Snot in dogs - Types, symptoms, causes and treatments

Snot in dogs - Types, symptoms, causes and treatments
Snot in dogs - Types, symptoms, causes and treatments
Dog Snot - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Dog Snot - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Sometimes it's not easy to see them because they tend to lick themselves continuously, but dogs can also have snot. We can discover a more or less thick secretion coming out of one or both nostrils, in addition to other clinical signs such as sneezing, runny nose or loss of appetite.

Next, in the following article on our site, in collaboration with VETFORMACIÓN, we talk about snot in dogs, their symptoms, causes and treatment.

Types of mucus in dogs

Does your dog have snot? Look at his appearance. Depending on its cause, this will be the appearance of the mucus that you can see in your dog's snout. We highlight the following types:

  • Transparent snot: they look like a kind of gourd in greater or lesser quantity and in one or both nostrils.
  • Thick snot: may come out of one or both nostrils. They are usually yellowish, greenish or whitish and sometimes give off a bad smell.
  • Green Mucus: Green mucus in dogs can be seen in one or both nostrils. They can be thick.
  • Bloody snot: the bleeding, of greater or lesser intensity, may come from one or both orifices and be punctual or sustained over time.

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Snot in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatments - Types of snot in dogs
Snot in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatments - Types of snot in dogs

Symptoms of snot in dogs

Many times you will see that your dog has mucus and rheum, but there are other clinical signs that can accompany the mucus depending on its cause. The most notable are the following:

  • Sneezing.
  • Cough.
  • Ocular discharge.
  • Itchy.
  • Fever.
  • Respiratory difficulties.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Lethargy.
  • Nausea.

Why does my dog have snot?

Although we are used to associating mucus and a cold, the truth is that there are more illnesses that have them as one of their symptoms. In this other article we talk in depth about colds in dogs.

According to the type of mucus, below we explain the most common causes of mucus in dogs.

Causes of transparent mucus

They are common in cases of allergies An allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction that occurs to a substance, such as pollen or dust, which, in principle, should not cause any response from the dog's immune system, since it is harmless. If your dog has clear mucus, it is normal for you to also see eye discharge and itching. The dog will try to scratch his face with his paws or against any object. Discover all the symptoms of allergy in dogs in this other article.

However, keep in mind that there are also viral infections that produce a clear, watery discharge in the early stages, when still no complications from secondary bacterial infections. The same goes for a foreign body that has just become trapped in the nasal cavity.

Causes of thick mucus

They can be yellowish, greenish or whitish in color and can be detected when there is a bacterial or fungal infectionThis can occur if a foreign body, such as a seed or any plant fragment, has been stuck in one of the nostrils for some time and triggers an infection. In this case, the mucus appears only in the affected hole and it is normal for the dog to sneeze and even scratch with his paws to try to expel the object.

In an oronasal fistula, polyp or tumor the mucus also comes out of a single hole. The mucus may have a bad odor. A typical example of a disease that, above all, causes snot in puppies to become thick is canine distemper, but an infection in the teeth can also trigger this type of mucus, in this case through the hole on the affected side.

Causes of green mucus

If you wonder why your dog has green mucus, you should know that they appear when there is an infection and indicate that the immune system is fighting against it, because the coloration is due to the action of leukocytes.

Causes of bloody mucus

Bleeding is sometimes only an indication that a small capillary has broken, for example, if the dog, in addition to mucus, sneezes. Other times it may be a sign of the presence of a polyp, tumor or foreign body, but also bacterial or fungal infectionscan damage the mucosa to the point of causing bloody mucus.

In the first cases, the bleeding will be from a single hole, where the polyp, tumor or object is located. Mucus in older dogs is more likely to be related to a tumor than in young animals.

How to remove mucus in dogs? - Treatment

To treat mucus in our dog we have to go to the vet, since it is essential to know the cause that has triggered it. If the mucus comes from a foreign body, such as a spike or any small object, it will need to be removed, often with general anesthesia, since it is a very delicate and sensitive area that can bleed a lot. After the extraction, it is usual to prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections caused by bacteria. Polyps can also be removed. In the case of tumors, intervention is possible in benign ones, but malignant ones, although they are treatable, have a guarded prognosis.

infections will require treatment, usually consisting of an antibiotic both to eliminate bacteria and to prevent the appearance of secondary infections if the infection is of viral origin. In more severe cases where the dog stops eating and becomes dehydrated, admission may be required to replace fluids and start intravenous medication. More complex is the treatment of an allergy, since the allergen is not always determined or can be avoided, there are many, etc. The veterinarian can prescribe drugs to alleviate the symptoms.

Remedies for mucus in dogs

If our dog has a disease that causes runny nose, at home we can follow some recommendations to improve his breathingwhile the treatment from the vet takes effect. We highlight the following:

  • Water vapor helps clear mucus from the nostrils. You can put your dog in the bathroom with you while you shower with hot water and the door closed so that the steam accumulates.
  • Depending on the characteristics of your place of residence, it may be necessary to start a humidifier.
  • Keep the dog well hydrated by offering water or broth.

There are no remedies to treat mucus in dogs that replace veterinary treatment, so we can only apply them as a support. If your dog has a lot of mucus and you suspect it may be due to a disease or foreign body, don't hesitate to visit your trusted veterinarian to find the cause and start the best treatment.
