We know hippos as members of the Hippopotamidae family. They are one of the most enigmatic animals in the world. Their amphibious life, between water and land, their stocky appearance and their territorial character have made them famous animals all over the world. But do you know where hippos live?
In this article on our site we tell you everything you need to know about the distribution and habitat of hippos, including the two species that currently exist. In addition, you will discover many curiosities about its evolutionary history, its ecology and its threats. Do not miss it!
Where do hippos come from?
Hippopotamuses (Hippopotamidae) emerged in Africa during the Miocene, about 23 million years ago. Around this time, a hoofed mammal, probably an anthracotheriid (Anthracotheriidae), gave rise to a group of large semiaquatic herbivores: the first hippopotamuses. At the end of the Miocene there was an explosion of hippopotamuses. They became very abundant and diversified, spreading throughout Africa. Already in the Pleistocene, colonized much of Europe and Asia, including numerous islands, such as Great Britain1 Can you imagine a world full of hippos?
Today we know that there were at least 5 genera and up to 40 species2. However, most became extinct throughout the Quaternary due to climatic changes and massive hunting by humans3.
But what now? Where do hippos live? Today there are two species of hippos living in Africa: the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) and the pygmy hippopotamus (Chaeropsis liberiensis). Let's see where each of them lives.
Where does the common hippo live?
The common or Nile hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) is the largest living hippopotamus It is about 300 cm long and 150 cm wide height, being able to reach more than 2 000 kg. It is longer and shorter-legged than the pygmy hippopotamus and its body is covered with short, reddish-brown hair.
This species of hippopotamus is also the most abundant. Distributed in sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal in the west to South Sudan in the east and from Mali in the north to South Africa in the south. In total, it lives in 38 states. Before it spread further north, reaching Algeria and Egypt, but they disappeared from these countries in the 19th century.
Today, it is estimated that there are between 115,000 and 130,000 individuals. Their populations are stable at the continental level, but are declining in some regions. Therefore, is considered a vulnerable species Its main threats are illegal hunting, climate change and, above all, the loss or degradation of its habitat. In addition, the disappearance of its habitat and its territorial character causes constant conflicts with human beings.
If you want to know more, we recommend this other article on Why hippos attack.
Habitat of the common hippopotamus
Although they are distributed over half of Africa, the places where common hippos live are very particular. As its scientific name (H. amphibius) indicates, the common hippopotamus is an amphibian animal. Always lives in aquatic habitats such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands During the dry season, it is often found in muddy swamps.
This animal spends most of the day in the water and only comes out at night to feed. This is because your skin is very sensitive and needs to be always moist. However, they have a mechanism to defend themselves against drought: their skin secretes a red liquid that works as a sunscreen and antibiotic. Therefore, these hippos only come out of the water to eat. As we told in the article on What do hippos eat, they are herbivorous animals and feed mainly on terrestrial herbs. In order not to move too much, they always live near large open grasslands There, they form herds of 10 to several hundred individuals.
As you may have imagined, the habitat of the common hippopotamus is full of life. They coexist with a large number of animals, such as elephants, zebras and wildebeests, who drink in the same waters. To maintain this we alth, hippos are a fundamental piece. Their feces provide nutrients to the water and are an exquisite delicacy for lions and crocodiles.

Where does the pygmy hippopotamus live?
The pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) is much smaller than the common hippopotamus. Weighs between 160 and 270 kg It is also shorter and leggy, 150-175 cm long and 75-100 cm tall. His feet are more adapted to terrestrial life and his body is not covered with fur.
And where do pygmy hippos live? They live in the West African lowland forests, where there are two subspecies:
- C. liberiensis liberiensis: inhabits Ivory Coast, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
- C. liberiensis heslopi: lives in Nigeria. However, it is believed that it could be extinct, since the last one was sighted in 1943.
Before, the distribution of this species was much greater, but its populations have been disappearing. It is a seriously threatened animal and is considered in danger of extinction Today, there are about 2000-2500 individualsand continue to decline. It is due, above all, to the destruction of forests to build settlements or cultivate crops, but also to hunting and the instability of the countries in which it lives.
Pygmy hippopotamus habitat
The pygmy hippopotamus lives in dense low-lying evergreen forests It can also inhabit gallery forests near savannah. It is more terrestrial than the common hippopotamus, although it usually spends the day in or near water, especially in swamps and streams. There, it hides in the cavities that the passage of water forms on the banks.
Pygmies are also less nocturnal than common hippos. They can move away from the water during the day, although they usually come out at night to feed To do this, they enter the forest silently and follow paths and tunnels through the vegetation. They are experts at camouflaging themselves to avoid predators.
And, what do they eat? Pygmy hippopotamuses are also herbivorous animals, although more generalists. They feed on herbs and browse, that is, they consume leaves, roots, fruits and juicy stems of shrubs. As good forest animals, they are more solitary than the common hippopotamus. They usually live alone or in pairs
But they are not alone. The place where the pygmy hippos live has a large number of species, such as chimpanzees, African elephants and cercopithecos. Pygmy hippos contribute to this biodiversity. They are one of the favorite prey of large carnivores, such as crocodiles or leopards; and they are very good at paying, since they spread their feces by moving their tail to mark their territory.

Hippos in Colombia
If you live in Colombia, you will know that there are hippos in your country. They are an introduced species and shouldn't be there. His presence is due to the whims of the most famous narco in history, Pablo Escobar, who collected large animals in his private zoo.
Today, it is estimated that there are between 80 and 120 hippos in Colombia. The weather conditions in this country are very good for them, so they are expanding along the main waterways. Although it may seem like a good thing, it is a serious ecological problem.
Pablo Escobar's hippos have become an invasive species, putting native species at risk, such as the manatee and many plant species. For this reason, it is currently being debated whether to sterilize them, transport them or even kill them. However, a large part of the local population is against it and believes that they could attract tourism, improving the economy of the area4 What do you think?