CLOWN FISH - Habitat, Feeding, Characteristics and MORE

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CLOWN FISH - Habitat, Feeding, Characteristics and MORE
CLOWN FISH - Habitat, Feeding, Characteristics and MORE

One of the best-known species of fish, without a doubt, is the clownfish, thanks to its appearance in films such as "Finding Nemo" or "Finding Dory". Thanks to the protagonist of the film, the well-known Nemo, many began to feel curious to know more about this species, which is very showy and popular among children, it has a series of peculiarities that we want you to know about here on our site.

Do you know that clown fish, as shown in the Nemo animated film, live in anemones that defend against other fish ? Discover many other curiosities in this file, such as its habitat, food, characteristics and much more. Keep reading!

Clownfish main characteristics

The fish known as clown fish or " clownfish ", are fish belonging to the subfamily Amphiprioninae, which in turn includes the genera Amphiprion and PermnasThey are also known as "anemone fish" and are considered tropical fish. They are very striking, as they present a series of intense colors that contrast with each other. Although the best known is the orange , being the color of the common clownfish, we can also observe species of color red, pink or yellow , combined with black and white stripes.

Most of the body surface of these fish is one of these colors, presenting from one to three vertical white bands, delimited by dark lines, usually black. In the same way, some black lines delineate certain body regions, such as the fins. The skin of these fish has a mucosa that protects them from the stinging substances secreted by the anemones, so they can live among it without noticing any adverse effects.

Besides their two lateral fins, they present a caudal fin, also round in shape, with a length of between 80 and the 160 millimeters. Its body has a total length of between 100 and 180 millimeters, so its caudal fin is very evident. Females are larger than males, which is why sexual dimorphism occurs in this species. In addition, they are matriarchal fish, so in this species the dominant ones are the females.

The black or melanomic clownfish

As we have said, it is usual for any clownfish to present strong and striking colors, such as the intense orange of the common clownfish that is so popular throughout the world. However, there are species of clownfish that totally break these color patterns. Such is the case of the Amphiprion ocellaris negro, which instead of being orange is completely black with white bands.

This fish inhabits the northern region of Australia, in the coral reefs surrounding the city of Darwin. The variety is called melanic, because its skin is darkly pigmented. It is not very common in the wild, but it is increasingly popular among aquarium lovers, so its demand is increasing significantly.

Clownfish Habitat and Feeding

In nature, the clownfish inhabits coral reefs and marine lagoons surrounded by these reefs, reaching a maximum depth of 15 meters deep. These reefs are not too far from the coastline and they choose the regions of the reefs that have limestone or rocky substrate. Geographically clownfish are found in the tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean, from the east coast of Africa, Madagascar, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, Bay of Bengal, Maldives, Seychelles, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, China, Japan, New Guinea, Australia, Fiji, and Central Pacific Islands to Hawaii, Polynesia, and Micronesia.

The "homes" of these fish are the Anemones, which although they look like plants, belong to the animal order. These marine animals adhere to the seabed, either to rocks or to the sand of the seabed itself. And it is in these anemones where the clownfish establish their home, generating in turn a symbiotic relationship, since the anemones provide them with shelter in exchange for the clownfish protecting them from other fish, such as the butterfly fish, which feeds on they.

The clownfish is a generalist omnivorous animal, because its diet is animal and vegetable in equal parts, consuming various foods, such as algae, molluscs or small crustaceans or zooplankton. In this feeding there is a hierarchical structure, since the largest and dominant fish move further away from their anemones. While the smaller ones, exposed to aggression from other fish, have to feed on what they find near the safety of their host anemone

Clownfish reproduction

These fish are oviparous animals with external fertilization, that is, they reproduce by means of eggs. The reproductive season arrives together with the increase in water temperature that accompanies the verano, although in tropical climate regions it occurs indistinctly throughout the year. When the clownfish reproduction approaches, the males prepare a place for the female to lay her eggs, which they fertilize right after. After laying, the male "cleans" using his fins to oxygenate the eggs and also to sift them, eliminating those that have not developed well. The eggs hatch 6 to 10 days after laying, usually about 2 hours after nightfall.

The clown fish as a pet: care and coexistence with other fish

If we have an aquarium and we want to add one or more clown fish to it, we have to take into account the needs of these fish. The first thing we have to consider is whether our aquarium has the appropriate conditions, such as having a minimum 75 liters of capacity, in the case of having a single specimen, and 150 liters if there are two. The water must be at a temperature of between 24ºC and 27ºC and of course it must be s alty. In addition, it is essential that they have a home, that is, a anemone for each clownfish, where to live and places and decorations that allow them to hide and play.

Another care of the clownfish is, of course, its diet, which must be based on quality food of animal and vegetable origin. For this we will use specific pellets, small crustaceans and algae. If we do not find a food made specifically for these fish on the market, it will be essential to consult a veterinarian or a specialized person so that they can tell us how to feed a clownfish correctly.

If we have other fish we have to take into account the compatibility between species Clownfish do not do well living with other fish that may be dangerous to them, such as lionfish. Although it can coexist with other species if the aquarium is large enough, some of them are damsels, damsels or surgeon fish, like the well-known Dory that accompanied Nemo in the movie.

To finish, it is essential to highlight that, according to the IUCN, most species of clownfish, such as Amphiprion percula or Amphiprion frenatus, are in a situation of least concern , so if we consider having a clownfish as a pet we must guarantee its origin, requesting the relevant certificates from the previous owner to ensure that the fish do not come from illegal trafficking of speciesIt is everyone's responsibility to prevent clownfish and other exotic fish from becoming endangered.

Clownfish trivia

Did you know that the clownfish's gender can change throughout its life? Effectively! When they are fry, clownfish have the ability to be potandric hermaphrodites, but what does it mean? Males can become females if the environment lacks them. The largest female specimen is the group leader and when she dies the male that follows her becomes a female. This condition also appears in other fish, such as guppies or cleaner lords, among others.

Photos of Clownfish
