Anemia in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
Anemia in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

In this article on our site we are going to talk about a blood disorder that our cats can suffer from. This is anemia, a problem that occurs when the number of red blood cells decreases compared to what is normal for the species. This translates into the appearance of different clinical signs that we can detect, such as pale mucous membranes or loss of appetite.

Anemia in cats can be mild or severe, but it must always be treated by the veterinarian, who must also identify the cause that is causing it, as it can be an infectious disease, a parasite problem or a hemorrhage, among others. Keep reading to discover what is anemia in cats, its symptoms and its treatment.

What is anemia in cats?

Going forward, anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, also called erythrocytes. It is a non-contagious pathological situation in which the cat will not have all the red blood cells that he needs for the proper functioning of his body. Red blood cells have the important function of transporting oxygen to the tissues.

Anemia can be due to multiple causes and will always require the intervention of the veterinarian, the sooner the better to prevent the cat's condition from worsening to non-reversible extremes. Anemia can occur when there is more destruction than generation of red blood cells or when, directly, the bone marrow does not generate them or not in sufficient quantity. Anemia is not contagious, but some of its causes are.

Anemia should not be confused with thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder that occurs when there is increased consumption, destruction or decreased production of platelets. Low platelets in cats are less commonly diagnosed than anemia and result in coagulation problems.

Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is anemia in cats?
Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is anemia in cats?

Causes of anemia in cats

Although we usually associate anemia with a poor diet, the main causes of feline anemia are the following:

  • Internal and external hemorrhages, such as those due to poisoning, trauma or coagulation problems.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Viral diseases. Anemia in cats with leukemia or immunodeficiency is a relatively common complication.
  • Parasites internal and external, such as fleas.
  • Chronic insufficiency Renal or hepatic.
  • Neoplasias.
  • Iron deficiency.

Types of anemia in cats

Anemias can be divided into two large groups according to the ability of the bone marrow to regenerate red blood cells. Thus, we find two types of anemia, which are:

  • Regenerative anemia: when the body has the ability to make red blood cells againIt is usually anemia that occurs in cases of hemorrhage or hemolysis, which is when red blood cells are destroyed. In this case we speak of hemolytic anemia
  • Non-regenerative anemia or aregenerative: it is the most serious type of anemia and with a worse prognosis because the body has lost the ability to generate new red blood cells or does so in very small quantities.

Symptoms of anemia in cats

In general, these are the most common clinical signs that can be detected in an anemic cat. They will present more or less severely and may be accompanied by the signs corresponding to the cause of the anemia:

  • Fatigue.
  • Apathy.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Weakness.
  • Pale mucous membranes.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Respiratory problems.
  • Dehydration.
  • Hypothermia.
Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of anemia in cats
Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of anemia in cats

Diagnosis of anemia in cats

To diagnose anemia in a cat, you need to take a blood sample for analysis. If the hematocrit or HCT, which is the volume of red blood cells in the blood, and the hemoglobin, which is the pigment in red blood cells that captures oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules from the blood, are below normal parameters, the vet will diagnose anemia.

But this confirmation is not enough, the professional will also have to determine what the cause is To do this, he will take into account the history symptoms, physical examination and the results of the tests that you consider necessary to perform, such as tests to detect the presence of viral diseases such as leukemia or immunodeficiency.

Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of anemia in cats
Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of anemia in cats

How to treat anemia in cats?

The treatment of anemia will depend on the cause For example, if we are facing anemia in cats due to fleas, we will have to apply a adequate dewormer and also eliminate all parasites from the environment. When anemia is due to an autoimmune disease, corticosteroids are usually prescribed due to their immunosuppressive effect. In addition, in more severe anemias, a blood transfusion may be needed to try to provide the cat with red blood cells quickly while its body manages to generate more.

Still, treatment for anemia in cats can last for several weeks depending on its cause, and recovery of red blood cell values considered normal will take a little longer. So if you're wondering how long anemia lasts in cats, there's no fixed answer. The vet will check on your cat to control his progress until he can be discharged.

Foods for anemia in cats

It is common for a cat with anemia to lose its appetite and, by not eating, it will feel even weaker, its condition will worsen and it will be less and less hungry, aggravating the condition. That's why it's important for him to eat. It is best to resort to specially formulated food for convalescent cats that you will find in veterinary clinics or specialized establishments.

They have the advantage that they are very palatable and nutritious, meaning that the cat eats a small amount. In addition, their texture is very soft and water can be added to give them with a syringe to cats with more difficulties to eat.

Offering the food warm to enhance the smell it gives off or resorting to the cat's favorite foods are other options to whet the cat's appetite our feline. Liver and red meats are especially recommended in these situations. Find out more in our article Iron-rich foods for cats. In any case, a quality diet and good hydration are always recommended.

Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How to treat anemia in cats?
Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How to treat anemia in cats?

Can anemia in cats be prevented?

If we review the main causes of anemia, we will see that some cannot be prevented, but there are others against which we can act through measures such as the following:

  • Create a safe environment for your cat, preventing it from having access to potential toxins or to balconies or windows from which it could fall.
  • Try to keep him inside the home to prevent him from contracting infectious diseases, accessing toxic substances or having an accident.
  • Castralo so that he doesn't get involved in fights with other cats in which he could get hurt or catch diseases. It's just one of the benefits of neutering cats.
  • Deworm him and vaccinate him according to the schedule set by the vet. Even if you don't leave the house, other animals or yourself can introduce parasites and even viruses into the home.
  • Go to the reviews advised by this professional.
  • Give him a quality food.
Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Can anemia in cats be prevented?
Anemia in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Can anemia in cats be prevented?

Remedies for anemia in cats

Once we have seen what anemia in cats consists of, it is a mistake to think that we can diagnose it without going to the vet or that we can treat it at home, simply by giving our cat vitamins. There are no home remedies to cure anemia.

It is not only essential that the veterinarian confirm the anemia and identify what has caused it, but only this professional can prescribe the appropriate treatment. You should never give your cat anything if it has not been prescribed by this professional, even if they are some vitamins that seem harmless to us. If you suspect that your cat has anemia, don't wait any longer to go to a veterinary center. Delaying the visit will only aggravate his condition

Once the veterinarian has prescribed a treatment for you, at home you can offer your cat food such as those mentioned in the previous section, as well as all the care it needs, minimizing any stressful element for promote your recovery.
