Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

All dogs have different characteristics and qualities, including the type of bite that can be more serious in the case of certain breeds. It is based on this type of physical differences that the Spanish government creates Royal Decree 287/2002, of March 22, which develops Law 50 /1999, of December 23, on the legal regime for the possession of "potentially dangerous dogs".

In addition, we must ask ourselves why the government takes so many measures and makes it so difficult to adopt these breeds, but nevertheless does not put measures in place to prevent sacrifice, abandonment and mistreatment. Below we detail everything you need to know about the law of potentially dangerous dogs in Spain or PPP.

Potentially Dangerous Dog Breeds (PPP):

1. Pit bull terrier

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020 - Potentially dangerous dog breeds (PPP)
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020 - Potentially dangerous dog breeds (PPP)

two. Staffordshire bull terrier

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

3. American staffordshire terrier

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

4. Rottweiler

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

5. Argentine Dogo

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

6. Brazilian Row

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

7. Tosa inu

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020

8. Akita Inu

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020


The dogs that we have mentioned above are considered "potentially dangerous dogs" according to Annex I of Royal Decree 287/2002 of March 22, but in addition, those dogs that are awill also be considered PPP. crossbreeding of the mentioned breeds, and those that meet the following physical characteristics, indicated in the Annex II:

  • Strong muscles, powerful appearance, robust, athletic build, agility, stamina and endurance.
  • Strong character and great value.
  • Short hair.
  • Thoracic perimeter between 60 and 80 centimeters, height at the withers between 50 and 70 centimeters and weight over 20 kg.
  • Voluminous, cuboid, robust head, with a wide, large skull and muscular, convex cheeks. Strong and large jaws, robust, wide and deep mouth.
  • Wide neck, short and muscled.
  • Solid, broad, large, deep chest, arched ribs and short, muscular back.
  • Parallel, straight and robust forelimbs and very muscular hind limbs, with relatively long legs at a moderate angle.

In addition to all these details, a dog can also be considered a PPP in certain autonomous communities or by express order if requested by a veterinary.

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020 - In addition…
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020 - In addition…

What do you need to adopt a PPP dog?

To begin, it is essential to obtain a administrative license which certifies that the person meets all the requirements imposed by the state. People who are in charge of potentially dangerous dogs in Spain, according to current law, must comply with the following points:

  • Be of age.
  • Not having been convicted of crimes of homicide, injury, torture, against freedom or moral integrity, sexual freedom and public he alth, association with an armed gang or drug trafficking, as well as not being deprived by judicial resolution of the right to possession of potentially dangerous animals.
  • Not having been sanctioned for serious or very serious infractions with any of the accessory sanctions provided for in section 3 of article 13 of Law 50/1999, of December 23, on the legal regime of potentially dangerous animals.
  • Have the physical capacity and psychological aptitude to own potentially dangerous animals.
  • Proof of having formalized a civil liability insurance for damages to third parties with coverage of not less than €120,000.

The license must be renewed every 5 years and can be renewed as long as the holder does not fail to comply with some of the points established above. In addition, a physical and psychological examination must be carried out to certify that the person who is going to receive the license has sufficient visual, auditory, musculoskeletal and neurological system.

Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020 - What do you need to adopt a PPP dog?
Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain - Legislation in force 2020 - What do you need to adopt a PPP dog?

What regulations must a PPP dog comply with?

Unlike dogs not considered potentially dangerous, those that have received this classification must comply with some rules in public spaces. Below we detail said "security measures", according to the BOE:

  • To begin with, it is essential that the person in charge of a potentially dangerous dog has a license available in public spacesfor the possession of potentially dangerous animals as well as registration in the municipal registry.
  • Animals must use a muzzle always in public spaces.
  • Potentially dangerous dogs may not be walked on an extendable leash or a leash greater than 2 meters in length.
  • The same person cannot walk two dogs considered potentially dangerous at the same time.
  • It is forbidden for a dog considered potentially dangerous to be off-leash or outside a delimited and closed area, even if it is private property.
  • The theft or loss of the animal must be reported to the municipal registry within a maximum period of 48 hours from the date of its disappearance.

In the event of non-compliance with these rules, a sanction will be applied that can be considered mild, moderate or serious, involving or not a monetary sanction and even the confiscation of the animal. It is very important to understand this point if you are going to adopt a dog considered potentially dangerous.
