Natural food supplements for dogs

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Natural food supplements for dogs
Natural food supplements for dogs
Natural food supplements for dogs
Natural food supplements for dogs

When preparing a homemade diet for our dog, we are aware that we are going to need aveterinary control and certain supplements that prevent nutritional deficiencies. It is very important to understand that we cannot do without supplements in its diet, since otherwise we would be compromising our dog's he alth.

On our site we want to give you a list of possible natural food supplements for dogs. We will explain how to add them to the diet, how often to administer them and which ones should not be forgotten when rationing.


Dogs that are fed from homemade recipes should consider oil as one of the pillars for their proper diet. They are a very important source of fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6, DHA and EPA, which provide the energy needed to carry out vital functions. In addition, these oils improve coat, skin, and joint lubrication.

Unlike Omega 3, Omega 6 is an essential nutrient and should always be supplemented in your diet.

We have several options but we will list them in order of preference according to the ones that can give our pets the most:

  1. Sunflower oil and corn oil: although it is usually more common to offer olive oil, the truth is that both oil Both sunflower oil and corn oil are rich in Omega 6, an essential nutrient for dogs that should never be lacking in their diet.
  2. Fish oil: the best known is salmon oil, but there are also trout or sardine oils, for example. These are also oils rich in Omega 6, but they should not be confused with cod liver oil. They are usually marketed in ampoules or bottles with spouts to prevent oxidation. It is recommended to offer a spoonful a day (divide in the number of times that our dog eats) and if they observe a "shiny film" in the feces, we will reduce the dose by half.
  3. Virgin olive oil: in Spain it is very easy to obtain and cheap. It can be used as a replacement for the previous oils, although it does not contain essential nutrients, so it is not essential in your diet. Of course, it is very useful for constipated dogs and we will also observe a better quality of the skin.
Natural food supplements for dogs - Oils
Natural food supplements for dogs - Oils


Probiotics for dogs are formulated products that contain beneficial bacteria that are already present in the dog's gut. We must differentiate them from prebiotics, which serve as food for beneficial bacteria. The use of these supplements is highly indicated for dogs that have the altered intestinal flora, common in those fed from homemade recipes.

We can find them in kefir or natural yoghurt, if it's organic better, without sugars or preservatives, as pure as possible. We recommend giving 1 tablespoon of soup for every 20 kg of the dog's weight, about 2 or 3 times a week, mixing it with its food.

Natural food supplements for dogs - Probiotics
Natural food supplements for dogs - Probiotics


One of the most used and recommended spices is turmeric. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and has anti-cancer function in dogs and humans.

According to the 2014 Canine Performance Nutrition study published in Florida Veterinary University's Today's Veterinary Practice, repeated use of turmeric can prevent prostate cancer in dogs. It is also used as a nutraceutical to treat arthritis.

As with all supplements, we must not abuse or use turmeric every day, variation is the basis of a he althy diet vital and energetic. The ideal is to add turmeric in homemade recipes alternately.

Natural food supplements for dogs - Turmeric
Natural food supplements for dogs - Turmeric

Other ingredients that we can use

To end this list of natural food supplements for dogs, we will leave you with some extra products that are also very beneficial and that we should not overlook:

  • Ginger is widely used to treat digestive problems such as vomiting, but is also used to help dogs that want to vomit but can't. We are talking about nausea. It is a stomach protector, so if our dog has gotten up with obvious stomach pain, it would be good to cook something with this root. It also acts on the pancreas, so it is ideal to include it in the diets of animals with pancreatic insufficiency. It is an easy and economical solution.
  • Oregano will not add much flavor to your food, but it is a powerful antifungal which is why it is chosen to supplement the diets of dogs that suffer from fungal skin infections or repeated ear infections. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant in bronchitis or lung mucus problems. Another function of oregano is the elimination of gases in the last part of the digestive system. Just adding a spoonful in the preparation of our dog's food, we will have great benefits.
  • Brewer's yeast: This food is rich in group B vitamins, which are mainly used to regulate the nervous and emotional systems and to Promote the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It is indicated for dogs with a lack of iron and also provides fiber and protein.
  • Parsley: Parsley has great diuretic and purifying properties and helps fight pathogens and toxins. It is very rich in vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A. It is very useful for anemic dogs, since it facilitates the absorption of iron. It also helps regulate the proliferation of LDL cholesterol.
  • Honey and pollen are excellent for supplementing very weak animals, as they are a quick source of energy and nutrition. They help in problems of anorexia or cachexia, malnutrition, etc. We can simply, with our finger, put some honey on his lips so that he licks it and raises the energy. In animals that are fasting and we don't know why, it will stimulate the appetite or, if we don't achieve it with this, at least it will be raising their blood sugars to have a source of vitality.
  • Spirulina: Spirulina is an algae with extraordinary properties. It has a high protein value and contains the eight essential amino acids that the dog needs to survive. It is also rich in non-essential vitamins and amino acids, but equally beneficial for the he alth of our dog.
  • Aloe vera: It is very common for people to use products and foods that contain aloe vera, since its benefits are really extensive. It is a powerful antimicrobial, antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, healing and balsamic. It helps regulate the intestinal flora, making it ideal for treating constipation and diarrhea. According to a study presented at the IASC Conference in Texas 1997, animals that consumed aloe vera juice recovered better from diseases such as leukemia, kidney failure and heart disease.
  • Garlic: Garlic is considered one of the prohibited foods for dogs, but the truth is that it is a powerful antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic, which kills different bacteria, fungi and viruses. It also regulates the intestinal flora, stops some urinary infections and reduces cholesterol. In addition, it is an excellent natural antiparasitic, which repels both internal and external parasites. We can learn more about its beneficial uses in the study "Garlic: Friend or Foe?" from Dogs Naturally Magazine, April 2014.
