How to educate a Weimaraner or Weimaraner - Keys and tips

How to educate a Weimaraner or Weimaraner - Keys and tips
How to educate a Weimaraner or Weimaraner - Keys and tips
How to educate a Weimaraner?
How to educate a Weimaraner?

The Weimaraner, or Weimaraner, is a German breed dog with an attractive appearance, suitable for hunting but also excellent as a pet, thanks to the fidelity and affection shown towards their guardians. He is a dog with aptitudes that allow him to be a homebody, as well as lend his skills to guard or demonstrate his skills in Agility competitions, for example. However, it is necessary to have a complete knowledge about how to raise it and the personality of this breed of dog so that it becomes a good companion.

Following all the above, on our site we are going to explain how to train a Weimaraner With the right guide, the keys and advice, you will be able to determine whether or not the braco is the type of dog you are looking to adopt and, if not, you will be able to learn more about the one you already have at home. Keep reading!

Origin of the Weimaraner

The Weimaraner, also known as "grey ghost" thanks to its shades of fur ranging from mouse gray to silvery gray, is a dog of breed of German origin It is named after Grand Duke Carl August of Weimar, since it was he who became interested in this breed and raised it among the nobility.

On the appearance of this breed, some theories trace the German shorthaired pointer as a descendant of the gray Leithhunde, while others place it in the Saint Hubertus family. What is known for sure is that at the end of the 18th century this breed of dog was bred. At this time it was a court dog, bred and trained only by professional handlers, who were responsible for making the proper crosses until the Weimaraner as we know it today was developed.

It is considered one of the oldest dog breeds, especially the short-haired variety, although the Weimaraner can also have long hair. length.

If you've ever thought about working with dogs, don't hesitate to take a look at this article on the Requirements to be a dog trainer.

Characteristics of the Weimaraner

Next, we are going to mention some of the characteristics of the Weimaraner that stand out the most in this breed of dog:

  • Fur: can be short or long, in different shades of grey.
  • Size: This is a slender dog, ranging in size from medium to large.
  • Body: He is agile and energetic, so his body is muscular.
  • Eyes: Another of the most representative physical characteristics of the Weimaraner can be found in its eyes, since they are amber in adults and blue in puppies.
  • Olfato: it is highly developed and, as it is a dog created for hunting, it usually has an alert attitude, and can be dangerous for small animals, such as cats and birds, if not properly trained.
  • Personality: The Weimaraner's temperament is lively and affectionate, with a passion to chase, seek and track. They develop an unconditional love for their family, making them good guard dogs. They are protective animals that enjoy being part of the pack and feel that they please their fellow humans.
  • Exercise: you need a lot of physical exercise, an aspect to consider if you are considering adopting one.

It should be noted that the Weimaraner adapts easily to the city or the countryside, but in both they need to exercise daily so as not to get bored, as this could lead to destructive behaviors to try to distract themselves. It is not a dog recommended for people who are inactive or whose occupations prevent them from spending time playing and walking with the animal. You can take a look at this article on how to stop my dog from chewing things.

How to educate a Weimaraner? - Characteristics of the Weimaraner
How to educate a Weimaraner? - Characteristics of the Weimaraner

When to start training a Weimaraner

The first few months are key to creating a good relationship with our new furry friend and making sure that his development is being positive. In this way, it is important to start training the dog when it is completely adapted to the new home and has confidence with the guardians

It is important to know that you have to have minimum 3 months and all your vaccinations to be able to go outside, so the first orders we will have to teach them at home. From 3 months, we will be able to go for walks in the street and put into practice some commands that we have taught him.

How to educate a Weimaraner? - When to start educating a Weimaraner
How to educate a Weimaraner? - When to start educating a Weimaraner

How to train a Weimaraner at home

The ideal is to adopt the Weimaraner when the dog is still a puppy, to start training from an early age. Initially, you will need to observe the puppyso that you understand what he needs (to go to the bathroom, eat, play, etc.). In this way, you will be able to start training with these points and establish the correct way to carry them out: where will he relieve himself, where and what will he eat and what are his toys.

