![Home remedies for dermatitis in dogs Home remedies for dermatitis in dogs](https://i.fascinatesanimals.com/images/002/image-3382-1-j.webp)
Dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin mostly caused by an allergic reaction. In general, veterinary treatment is based on the use of a special shampoo depending on the type of dermatitis and, in some cases, medication. In a complementary way, we can apply some natural remedies that help us speed up the healing process and, above all, relieve the itching that this condition produces.
On our site we share a complete guide of home remedies for dermatitis in dogs, both to treat atopic dermatitis and to relieve the symptoms of other types that we will mention below. That yes, consult with the specialist before to confirm that there is no risk.
Recommendations before applying remedies for dermatitis in dogs
Before mentioning the most effective natural remedies, we must highlight the importance of going to the vet to confirm that the animal suffers from dermatitis, determine what type and establish a treatment. In a complementary way, the products that we share are excellent remedies that considerably relieve the most common symptoms of dermatitis, such as itching, irritation or possible wounds.
To learn about the types of dermatitis in dogs and find out which one your furry friend suffers from, check out our article. Likewise, the main symptoms of most dermatitis are as follows:
- Excessive itching and scratching that can even lead the animal to bite itself.
- Wounds and scabs on the skin from scratching.
- Red, irritated skin.
- Bare spots.
- Skin inflammation.
- In the most serious cases, ulcers.
Once it is confirmed that the animal suffers from dermatitis, we recommend keeping in mind the following measures:
- Use gloves to apply any product, especially if there are wounds because they could become infected.
- Use new sterile padss for each application.
- Maintain proper household hygiene and the utensils that we are going to use.
- Try to find the allergen causing the allergic reaction to avoid it.
Since atopic, seborrheic and contact dermatitis are the most common, the remedies are designed to treat all these types, however, in each of them we explain the properties and uses, so they can be applied in other cases.
![Home remedies for dermatitis in dogs - Recommendations before applying the remedies for dermatitis in dogs Home remedies for dermatitis in dogs - Recommendations before applying the remedies for dermatitis in dogs](https://i.fascinatesanimals.com/images/002/image-3382-2-j.webp)
Natural oils for atopic dermatitis in dogs
Natural oils help hydrate the skin damaged skin, dry or delicate, such as atopic skin, repairing it, toning it and restoring its softness and smoothness it had. Therefore, below we share the most recommended to treat atopic dermatitis in dogs.
Almonds oil
One of the most effective natural oils to cure dermatitis in dogs is almond oil, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and healing propertiesIn this way, it is especially indicated to treat all kinds of skin problems, such as eczema or irritation caused by atopic dermatitis or wounds caused by excessive scratching. To use this remedy, we simply moisten a sterile gauze with the oil and gently rub the affected area, preventing the dog from licking it afterwards.
Borraja's oil
This medicinal plant is dermoprotectora, so its external use through its oil version or making a poultice with the leaves helps to reduce itching and inflammation, and relieve the general symptoms of atopic dermatitis. We simply have to apply the oil on the damaged parts with a gauze and leave it to act for about 5-10 minutes.
The oil is available at he alth food stores or stores specializing in natural products, but if you can't find it, keep in mind the poultice option. To do so, you will only have to chop and boil a handful of leaves, let it cool down and apply the solution for 5 minutes.
Lemon oil
The lemon is a truly surprising fruit due to the number of benefits it provides. Apart from its nutritional value, characterized by its large amount of vitamins, it stands out for its antioxidant, depurative, carminative, digestive properties and, those that really interest us, for being antiseptic, antibacterial, analgesic, healing and moisturizing What more can we ask for? Lemon is the almost perfect home remedy for atopic dermatitis in dogs. And why do we say "almost"? Because its intense smell is part of the list of smells that dogs hate. For this reason we recommend alternating this remedy with others less "bothersome".
There are several ways to use lemon as a remedy that relieves dermatitis, but in oil it is one of the most effective. If we can't find lemon oil, we can prepare it at home by making an infusion with the rind. Then, it's as simple as removing the shell, placing it in a re-sealable plastic bag half filled with olive oil, closing the bag and heating in a bain-marie for two hours over low heat. After this time, let it rest and use the oil to massage the affected areas.
To enhance its skin-protective and healing effects, we can add a drop of tea tree oil to the lemon oil. In this case, it is very important to monitor the animal so that it does not lick the solution. On the other hand, lemon infusion is also recommended for washing damaged skin.
Rosemary oil
The same thing happens with rosemary as with lemon, there are so many properties and benefits, as well as its ways of use, that we can use it for endless ailments. If we cook for our dogs and prepare a homemade and natural diet for them, rosemary is one of the most recommended spices to season recipes, so start using it!
Rosemary is an excellent natural skin toner, it has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and skin-protective properties, which is why it has become popular as a one of the most effective home remedies for dermatitis in dogs and humans. In general, rosemary oil is used to massage damaged areas in order to relieve itching and reduce inflammation, but the truth is that we can also use rosemary infusion to wash and even prepare other remedies. For both canine and atopic seborrheic dermatitis, it is recommended to mix rosemary oil with other oils such as almond oil or even olive oil, as this regenerates and moisturizes the skin much better.
