Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs

Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs
Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs
Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs
Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs

Does your dog have recurrent infectious diseases? In these cases it is always essential to go to the vet, but it is important that the treatment goes beyond correcting the symptoms and focuses on the primary cause, which in this case it is usually a poor response of the immune system.

Maintaining our pet's immune system in optimal condition is essential for our friend to enjoy a good quality of life, therefore, as owners, this should be a priority for us.

In this AnimalWised article we give you the best tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs.

Food as the basis of good he alth

Food is a determining factor for the he alth of the dog and for proper functioning of the immune system, whether the defense cells or white blood cells do not have the nutrients they need, they will not be able to exert their action effectively.

What decreases the immune response is not only a nutritional deficit but also the intake of toxic or poor quality substances, something that usually happens when we give our dog a low quality commercial food.

If you want to feed your dog's defenses you must choose one of the following options:

  • High-end feed
  • Organic food
  • Homemade feeding under veterinary supervision
  • BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) Diet
Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs - Food as the basis of good he alth
Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs - Food as the basis of good he alth

Physical exercise daily

A dog needs to exercise daily (within its possibilities and limitations) for many different reasons, one of the most important being stress management, since a dog that not exercised is a dog that can get stressed very easily.

Stress in dogs is a condition that directly decreases the activity of the immune system. Why? The dog's body releases various hormones, which occupy the receptors of white blood cells and prevent them from recognizing and dealing with a pathogen. Daily walks and exercise should be one of the main care you give your dog.

Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs - Daily physical exercise
Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs - Daily physical exercise

Beware of pharmacological treatments

Natural therapies should always be considered as the first treatment option, although we recognize that the most appropriate professional for this is the holistic veterinarian.

Generally drugs reduce the body's own healing resources and act as liver toxins, also when it comes to corticosteroid drugs, these directly cause a significant drop in the response of the immune system.

When pharmacological treatment is carried out with antibiotics, the main defense structures affected are the beneficial bacteria that are part of the intestinal flora. To avoid this damage, they should be administered parallel to taking antibiotics. probiotics for dogs

Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs - Beware of pharmacological treatments
Tips to strengthen the immune system in dogs - Beware of pharmacological treatments

Strengthen your dog's defenses with natural methods

In addition to taking into account the advice we have shown you above, if your dog has an incompetent immune system, this disorder can be treated using different alternative therapieslike the following:

  • Homeopathy
  • Bach flowers
  • Reiki
  • Acupuncture

The same should not be applied without adequate professional supervision, but used correctly they will effectively help your pet, increasing its defenses and preventing future conditions.