Next, we are going to give you some tips and keys that you should know about how to educate a Weimaraner at home:

  • Pay more attention than usual: as sniffing the ground and roaming around the house are usually signs that the dog is looking or wants something, so these are the times when you should pay the most attention to satisfy its need and, at the same time, train the Weimaraner.
  • Don't scold him frequently: in case he is doing his business at home, for example. It is better to take it outside at that very moment so that it continues there. As soon as he is finished, congratulate him and repeat the method. This will make the dog understand that this is the place for him to relieve himself. For more details, don't miss this other article on our site where we show you how to potty train a dog?
  • Don't rub his nose on the ground: if he has had an accident, he won't understand what's bothering you and just you will make him sad. Likewise, the animal can interpret that it should eat its own feces or urine. Stay calm, clean up the mess and take it to a permitted area. If you want to know why dogs eat excrement, visit this post.
  • Offer objects that can be bitten: otherwise the dog will attack your furniture and other belongings. When you see him doing some mischief of this type, remove the animal from the site and give him one of his toys, rewarding him when he entertains himself with it.

Another option to prevent it from getting its teeth close to certain objects, such as shoes, you can buy non-toxic products at pet stores designed to keep dogs away from these belongings, as they dislike the taste.

How to Teach a Weimaraner Basic Commands

To teach your braco basic commands such as sit, lie down, or be still, you must use the same method as positive reinforcement, using praise and treats for the dog to obey. We leave you here the basic steps so you can teach him basic commands:

  1. You must give the command using the word that will follow that command, for example "sit down".
  2. Offer the reward and reach down (if you want it to lie down) or up (if you want it to get up).
  3. Reward the dog when it performs the move you seek.

In very little time you will be able to follow these commands without the treats having to be dispensed as often. The same happens if you want to prevent him from getting on the couch or the beds or prevent him from ordering food when the rest of the family is at the table.

Another totally valid option and with which excellent results are also obtained when training the Weimaraner is the use of the clicker. If you still do not know this method, we will explain what the Clicker for dogs is.

You can take a look at this other article on our site to find out what the Basic Dog Commands are.

How to educate a Weimaraner? - How to teach basic commands to a Weimaraner
How to educate a Weimaraner? - How to teach basic commands to a Weimaraner

Tips and tips on how to train a Weimaraner

Next we are going to give you a series of keys and tips to educate a Weimaraner that will help you with the behavior and discipline of your dog.

  • Don't use harsh methods: as we have already mentioned, bet on positive reinforcement and reward him when he manages to obey or deserves it. Punishments, shouts and violence only make the pointer unwilling to obey, making the animal rebellious and even aggressive as it cannot understand what abuse is due. It will never be an option, neither with this breed nor with any other, physical punishment or humiliating corrections; fear won't teach the dog anything either.
  • Play with him: for 15 or 20 minutes before training begins. This makes the dog release energy and learn new commands or tricks more calmly. Games, walks and entertainment that involve search for objects are crucial for the physical and mental development of the animal, as well as helping to strengthen the relationship between the two. Challenging the dog's intelligence with games in which he needs to analyze the situation is crucial
  • Socialize him from puppyhood: it is necessary to teach him to relate to children, people and other animals, both to prevent him from considering beings more small prey, so that he doesn't become overprotective of his fellow humans when they have visitors at home. For best results, we encourage you to check out this article on our Dog Socialization site.
  • Don't leave him locked up: If the Weimaraner spends a whole day at home, we may be in for a surprise when we arrive. As we said, it should be to practice daily exercise, because the Weimaraner needs to drain all the energy he has and keep his mind entertained
  • Walk with your braco: so that he knows many new places, with different and new smells and sounds for him. Let him explore but also help him stay calm, so he understands that these different places are normal too.

Training a Weimaraner

Once we know how to train a shorthaired pointer, let's get to know how to train the Weimaraner, since he has to be firm but full of affection at the same time. This is due to two reasons:

  • Firme: because if you don't set clear rules for the animal from the beginning, so that it doesn't assume that it is the leader from the pack, he can develop undesirable behaviors.
  • Cariñoso: since the braco can easily become frustrated if he feels that he does not have affection or does not manage to do things as expected of the. Therefore, it is easy to realize that it is a highly sensitive dog, that will give you a lot of affection and loy alty but that also needs the same amount of unconditional affection, love and care from you.