Coconut oil
Although coconut oil has gained special popularity in the field of cosmetics, the truth is that its uses go much further, since we can use it to cook and prepare natural remedies against multiple ailments. These include skin problems such as dermatitis, scabies, ringworm, irritations, dry skin or infections. In this way, we can apply coconut oil directly on the damaged skin of the animal and let it act, since it has antiseptic, moisturizing, soothing and antibacterial properties
Can natural oils be mixed to treat dermatitis in dogs?
Of course!, all natural oils can be mixed, as long as they are NOT essential oils, but natural and vegetable, since we must bear in mind that the natural ones are much more moisturizing, soothing and regenerating, in addition to not being harmful in case of ingestion by licking. Essential oils, if ingested, are toxic, which is why we encourage you to prepare oils at home at all times.
![Home remedies for dermatitis in dogs - Natural oils for atopic dermatitis in dogs Home remedies for dermatitis in dogs - Natural oils for atopic dermatitis in dogs](https://i.fascinatesanimals.com/images/002/image-3382-3-j.webp)
Oatmeal for dermatitis in dogs: properties and uses
Oatmeal is a highly beneficial cereal for the general he alth of dogs and humans due to its high nutritional value[1] andpotent medicinal properties Thus, it is rich in vitamins, mineral s alts such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, carbohydrates and fiber, mainly. For all these reasons, including it in your dog's diet will bring great benefits, and a very simple way to do it is by preparing simple cookies like these: "Oatmeal and honey cookies for dogs".
Focusing on the natural treatment of dermatitis in dogs, oatmeal is anti-inflammatory, emollient, sedative and remineralizing, so it is indicated to relieve itching and reduce the inflammation To achieve this, we recommend opting for oatmeal, which can be prepared at home by finely grinding oat flakes. Once achieved, you can prepare a natural mask by mixing two tablespoons of flour with two tablespoons of apple infusion and one teaspoon of honey. Both chamomile and honey are healing and soothing, which is why their use is recommended for these cases. Then simply apply a generous layer to the affected areas and leave for 15-20 minutes. The solution will be removed with a cloth moistened with warm water or chamomile tea.
Oatmeal bath for atopic dermatitis in dogs
Another very effective way to use oatmeal to relieve itching and irritation is by making a bath with it. How? Very simple, by adding a cup of oatmeal to the tub half filled with warm water and mixing well. Once dissolved, the dog is introduced very carefully, caressing it at all times to avoid stress, calming it down and, if necessary, rewarding it with its favorite treats. What we want to achieve is that the animal lasts as long as possible in the bathtub so that we can wet it with the solution and gently massage the affected parts.
Afterwards, we will rinse the dog well and dry it avoiding the dryer.
Aloe vera for dermatitis in dogs
Aloe vera is one of the most widely used remedies in natural medicine due to its incredible results and low cost. Focusing on the subject that concerns us here, we emphasize that its topical application is not toxic or harmful to dogs, on the contrary, it is highly beneficial for treating dermatitis and other allergic reactionsthanks to its moisturizing, toning, healing, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Of course, it is essential to prevent the animal from ingesting it, as it could cause digestive disorders.
The best way to use aloe vera for dermatitis in dogs is by extracting the pulp found inside the leaf and applying it directly to the skin, massaging gently twice a week.
Other home remedies to treat dermatitis in dogs
Although the above natural remedies are the most effective and accessible, there are other medicinal plants with which we can prepare simple solutions that relieve symptoms of this skin condition so annoying for dogs.
Also known as chicken feet or foot of Christ, this plant can be applied topically on areas affected by dermatitis, irritated or with wounds due to scratching with the oil. It is healing and anti-inflammatory, so if we do not find the oil we can use the root, boiling 30 grams of it in a liter of water for 10-15 minutes. Once the preparation is warm, it is used to baths
Yevpatorio or canabina
The most widespread use of this plant is as a purgative, to purify and detoxify the body. However, it is also known for its healing, antiseptic and antibiotic properties, which is why it has been used since time immemorial for the natural treatment of skin problems such as infections, herpes or dermatitis. In this way, we can make a simple infusion by boiling a handful of leaves in a liter of water and washing the affected areas with the solution once lukewarm.
This home remedy for dermatitis in dogs is especially indicated for those cases in which the clinical picture has been complicated by the presence of opportunistic bacteria.
This natural product is not only useful to be combined with other remedies mentioned here, but it is also a powerful healing, moisturizing and humectantby itself. In this way, we can apply a layer of honey on the skin and let it act, preventing the animal from ingesting it.
Shea Butter
One of the best remedies for atopic and seborrheic dermatitis in dogs for its nutritive, moisturizing and regenerating properties. A generous layer should be applied to the skin and let act as much as the dog can take.