Dog Baking Recipe - Cookies

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Dog Baking Recipe - Cookies
Dog Baking Recipe - Cookies
Dog Baking Recipe - Cookies
Dog Baking Recipe - Cookies

If you are one of those who dedicate time and dedication to your pets, including feeding them, you have come to the perfect place. In this article on our site we take care of making a baking recipe for dogs.

In addition to detailing some aspects of the dog's diet and various ingredients that you can use, we will guide you so that you yourself can prepare a rich pastry recipe that we are sure you will love. Don't unfollow our site.

Homemade diets, are they good for dogs?

Caring for a dog's diet is a task that falls to its owners and directly affects the animal's he alth. For this reason, if we do not have advanced knowledge about feeding dogs , it is preferable to base their diet on feed, a preparation that meets all their needs.

Even so, offering homemade diets occasionally to our dog, on a weekly basis for example, is a good option that allows us to know what foods are indicated for our pet and which are not. An example of a prohibited food is chocolate.

Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies - Homemade diets, are they good for the dog?
Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies - Homemade diets, are they good for the dog?

Dog-friendly baking ingredients

There are reference patisseries in a new booming sector: canine patisserie. In them they have informed us without any problem of the ingredients they use, the key so that the owners of the consumers are calm about offering their products to their pets.

What ingredients do canine bakeries use?

  • Integral wheatl: in the absence of white flour or yeast to make the dough for future cookies, wheat is used integral that has some very beneficial components, among other things it is good for digestion and also gives our dog the feeling of being full and not needing to eat more, it reduces his anxiety in general terms.
  • Honey and cinnamon: Chocolate is usually the star ingredient in all pastries, but without using it so as not to harm our dogs, we can find other ingredients that are also sweet and equally tasty. Honey is really good against certain pains and cinnamon is recommended for elderly dogs. Always in small proportions.
  • Cheddar cheese and natural yogurt: it would never fit our imagination but really these two foods are very beneficial because they both provide calcium and immune defense. Milk is bad for dogs because they don't digest lactose well, but plain yogurt doesn't have lactose.
  • Chicken liver: Of course, meat could not be missing from these canine biscuits, chicken liver is very positive for development muscular.
  • Tuna and sardines: fish is also good and can also be included, oddly enough, in cakes and cookies.
  • Frutas: the banana, the orange, the coconut and the apple that are beneficial not only for their vitamins but also for the properties that they help to have a good coat and good oral hygiene.
  • Vegetables: this is the ingredient that may seem less attractive to us, but the truth is that just as for us, for our four-legged friends, the spinach, broccoli, peas, carrots and other unappetizing foods for most are good for dog food.
  • Eggs: although the egg should be given in moderation (once a week) it is a fantastic food for older dogs and to make them shine our pet's hair.
Baking recipe for dogs - Cookies - Baking ingredients suitable for dogs
Baking recipe for dogs - Cookies - Baking ingredients suitable for dogs

Dog Cookie Recipe

To start we are going to get all the ingredients to make our dog's homemadecookies. We have decided to use the following products:

  • Whole wheat
  • Egg
  • Honey
  • Apple
  • Natural yogurt

If you prefer to use other ingredients, no problem! You know your pet's favorite foods better than anyone, you can innovate to achieve a good result.

Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies - Cookies recipe for dogs
Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies - Cookies recipe for dogs

Make the cookie dough

To start we are going to make the biscuit dough for our dog All you have to do is mix the whole wheat flour (150 grams), an egg and a tablespoon of honey. You can incorporate the whole egg well crushed as an extra supply of calcium, yes, remember to clean it with plenty of water before.

Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies - Prepare the cookie dough
Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies - Prepare the cookie dough

We must knead the dough for a long time until we get a homogeneous and thick texture. Once we have finished working we are going to stretch it with the help of a rolling pin.

It's time to decide the shape of the cookies: hearts, stars, round…

Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies
Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies

Finally we must leave the cookies in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200ºC. We must make sure that the dough is not raw, in this way the dog's digestion will be better.

Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies
Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies

Meanwhile, we will make a cream with natural yogurt (never sweetened) and small pieces of apple. If you prefer to use another type of complement or use yogurt alone, there is no problem.

Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies
Pastry recipe for dogs - Cookies

Let the cookies rest until they cool down and once they are ready, take them two by two and add the yogurt and apple cream in the middle. Clever!
