What do chicks eat? - Complete feeding guide

What do chicks eat? - Complete feeding guide
What do chicks eat? - Complete feeding guide
What do chickens eat?
What do chickens eat?

The hen chicks are very fragile and sensitive animals, therefore, it is essential that we offer them a suitable and safe environment, a feeding adapted to its species and its stage of growth, and let's follow the veterinary advice. All of the above are basic pillars for the well-being of any animal.

In this article on our site we will explain what chicken chicks eat, but we will also offer advice on the management they require, with The goal is for them to grow up he althy and strong. Discover below everything you need to care for chicken chicks.

Feeding Chicks

Like all animals, chicks will need a balanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins for their growth A good menu has to be adapted to the age of the chick. Therefore, if we do not know it, we must contact an expert who can determine it for us.

To feed these birds correctly, we will explain below what the chicks eat. The base will be a commercial diet, but you have to know which one to choose, how to supply it and what other ingredients we can add.

On sale we will find different ranges of preparations adapted to the age and nutritional needs of the animals, such as starting, growth, maintenance, etc. The problem is that, after the first weeks of life, this type of feed is usually classified according to whether it is directed at hens dedicated to the consumption of their meat or their eggs. As our chick is going to be a companion animal we must continue to offer him a maintenance product. If we have doubts, we will consult a specialist.

In addition, each manufacturer will opt for different compositions, so it is important that we seek good advice before choosing. Finally, the texture of the products will be different and will range from more crumbly to more whole, depending on the age of the animal. Below we will give some general recommendations.

What do newborn chicks eat?

After the reproduction of the hens, the newly hatched chick hatches from the egg with a fairly complete development, but it will need us to provide it with special care such as heat and proper nutrition. This first moment is when the chicks eat by themselves, but we must encourage them wetting their beak with water and bringing them closer to the feeder. Of course, since they come out of the egg they can spend 24-48 hours without eating, since they come out of it well fed.

But what do chicks eat when they hatch? Specifically formulated for them we find commercial preparations that we can offer them from the first day of life. In principle, this type of starter food can be given until approximately 4 months of life, but there is also the possibility of changing earlier, around8 weeks , to another range, always growing.

Ground food is best for these little ones, but they will soon be able to eat larger chunks. We can also provide them with grit for chickens In these animals, the action of grinding the food takes place in the gizzard with the help of gravel or small stones. This gravel is administered by sprinkling it on the food from time to time.

We will see some chicken feeds labeled as "medicated". In general, this means that they include a deworming product, but before using them it is a good idea to consult your veterinarian. Finally, the chicks must always have food and water available in special feeders and drinkers for birds, since it is important that they cannot tip over and that the little ones cannot get inside.

What do chickens eat? - What do newborn chicks eat?
What do chickens eat? - What do newborn chicks eat?

What do baby chicks eat?

When the chicks can do without the heat lamp, they are no longer newborns but they are still babies. They are in a growth stage in which protein needs are around 20 percent of the total food. Therefore, it is important that we continue to offer him a food in line with this growth. They will be able to eat it until approximately 4-5 months, when the chicks become sexually mature.

In addition to the basic diet, which must be commercial, we can offer other foods such as meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, fruit, tomatoes, bread, etc In general, foods that are good for us are also good for them. We will always give them to you in small quantities. They cannot account for more than 10 percent of the diet.

There are few foods not recommended such as onions, citrus, avocado, potato skins, rhubarb leaves or dried beans. We must be very careful because if they have only grown up with us they will not distinguish dangerous foods and they can ingest anything swallowable.

We need to consider where the chicks live once they no longer need us to provide heat. It is important to know if we should continue providing them with grit, since, if they have an outside chicken coop, they will ingest it themselves. These little ones will also feed on the grasses in their environment, seeds and, if we have doubts about whether the chickens eat insects, the answer is yes. And not only, they will eat bugs, snails, slugs, worms, etc.

What do other chicks eat?

As a curiosity, if we are interested in knowing what the chicks of partridge eat or what the chicks ofeat quail , in general we will be able to follow the indications already given for hen chicks in terms of feed and supplements, but acquiring feed mixes specifically formulated for these birds, which are considered "game". In any case, if we are not sure when offering any food, it is better to consult an expert.

It is not appropriate for us to give them chicken mixes, at least not on a regular basis, since their nutritional needs are a bit different, so they could have he alth problems.

In all these species we must be especially careful when Storing the feed If it gets wet and mold forms, it is very important that we discard it because, if the birds ingest it, they could get sick. To avoid this, it is good that we control the amount of food we buy and store it in dry and well-protected places.

What do chickens eat? - What do other chicks eat?
What do chickens eat? - What do other chicks eat?

How to care for chicks?

If you have been wanting to know more, visit our complete guide on caring for chicks, where you will learn everything you need so that they grow he althy and strong. Oh, don't forget that it will also be important to learn to recognize the ailments they can suffer from, so we also invite you to discover the most common poultry diseases.
