Low Platelets in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

Low Platelets in Dogs - Causes and Treatment
Low Platelets in Dogs - Causes and Treatment
Low Platelets in Dogs - Causes and Treatment
Low Platelets in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

The function of platelets is blood clotting, this is what explains why low platelets in dogs can lead to to hemorrhages of greater or lesser severity. We will talk about precisely this situation in this article on our site: the causes and treatment of low platelets in dogs

We can find out the number of platelets a dog has by doing a blood test at our trusted veterinary clinic, a very basic diagnostic test. Then it will be up to the vet to determine why our dog has an altered number of platelets and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Thrombocytopenia in Dogs

thrombocytopenia refers to low platelet counts in dogs. This can have negative consequences for your he alth because, as we have said, platelets are involved in blood clotting. So, if a dog's platelets are very low, he could bleed out just from getting hurt. Severe internal bleeding can cause shock and even death

The number of platelets a dog has is determined by taking and analyzing a blood sampleYour coagulation function can also be studied. Of course, the number of platelets in dogs does not tell us what it is due to, so the veterinarian will have to discover the cause.

Platelets can be missing due to insufficient production, massive destruction or excessive consumption. Symptoms occur when thrombocytopenia is severe. The opposite case would be high platelets in dogs, which could cause thrombi. It would be thrombocytosis, very rare in dogs.

Low Platelets in Dogs - Causes and Treatment - Thrombocytopenia in Dogs
Low Platelets in Dogs - Causes and Treatment - Thrombocytopenia in Dogs

How to know if a dog has low platelets?

As a symptom of low platelets in dogs we can highlight hemorrhages, that is, if we observe that the dog makes a wound that does not stop bleeding, we appreciate hematomas on any part of your body or bleeding from the nose or mucous membranes. In this case we would observe that the dog has blood coming out of its mouth. Thrombocytopenia will be among the possible causes and the veterinarian will need to diagnose why the platelets are abnormally low.

Other times there is not a direct hemorrhage, but a stippling that we can detect in hairless areas such as the inside of the ears, the mouth or belly. They are the petechiae In addition, we could notice blood in the dog's feces or that the dog urinates blood. Unlike other disorders, thrombocytopenia can be seen in dogs of any age, as it can be caused by hereditary diseases.

Causes of thrombocytopenia in dogs

Some causes of low platelets in dogs are as follows:

  • Hemophilia: hereditary disease that causes coagulation disorders. It is transmitted by females but generally males suffer from it. Affected animals should not breed.
  • von Willebrand's disease: the absence of a clotting factor is responsible for bleeding that cannot be controlled. It is hereditary, which discourages breeding with them.
  • Coagulation disorders: in addition to the pathologies mentioned, there are various alterations in coagulation factors. They are also hereditary.
  • Immune-mediated pathologies: in these cases it is the dog's own immune system that attacks and destroys its own platelets. They are usually idiopathic, that is, of unknown origin.
  • Leukemia: This type of cancer affects blood components. For example, we can find low leukocytes and platelets in affected dogs, but erythrocytes, eosinophils, etc. can also be decreased. These dogs will have, among other signs, fever, anorexia, anemia or weight loss.
  • CID: This is an acquired bleeding disorder that is triggered by a serious situation such as some tumors, infections, or circumstances such as stroke. heatstroke. It is disseminated intravascular coagulation. It consists of the expenditure of all coagulation factors so that, when they are depleted, bleeding is triggered. It usually leads to the death of the dog.
  • Vitamin K deficiency: is another acquired disorder that is usually related to poisoning with products such as rodenticides. The prognosis will depend on the severity of the poisoning.

Finally, keep in mind that some drugs can also lower the number of platelets.

How to raise a dog's platelets?

The first thing is to establish a correct and quick diagnosisfor those low platelets in our dog, especially if he has active bleeding. To solve this situation it is necessary to increase the number of platelets. This regulates coagulation and stops bleeding.

This is achieved with a transfusion of fresh whole blood, which is also recommended to stabilize the dog that has already lost a large amount in the hemorrhage. Of course, this treatment will be established by the veterinarian. If there is destruction of platelets due to involvement of the immune system, corticoids will also be prescribed to stop it. The rest of the medication will depend on the cause of the thrombocytopenia.

Therefore, we cannot talk about home remedies for low platelets in dogs, as veterinary intervention is going to be required. Yes, we can favor the recovery of the dog depending on the cause responsible for the deficit, providing it with quality food and proper hydration.
