When should I take my puppy to the vet for the first time?

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When should I take my puppy to the vet for the first time?
When should I take my puppy to the vet for the first time?
When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time?
When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time?

The puppy's first visit to the vet is a very important moment, in which the he alth status of the little one must be evaluated and the dates set for the start of the vaccination and deworming calendar, essential to prevent the appearance of any pathology.

In this first general check-up, the specialist will carry out a complete examination and it will be the right time to resolve any doubts we may have about the care you require, your diet or socialization. Do you want to know when to take your dog to the vet for the first time? What tests should we expect you to have?

Next, in this article on our site we'll show you everything you need to know about a puppy's first visit to the vet, but we will also explain what situations are considered a veterinary emergency or many other questions about puppies. You can not lose this!

When should I take my puppy to the vet for the first time?

Puppy dogs, unlike adults, are much more vulnerable to changes in temperature, parasites or viruses, that's why For this reason, it is essential to be alert to any change in behavior and go to the specialist if we suspect that you have any he alth problem.

Puppies that have been born at home

The first visit to the vet should take place a few days after the delivery of the bitch, when she is somewhat more recovered. The ideal would be to transport the mother and the puppies by car using a well-conditioned carrier, with a well-wrapped hot water bottle to maintain the temperature of the little ones. This first visit is very important, since both the he alth of the little ones and that of the mother, who is the one who must take care of them, must be in perfect condition.

This point is especially important if the mother has not received care, deworming and correct veterinary follow-up during pregnancy, since there is a risk that she may have contracted any disease, infecting it in turn to the children. puppies.

If you observe that the dog rejects her puppiesand does not feed them, the veterinary visit will be much more urgent, since a newborn puppy should be fed approximately every four hours. In this case, the specialist will explain to us how to feed newborn dogs and will offer us artificial formula milk for optimal nutrition.

During this first veterinary visit the specialist will evaluate:

  • He alth status of the mother
  • Puppies' he alth status
  • Possible malformations
  • Mobility and reflexes
  • Weight and growth
  • Nutritional status

After this first control visit, we will return to the vet when the puppies are one month old to set the dates together with the specialist of vaccination, internal deworming and external deworming, which usually start around two months.

Puppies that have been adopted or rescued

Especially if we have other animals at home, it is advisable to see a specialist before taking the puppy home, since we could be introducing viruses and parasites in our environment without being aware of it. If you have set a date for the adoption, also reserve the visit to the specialist for the same day. Puppies that have been abandoned or rejected by their mother are the most vulnerable to any disease, so make sure you go to the vet as soon as possible.

It will be indicated to consult, whenever possible, how the child's care has been up to now, including her feeding, care and habits. We will also ask the person who gives us the puppy if he has been vaccinated or dewormed so that our veterinarian has a record of it. In these cases, the former person in charge will also give us the he alth card and all the necessary documentation.

As in the previous case, when the puppy is four weeks old we will go to the vet again to specify the vaccination schedule and deworming that will start approximately at eight weeks.

When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time? - When should I take my puppy to the vet for the first time?
When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time? - When should I take my puppy to the vet for the first time?

What tests are you going to have?

The vet must perform a complete examination on our puppy to ensure good he alth. He will most likely perform auscultation to ensure that both the heart and lungs are working properly. He will also check mucous membranes, teeth, temperature, ears, eyes, nose and reflexes, as well as any other part of the body. It will be important to check, for example, that the testicles have completely descended.

In the event of any abnormality, the specialist may suggest performing complementary tests, such as a blood test, a urine test or X-rays. He can also suggest us to carry out a follow-up table in terms of weight and lifespan, to guarantee that it is developing correctly. Don't forget to ask him any questions you have!

Puppy shots

During the first visit, the veterinarian will explain to you when is the best time to start the puppy's vaccination schedule, which is essential to prevent diseases life-threatening and serious, such as distemper, parvovirus, rabies or infectious hepatitis.

The standard calendar for puppies in Spain is as follows:

  • 6 weeks: primary vaccination or first polyvalent vaccine.
  • 8 weeks: versatile.
  • 12 weeks: reminder of polyvalent and leptospirosis.

Likewise, he will explain what are the ideal products for deworminginternally and externally, which should be puppy-specific The same products should never be used as for use in adults, as they could be potentially toxic. Both schedules, both vaccines and deworming, should continue to be carried out periodically in the dog, so that he remains protected throughout his life.

Finally, remember that you should never walk a puppy without vaccinations, since he is susceptible to contracting any virus, bacteria or parasite that resides in the environment

When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time? - Puppy vaccinations
When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time? - Puppy vaccinations

When to take a puppy to the vet? - Emergency situations

It may happen that the puppy shows some abnormal behavior and, although they are not always going to be a symptom of illness, it is convenient to know the most alarming symptoms to know when to take a dog to the vet.

Here are some signs that indicate you should go to the vet:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Inactivity
  • Fever
  • Does not urinate or defecate
  • Nasal discharge
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Ulcers
  • Rash
  • Abnormal movements
  • Seizures

The price of the dog's veterinary consultation

The price of the dog's first visit to the veterinarian, as in the case of a cat, will vary depending on the country in you are and the clinic you are going to. The most advisable thing is that you look for a good veterinarian in Spain or in your country of residence and that you compare opinions and services. If your financial situation is difficult, check the website of the clinic or hospital to find price ratesand if it doesn't show them, call for the price of a standard overhaul. They should tell you.

Don't forget that any specialist must show her professional association number, which you can also buy at the Veterinary Association in your country to ensure that, in fact, it is a qualified specialist. Beware of pages where this information does not appear-

When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time? - The price of the veterinary consultation of the dog
When to take my puppy to the vet for the first time? - The price of the veterinary consultation of the dog
  • Never medicate a puppy or its parent without veterinary supervision.
  • Go to your emergency vet if your puppy goes more than 12 hours without eating.
  • Go to your emergency vet if you notice profuse vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Breeds with a predisposition to hereditary diseases may require further veterinary testing.
