordetella bronchiseptica bacterium, the canine Parainfluenza virus and Adenovirus type 2 are also associated with the appearance of this disease.

Bordetella is a highly contagious bacteria that is spread by direct contact or through the air, causing real outbreaks in crowded places where dogs live, such as kennels or nurseries, hence the popular name given to the pathology caused by Bordetella.

In a he althy dog, Bordetella can manifest simply as a cough, while in a puppy, the disease caused by this bacterium can be fatal.

Bordetella in dogs- Symptoms and treatment - What is Bordetella?
Bordetella in dogs- Symptoms and treatment - What is Bordetella?

Symptoms of Bordetella infection in dogs

Bordetella bacteria cause canine infectious tracheobronchitis, which is the medical term for kennel cough.

When a dog is infected by this pathogen, a manifestation occurs that mainly affects the respiratory system and we can observe in the sick dog the following symptoms:

  • Persistent cough
  • Gagging, vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Expectoration of respiratory secretions

The presence of one or more of these symptoms should alert us and we must ensure that the affected dog has veterinary assistance as soon as possible, also It is important that the affected dog is isolated, otherwise the bacteria could spread very easily.

Bordetella In Dogs- Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Bordetella Infection In Dogs
Bordetella In Dogs- Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Bordetella Infection In Dogs

Treatment of Bordetella in dogs

During the treatment the dog must remain isolated, this treatment will be carried out through antibiotic drugs to combat the colonization of bacteria and of anti-inflammatory drugs that will help reduce the inflamed tissues of the respiratory tract.

Adequate hydration and nutrition are also essential factors for the treatment against Bordetella to be effective and for the dog to recover without any inconvenience.

Bordetella in dogs- Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of Bordetella in dogs
Bordetella in dogs- Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of Bordetella in dogs

Canine vaccine against Bordetella

From 3 weeks of age, a puppy can be vaccinated against Bordetella, although the distribution of this vaccine is not as wide as in other cases and in some geographical areas it may not be found. The vaccine can be administered subcutaneously or nasally, the veterinarian will advise you on the best option for your dog.

The renewal of this vaccine is annual or every six months in the case of some adult dogs, and not all dogs need it, being especially indicated when our pet is going to live with many other dogs.
