Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Squamous cell carcinoma in cats is a cancer that appears relatively frequently, especially in older cats, white, that are exposed or have been exposed to direct sunlight on a regular basis. As we will see in this article on our site, the lesions caused by this carcinoma mainly affect the ears, nose or eyelids.

Therefore, as soon as we detect them, we have to go to the vet, since early diagnosis and treatment are essential for a good prognosis.

What is squamous cell carcinoma in cats?

Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cancer in cats associated with exposure to sunlight. It occurs relatively frequently and it is more common for white and older cats to suffer from it, since they have been receiving the sun's rays all their lives.

Specifically, it is a malignant tumor that is going to destroy the surrounding tissue. Less often, it spreads to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes or the lungs. It affects areas of white, non-pigmented skin that are covered by very little hair. Therefore, the areas that will be most affected will be the ears, nose or eyelids.

Squamous cell carcinoma in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is squamous cell carcinoma in cats?
Squamous cell carcinoma in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is squamous cell carcinoma in cats?

Symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma in cats

What we will see in squamous cell carcinoma are lesions in the most vulnerable areas of the body in terms of contact with the sun, that is, ears, nose or eyelids Initially pink hairless areas appear, with some crust. Later, the scabs will get worse with continued exposure to sunlight. Not all of these wounds are synonymous with carcinoma, but some will lead to it.

Furthermore, when the disease worsens, these lesions worsen their appearance, the skin reddens and raised surface ulcers appear. Especially in the ears, these wounds come to bleed. In this way, we could summarize the symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma in cats:

  • Pink hairless areas.
  • Crusts.
  • Red skin.
  • Skin ulcers.
  • Bleeding wounds.

Any lesion that we see in these areas should make us immediately go to the vet. It is important to act quickly to prevent the carcinoma from spreading.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Cats - Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Cats
Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Cats - Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Cats

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma in cats

The treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian and will depend on the severity of each case.

Mild Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Cats

When injuries are very minor, it may be enough to keep the cat out of the sun, especially during peak hours. The ideal would also be to apply some sun protection product, given the difficulty that can be caused by preventing the cat from sunbathing. Of course, this protection has to be suitable for cats and we will use it according to the instructions of the veterinarian. Also, make sure the cat doesn't wipe off the lotion.

In this sense, to better understand your feline and be able to help him with his problem, you may be interested in getting to know him a little better and understand why cats like the sun?

Severe squamous cell carcinoma in cats

In the event that the lesions are considerable, it is indicated to take a sample so that its study confirms or not the carcinoma. This biopsy is done under general anesthesia. After confirmation, the treatment of choice is surgical removal.

The operation removes the tumor and a good margin of he althy tissue around it to prevent the cancer from reproducing as much as possible. Unfortunately, this treatment often involves the removal of the earsFor caregivers it can have a strong impact but it will not affect the cat's quality of life at all and you have to think that the ears can be amputated. When the carcinoma develops in the eyelids or nose, the operation for its removal is much more complex. In these cases, it is common to have to complete the treatment with radiation or chemotherapy Currently, cryosurgery treatments are also being developed.

Is squamous cell carcinoma in cats curable?

The prognosis of this disease will depend a lot on the speed with which the diagnosis is obtained and, consequently, the treatment is started. That is why we insist on the importance of going to the veterinarian as soon as we detect the presence of an injury in the aforementioned areas. Especially if ours is a white cat.

When detection is early and the carcinoma affects the ears, the prognosis is favourable, since it can be successfully removed, obtaining a complete recovery. In cases where removal cannot be done completely, the prognosis is considered guarded.
