8 BREEDS of GRAY CATS - Short-haired, long-haired, brindle or blue

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8 BREEDS of GRAY CATS - Short-haired, long-haired, brindle or blue
8 BREEDS of GRAY CATS - Short-haired, long-haired, brindle or blue
8 gray cat breeds
8 gray cat breeds

The gray cat breeds are many, each with different characteristics, behaviors and personalities, but with one trait in common: their beauty. These shades stand out for giving felines an elegant appearance and a fine style. Do you want to know what are the gray cat breed names? We will show you the most outstanding ones and their characteristics. If you are planning to adopt a cat of this type, you cannot miss this article on our site. Ahead!

Grey cat breeds with blue eyes

Here are some of the gray cat breeds that have stunning blue eyes:

Grey Persian Cat

There is a great variety of Persian cats in the world, of all colors and sizes, which makes this breed one of the most famous and desired. The gray Persian cat is descendant of the Angora cat, a Turkish species that has existed since ancient times. Its appearance makes it look like an obese cat, however, this is because the breed is stocky and muscular, and the head is naturally rounded.

The eyes are large and intensely colored, which can range from blue to shades of yellow and green. Gray Persian cats They are usually very affectionate and quiet, they love to be in company, so they always attract the attention of their human companions and seek caresses.

8 gray cat breeds - Gray cat breeds with blue eyes
8 gray cat breeds - Gray cat breeds with blue eyes

Turkish Angora

Although it is common to see it with white fur, there are specimens of the Turkish Angora whose fur is gray. As its name indicates, this animal is originally from Turkey, it is a very he althy breed of gray cat that rarely gets sick, however, it is advisable to give it the best care for a long life.

The Turkish Angora has a fine, soft and silky coat, most abundant on the neck and tail. Also, their hind legs are higher than their front legs. It has elongated ears and is always attentive to all the sounds around it. As for their eyes, although it is true that you can find specimens with blue eyes, they also vary in shades of green and yellow.

Because of their similarities, some people have difficulty telling Persians and Angoras apart. If this is your case, you can read this other article on Differences between a Persian cat and an Angora.

8 breeds of gray cats
8 breeds of gray cats

Grey Brindle Cat Breeds

There are also gray cat breeds with stripes, special and unique!

Egyptian Mau Cat

The Egyptian Mau is perhaps one of the most interesting cat breeds that exists, both for its beauty and for its history, since it comes from the country where cats were revered for hundreds or thousands of years. In this sense, the word mau comes from Egyptian lands and means "cat", so its name can be literally translated as "Egyptian cat".

This breed has huge green eyes and a fur spotted with dark stripes, which it inherited from the small African wild cat. However, you can also find specimens with bluish or brown spots on a gray background, among other shades. It is a very territorial and jealous breed, but at the same time affectionate and friendly with the members of its family. It is also characterized by being a very intelligent and independent breed.

8 breeds of gray cats - Breeds of gray brindle cats
8 breeds of gray cats - Breeds of gray brindle cats

American shorthair

This feline breed has won the hearts of many families worldwide, being one of the most beloved to live in homes, especially for its friendly personality and sociable, in addition to possessing great agility and intelligence. All these attributes make the American Shorthair a very attractive cat.

With regard to its physical characteristics, the breed has a broad, round head, with a small nose. It weighs up to 6 kilos, for which it is considered a medium-large cat. It has short hair and can be of almost any color, but the most popular specimens are silver tones, without forgetting the dark streaks that run all over the body.

8 breeds of gray cats
8 breeds of gray cats

Common European Cat

As its name indicates, this breed is native to Europe, although its descent goes back to the African continent, later spreading to the old product of the incursions that occurred through time. As for its appearance, the common European cat does not have a specific size and color standard, so there is a wide variety of felines that correspond to the same type of animal.

In this case, we will focus on those cats whose fur is tabby or striped. These stripes are usually a darker color than the rest of the fur, whose shades vary from silver or greyish, being another of the gray cat breeds with more stripes. popular.

Cats of this breed love outdoor activities, so they tend to hunt rodents and birds of all kinds, as well as climb trees and high areas (although later they can't find a way to descend). They are also quite independent and he althy, making their care a breeze.

8 breeds of gray cats
8 breeds of gray cats

Blue-gray cat breeds

Did you know that some cats have bluish fur? That's right!, and in fact the gray-blue cat breeds are among the most appreciated for the beauty of their coat, although for us all cats are equally beautiful!


Perhaps the name of this breed is not familiar to you, but here we present it to you. The Nebelung breed inherited the best of both worlds, as it is the result of a cross between a longhair female and a Russian Blue male, which resulted in a cat strong, stocky, and muscular with long, bluish-gray hair. This breed is characterized by a large head that is adorned with two impressive eyes whose most frequent colors are green and yellow.

Despite their elegant and calm appearance, they are cats very mischievous and curious, so they are always ready to play with their human companions or other felines that live in the house. In addition to this, the Nebelung is an intelligent and sociable cat, which makes it easy to train. It is necessary to brush it frequently to maintain a he althy coat free of impurities. To do this, review our recommendations for brushing cat hair.

8 gray cat breeds - Blue-gray cat breeds
8 gray cat breeds - Blue-gray cat breeds

Russian blue

This breed is of Russian origin, it is believed that it originated in the Archangel Islands, located to the north of Russia, and that they later spread throughout the rest of Europe and reached the United States. Due to the extreme climatic conditions that exist in the country of origin, the Russian Blue developed a thick coat that effectively protects it. The breed weighs up to 5 kilos and its life expectancy is between 10 and 15 years.

Russian Blue cats commonly have green eyes, although all are born with blue eyes that change as they begin to grow. The most striking feature of Russian Blue cats is their fur, which is gray in color, although it is traditionally described as bluish. His personality is usually shy with strangers, but affectionate with his human companions; In addition, they are very playful and like to chase and fetch things.

8 breeds of gray cats
8 breeds of gray cats


It is a robust and well-muscled cat that is an excellent pet for those who live alone, since the chartreux is a good company due to its sociable, friendly character and playful.

This breed is native to France, where it was actively bred by Carthusian monks. It later came to the UK and the rest of Europe, and during World War II it was on the verge of extinction, but managed to survive and recover.

Like the Russian Blue, it has a thick and dense hair due to the harsh climatic conditions of its place of origin. Its coloration is grayish blue, or vice versa. The eyes range from bright yellow to green or copper.

Now that you know some of the most beautiful gray cat breeds, if you decide to adopt one, you may be interested in this other article on Names for gray cats.
