On many occasions, and depending on their environment and habits, guinea pigs can smell really bad. It is a problem that we must know how to solve and that is that through simple home tricks you can eliminate the bad smell.
There are several ways to minimize this problem. But, the problem of the bad smell is basically in the correct cleaning and conservation of his cage.
If you continue reading this article, our site will indicate possible solutions to reduce this annoying problem. We will tell you some home tricks that you can use if your guinea pig smells very bad.
Why does my guinea pig smell bad?
There are different causes that can cause the guinea pig to smell very bad, to avoid it, it is essential to find the source of the bad smell to be able to treat it, below we show you the most common ones:
- Guinea pigs urinate a lot: It is very important to note that, by nature, guinea pigs urinate abundantly. Generally, female guinea pigs urinate in a specific place in the cage, which makes it easier to clean the cubicle, however, male guinea pigs urinate all over the cage, territorially.
- Regular cage cleaning: Bearing in mind that guinea pigs urinate profusely, it is essential to clean their cage and utensils regularly. very regular to avoid bad odours. Likewise, if our guinea pig smells excessively bad, it will be appropriate to offer him a bath, to eliminate bad body odor.
- Skin diseases: Skin diseases such as scabies or ringworm can cause a very unpleasant odor. If you notice hair loss and reddening of the dermis, you may be facing a disease, so you should go to the vet as soon as possible.
- Other factors: Apart from urine, diseases and cleanliness, there are other causes that can cause a bad smell in our guinea pig, identifying the root problem will be essential to be able to treat it, for that reason, do not forget to consult a specialist whenever you think it is necessary.

Choosing the ideal substrate to avoid bad odors
In pet supply stores you will find different types of substrates. If your guinea pig smells very bad, it is not a bad idea to try different types until you find the most effective for the guinea pig. The most common substrates are the following:
- Paper pellets: It is cheap, absorbent and biodegradable, however, if you leave it too long without renewing it it can smell bad. It should be changed frequently.
- Natural hemp pellets: It is one of the most absorbent and correctly neutralizes bad odors. However, it is somewhat difficult to find in the market.
- Granulated corn: It is ecological and can be eaten, it also absorbs urine and neutralizes odor. Of course, it must be renewed regularly.
- Wood pellets and wood chips: This is a cheap type of substrate, however, some can be toxic. This consideration is very important to take into account, especially for their he alth, you should look for those that are organic and specific for guinea pigs.
Choosing a quality substrate is essential to avoid the bad smell of the guinea pig as well as the bad smell of the cage in general. There is no "best" substrate, since it will depend on the diet, whether it is male or female, the guinea pig's body, and the ambient temperature so that sometimes one substrate works better than another.

Cage cleaning
At least once a week the guinea pig's cage should be thoroughly cleaned. I am in favor of putting it in the dishwasher if possible. A small electric vaporizer is also useful, and it's not overly expensive. There are no mathematical rules regarding the frequency with which you should change the substrates, each guinea pig is different.
I prefer to throw away than clean up. Therefore, I prefer cheap materials and if it is pertinent to throw them away after two days, than very expensive substrates that last longer, but that you have to remove the faeces from them several times a week.

The guinea pig's bath
Guinea pigs are very clean animals, so it is not recommended to bathe them unless they are excessively dirty or need to be treated indicated by the veterinarian. If your guinea pig smells very bad and you want to bathe it anyway, don't forget to use a specific shampoo for guinea pigs
The use of dry-cleaning shampoos is generally recommended, to avoid the discomfort that bathing entails for this small rodent. If this is not possible, you can bathe your guinea pig in a small container with warm water, albeit drying it completely with the use of towels at the end.
How often should I wash my guinea pig?
As we have commented, it is not convenient to abuse the bathroom. If your guinea pig gets dirty on a regular basis you can consider bathing it every two or four weeks. That will depend on the level of dirt and the bad smell it gives off.
Don't forget that bathing is often a stressful time for them, so it's essential to try to make this experience a positive one by caresses, kind words and with a sweet and careful treatment.

Home tricks to eliminate the bad smell
1. Sand and activated carbon
Fine beach sand is an excellent free substrate It filters very well, since it doesn't get too wet and urine drains down. Under it you will put a bed of activated carbon granules, which is a material that is not excessively expensive and very purifying and bactericidal. This material is the one used for water filters, since it purifies it and rids it of residues and contaminants. It is sold in drugstores.
Beach sand can be picked up on the beach, bearing in mind that it is very heavy and that you will have to pick up clean sand, without cigarette butts, metal sheets or abnormal growths. The unlucky ones who live far from the coast can buy it at aquarium stores, or at construction materials stores.
two. The strainer and cork trick
An enemy of guinea pigs is dust I recommend that before placing any type of material in the cage, you put it in a large fine mesh strainer and proceed to shake it a little. This way the dust will fall and the substrate will be he althier.
Another excellent material is cork in granules Filters, is cheap, is very soft, and does not absorb rust. Unlike sand, it barely weighs anything. You can buy a huge bag that will be easy to carry. Underneath you must put the activated carbon. There are various sizes of grain, but the very fine (sand type) is dusty. I recommend the one that measures like a lentil. It is sold in specialized stores in sack format.

- Cat litter is toxic to guinea pigs.
- Corn core substrate grows mold and is expensive.
- Newspaper is toxic because of the ink.